Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Thanks Willa! I got tired of the other one already! LOL

I change mine often too but it's never a cuty face like yours

Believe it or not, I still don't have a numeric camera... hahaha


Active member
WOW Rach look @ ur stunning new av u sexy beast u !!!

How is everyone doing??? Its 3am here and I am WIDE awake and need to be up for work in 3 hours ARGHHHH!!!

I am doing well on diet and am really motivated still... but then again it is only week three lol...
Thanks for all the welcomes, I have to drop in here more often u guys can certainly talk :p hehe

I am going to go have a warm relaxing bath and try and get my butt to bed

Have a great day guys

EDITED TO ADD- Id love to join in on the chrissie challenge and am going to be aiming for 15kgs loss which equates to around 30 lbs. Yes I know it seems a lil excessive BUT it is only just over 1kgs a week (roughly 2 lbs) and at the moment I am losing double that so although I may start out fast I am sure it will slow down but I really really want to push myself before Christmas so that I have the results and motivation NOT to ruin it! ( I have A LOT of weight to lose to get to goal & am embarrassed to admit how MASSIVE it is)


Well-known member
Rbeeeeeeeeeeella! What's wrong, love? It kills me that such a lovely person is so sad.

I have been up since 5:30am (I went to sleep at 3). So far I have had 8 cups of coffee. I'm finishing up a paper and then it's back to studying for a midterm (but I got my Manish ahahaha). I getting queasy from all this coffee and not having food in my tummy but there isn't anything to eat here (that wouldn't involve defrosting a chicken haha) and I'm a bit at a loss.

Gigglepot, I'm down for the challenge, but I think my goal will be about half your goal. I don't want to miss my mark and be discouraged (but if I exceed it... then yay!)


Well-known member
I think we should all list out goal weight loss ...Not our weight...But how much we want to loose by the challenge date...I want to put that little bar down at the bottom of my sig but haven't figured it out yet

I want to loose 15 by 11/30 and 20 by 12/25


Well-known member
Wow, I missed a lot of post! Tish you are just killing it with your healthy eating, you have so much will power! You'll be losing weight in NO time! So far today I've had.....
Half piece of pita bread w/ about 3 tbsp of hummus
1 can of light progresso(I think it amounts to about 2 servings but at about 60 calories for each)
I'll prob. have my bf pick me up a small coffee from Nordstrom on his way home....
I don't know about dinner yet, probably some grilled chick. w/ a side of rice and veggies(let's hope, lol)

*I'm up for the challenge as well...I'm going to say 10 lbs. for me
*Rbella! Don't feel bad, tell us what's up, I think holding everything inside will only make it worse ...


Well-known member
It's only easy for me now ONLY because I am home everyday...If I was at work I would be snacking..going out for lunch etc...Drinking sodas...Hitting the vending machines...I don't have that stuff at home so it's working to my advantage...I am riding my bike but not as agressive as I should...the weather has been crappy the last few days!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think we should all list out goal weight loss ...Not our weight...But how much we want to loose by the challenge date...I want to put that little bar down at the bottom of my sig but haven't figured it out yet

I want to loose 15 by 11/30 and 20 by 12/25

OK, I am totally down with this. I am terrified as I have not weighed myself in a while......but I will have to if I am to properly gauge my progress.

I just hate my body right now. *cries* I don't want/need to be skinny, I just do not want to feel nauseous when I look in the mirror.

*pulls herself together* - I am going to target 15 lbs lost by Christmas Day. To me that seems more than reasonable. I'd rather under promise and over deliver.

So, count me in.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
It's only easy for me now ONLY because I am home everyday...If I was at work I would be snacking..going out for lunch etc...Drinking sodas...Hitting the vending machines...I don't have that stuff at home so it's working to my advantage...I am riding my bike but not as agressive as I should...the weather has been crappy the last few days!

No way, I am the exact opposite, I eat so bad when I'm at home! When I'm at work I kind of forget to eat because I keep busy, but i have a lot of really bad stuff at my house(my bf is a body builder)he eats anything and everything....the weather has been crappy here too...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
OK, I am totally down with this. I am terrified as I have not weighed myself in a while......but I will have to if I am to properly gauge my progress.

I just hate my body right now. *cries* I don't want/need to be skinny, I just do not want to feel nauseous when I look in the mirror.

*pulls herself together* - I am going to target 15 lbs lost by Christmas Day. To me that seems more than reasonable. I'd rather under promise and over deliver.

So, count me in.

YAYYY!!! You are not alone...My naked body makes me

But we are going to fix our self image...One less bite at a time and one more step at a time!!! Go Girls...Yes We Can...Do this!!!

Hey guess what my hubby bought me some exercise games for the Wii YEAHHH...I'm getting bored with Tennis although it is a good work out!!


Well-known member
If I have something at home that I am really craving, then I will it eat nonstop. Sometimes, I don't have no self control. At work... i just want to eat all day... probably because I am so bored most of the time.

MzzRach - I feel the same way about my body... sometimes i don't look in the mirror for days because i hate what i see. I have such a poor self image of myself.

I hate the way i look... most of the time I am disgusted with myself.

I am so glad that we are going to do the xmas challenge. I have written down everybody's goals. I know we can all do it.

I want to thank you ladies for all of your encouragement... you have been wonderful. Love all of you to bits!!!


Well-known member
Being realistic, I would say I'd like to lose 20 pounds until christmas but I'll play safe and say that my goal is 15.

Count me in!

At home with my man we already talked about me reaching this goal, so I guess doing it with you girls will double the fun of it.


Well-known member
Hey girls,
You are all so sweet to me. I'm just having some major bouts of depression. My clock is ticking and me and hubby are on opposite ends of the spectrum with regard to kids. I love him and he is perfect, but since he is younger than me, he won't want them till I can't have them. (I have repro issues). So, I've just been eating myself into a frenzy.

Anyway, sorry for the big downer. Just having to deal with a lot right now. Hubby said if I want them, we could have them. But, I don't think it is right to bring children into the world (if you can control it) unless both parties are willing and happy participants.

Just kinda blue and feeling bad about myself. Please don't hate on Mr. Rbella for this. He really is a gem, just too overworked and tired for kids. I understand where he is coming from b/c up until about 6 mos ago, I was totally anti-children.

I hope to try and get back into some kind of healthy eating plan. I am ballooning and can't live like this much longer. I'm so unhealthy.

Mel-you really are an inspiration. You are amazing.

Willa, Mel, Tish, MzzRach, Aleksis, Lizzie, Kayteuk-love you guys. And anyone else I might have missed. HUGS to you all!!!

Thanks for listening. You guys are the best!!


Well-known member
Oh my dear rbella.....I don't have the words. All I know is that I am unhappy because you are hurting. And this is something you need to work through with your man.

I have been struggling with depression for 2 years now, so I can relate keenly to that. Depression f*cking sucks, it really does.

You will get back on track and you WILL get through this. Know that.

I am here if you need anything at all.


Well-known member
Thanks, Mzz. Depression sucks so bad. I sometimes don't even want to get out of bed. I can't stand it.

I will be contacting you!! Count on it!! Most likely manana, as hubby needs the computer to work. again.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you are hurting, I am in love with your personality when you are happy, you're hilarious! Hopefully, you feel better soon. I respect your decision regarding children more than you will know. I can only hope that very very soon you will feel better about food/health and life in general. I'll be thinking about you! Check in anytime, regarding w/e!