Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Your look as in? Hairstyle, Makeup, Style of Dress, Body??
I am not sure I understand?
Because honestly no matter how much weight I gan, how much makeup I do or do not wear, My dh always tells me how beautiful I am...**Shut Up I know he is Lying
or Crazy
!!! But he swears he means it....And I really think he does because he always compliments me no matter how bummy I look and he always has since we first met.

By my body
Because during autumn and winter I don't shave my legs as often as I would do during summer, and he doesnt like it. I took it very personnal

He tells me often I'm beautiful, but the way he said it last night I was sad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
By my body
Because during autumn and winter I don't shave my legs as often as I would do during summer, and he doesnt like it. I took it very personnal

He tells me often I'm beautiful, but the way he said it last night I was sad.

Oh honey I wouldn't take that personal...His preference is just cleaned shaved legs...I wouldn't take that as an insult by any means. Thats just like I prefer my husband without a beard...and when it starts growing in I quickly tell him he needs to shave that sandpaper off his face. He knows I am not personally attacking him..Just letting him know what I like and what turns me on. My husband likes a totally hairless me too
so I try to keep it all clean..I slip at times...And he does remind me...But I don;t take it as an insult. I think we are so self conscious about other things with our body it just hurts our feelings no matter what they say at this time that appears negative. But I honestly don't think he meant it as a insult just as I would prefer it if you would keep your legs the way I like them???


Well-known member
I know it wasnt an insult, but it was a big slap in the face : DO something before you lose him!
But you know, it's ok he told me, I can now put this in my bag of motivating thoughts (sp?)...



Well-known member
I agree...He probably just feels like she knows I like her legs shaved..why doesn't she just shave them for me...Men have no idea what we go thru on a daily basis...But they like what they like...I have had to make some severe changes in my marriage because I thought I was about to loose my husband. But as we know better we do better! I am really making a conscious effort of trying to do most of the things that I know my husband not only wants from me..but needs from me. It just is what it is. They are creatures of habit..and it doesn't take much to please them..so doing the small things they ask of us is very important to them.

I am sorry it hurt your feelings! But I know you will be fine and this will help you moving forward! Big Hugggzzz


Well-known member
Look at your PM...I sent you a msg...I'm about to leave in 30 mins

Read your msg and Let MzzRach know... so she can text me! I'm gone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
have been eating like a pig and sitting on my ass for almost a week...
I got sick on Thursday and then I went to Yosemite NP on Saturday and sprained my ankle on one leg and hurt my knee on the other.
I don't want to go into details, but I feel like a fat, useless shut in.

hope everyone's doing well. I'm in a bit of a funk and wont be checking in for a while.

Do what you need to do sweety, but we are here for the good. And for the bad, I really hope you start feeling better soon though.

My day so far has been meh, too much coffee, but I ate okay. Lunch was a prefab dinner, turkey potatoes and peas, and too much fat and calories I'm sure but was super lazy. It could have been worse.

My halloween costumes arrived and none of them fit. Darn fat arms and bust. I bought the biggest size in two styles hoping one would fit. Ironically the one that is suppose to be a 22 fits me the best (i'm at the large end of a 26). Only because its lace up so the laces splay open and show off my bra LOL . I think I can wear a tank or sew in a little insert though to make it work BUT it is also way too short (i'm 5'11 and 3/4 inches and because its tight it doesn't exactly lay flat either. Not sure I will wear either of them going to call up my friend who sews and see if she would help me out on the weekend to see if we can do SOMETHING with either of them to make them work. She helped me pick them out too so I trust her ideas and opinions. She ROCKS...

My dad was like you have 2 weeks, somehow I doubt I can lose an Inch let alone the 5 or 6 i would need to lose to SQUISH into the nicer one I bought. Oh well maybe next year I can have someone take it in and use it then. I plan on being smaller than that by next october. Or maybe I'll just randomly wear a maid marion dress like a crazy woman for no good reason when I finally lose enough weight to fit my chest into it. ~L~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Girls, how do you deal with the fact that your man can sometimes be rebutted by your look?

I don't really know what to do and I am a little bit ashamed of what he told me last night...

My bf says things about my hairy legs all the time! lol But the hair is blonde, so it makes me especially lazy! Don't feel ashamed, just tell your man that it hurt your feelings, he'll understand!

Originally Posted by melliquor
Good morning ladies.

Tish... that drink sounds yummy. I will have to see if we have something similiar here. Thanks.

I am still feeling really horrible. I am not going to work today... just going to rest and lay around all day. I will still try to get some walking in at some point.

Don't know what i am having today.

D... Chicken Casserole w/ loads of veggies and dumplings & mashed potatoes

I'm sorry you don't feel good...
def. try to walk some, it always makes me feel a little better...not really because of the exercise so much as just being outside...I always go out and feed all the ducks and Iguanas around my lake
..p.s. Dinner sounds great!
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Do what you need to do sweety, but we are here for the good. And for the bad, I really hope you start feeling better soon though.

My day so far has been meh, too much coffee, but I ate okay. Lunch was a prefab dinner, turkey potatoes and peas, and too much fat and calories I'm sure but was super lazy. It could have been worse.

My halloween costumes arrived and none of them fit. Darn fat arms and bust. I bought the biggest size in two styles hoping one would fit. Ironically the one that is suppose to be a 22 fits me the best (i'm at the large end of a 26). Only because its lace up so the laces splay open and show off my bra LOL . I think I can wear a tank or sew in a little insert though to make it work BUT it is also way too short (i'm 5'11 and 3/4 inches and because its tight it doesn't exactly lay flat either. Not sure I will wear either of them going to call up my friend who sews and see if she would help me out on the weekend to see if we can do SOMETHING with either of them to make them work. She helped me pick them out too so I trust her ideas and opinions. She ROCKS...

My dad was like you have 2 weeks, somehow I doubt I can lose an Inch let alone the 5 or 6 i would need to lose to SQUISH into the nicer one I bought. Oh well maybe next year I can have someone take it in and use it then. I plan on being smaller than that by next october. Or maybe I'll just randomly wear a maid marion dress like a crazy woman for no good reason when I finally lose enough weight to fit my chest into it. ~L~

the arms on things are ALWAYS too small on me....plus i have really small boobs so if i go up a size, it loosks weird! I'm def. getting a boob job one day and I'm taking in a picture of Tish! Serious.haha!...but anyway you are SO tall! I thought I had a hard time with things being short on me(I'm about 5'8" and 3/4)...do you have a torso or leg problem? Pants fit me fine but shirts are always waaaay too short on me! I look like a giant trying to fit into kids clothes lol...Hopefully your friend can alter everything for you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Good morning ladies.

Tish... that drink sounds yummy. I will have to see if we have something similiar here. Thanks.

I am still feeling really horrible. I am not going to work today... just going to rest and lay around all day. I will still try to get some walking in at some point.

Don't know what i am having today.

D... Chicken Casserole w/ loads of veggies and dumplings & mashed potatoes

Hey Mel...Got your Lightscapade...it's so pretty!!!


Well-known member
Thank you... thank you... thank you!!!!!!!!!

I bloody love Lightscapade... i already have 1 backup and on my second one. It is my 2nd fav MSF... EVER.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Thank you... thank you... thank you!!!!!!!!!

I bloody love Lightscapade... i already have 1 backup and on my second one. It is my 2nd fav MSF... EVER.

What's your first???


Well-known member
Helllooooo Ladiess....
....lol Today so far I have eaten
B-Tangerine and Full throttle energy drink(relax! it was sugar-free!)Didn't feel like making coffee!
L-Lunchable, the taco kind, my fav.(since I was so good for breakfast!)...I LOVE lunchables, every1 thinks it's so weird lol
D-No idea...I'm thinking either a lean pocket or Sushi


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
What's your first???

Stereo Rose!!!!! I have two and still barely use it because i am TERRIFIED that i will never see it again. I think if it was ever repromoted... i would buy 10 of them.

I even have Pleasureflush and don't love that as much as Stereo Rose and Lightscapade.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
L-Lunchable, the taco kind, my fav.(since I was so good for breakfast!)...I LOVE lunchables, every1 thinks it's so weird lol
D-No idea...I'm thinking either a lean pocket or Sushi

I love lunchables as well... my fav is the ham & cheese. I don't know how much the taco one is but the ham & cheese is soooo many points.

Oh... i haven't had a lean pocket in 7 years... not since i left the US... we don't have them here. I used to really like them.

I am a bit hungry right now... but don't want to eat anything. I am not feeling too well.

Today, I ate really good but still feeling a little unwell. I still managed to walk alot... just did stuff around the house and went to the store a few times.

B... apple
L... french toast
D... chicken casserole (didn't eat much of this. I hate cooking food when i have to eat it... it really freaks me out seeing uncooked food.)
S... a few m&m w/ peanuts. (fancied some chocolate) and another apple

Have a good evening ladies... off to bed now.


Well-known member
B: n/a I know Shush

L: Diet Dr. Pepper Double Shush

D: Grilled Chick Fila Sandwich no mayo

Diet Dr. Pepper

I am trying to get better with my eating...But I have been on the run all day.....I didn't even have time to make me a Protein Smoothie


Well-known member
Hey Girlies so got back from my workout.

10 minutes rowing machine (kinda half efforted though cuz its not what I WANTED to be doing)
25 minutes treadmill
25 minutes eliptical
and maybe 10-15 minutes of weight training. nothing too much but enough that I could tell myself I wasn't 'just doing cardio' cuz I don't want to be a hypocrit and I've told the gals in my office challenge that we need to up our weight training if we want to have any hope of beating the boys.... lol

Supper was, okay my dad made it and I had a lil too much, for my diet, but I worked out enough that it balances I think. As long as I keep working out that much.

I think I did okay today, being the 'biggest loser' yesterday helped motivate me i have to keep it up now . I think my ideal day will contain at least 45 minutes to one hour of cardio, and 1/2 hour weight training, I think tomorrow I'll try to do my pilates video too, i have a beginner mat one. Its beginner but i think it will be super hard for me b/c my core is VERY weak right now.

I have a blister on the back of my feet
so gotta tend to it. Got to the drug store tomorrow and get moleskin to protect them Hopefully my "day off" sunday will heal them. Will have to do things that don't need shoes on sunday, yup, pilates, and random jumping around my living room to music w/ no real choreography... lol...


Well-known member
Fabulous!!! I was too busy shopping for all my girls today!! I rode my bike this morning and did nothing else productive from that point on!


Well-known member
Good job snowflake!!...Just remember 1 of the things my dad always told me was DO NOT burn yourself out...he said he used to work @ a gym when he was younger and he only worked out 3 days a week(sounded like nothing to me at the time) and he used to say the people that would go in there 5/6/7 days a week would do it for about 2 months and then he wouldn't see them for another 2 months lol but I'm only telling you because it really is true....p.s. I hate preachy people but he's built like the Hulk and has been working out for YEARS, so I always tried to listen to at least him...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Fabulous!!! I was too busy shopping for all my girls today!! I rode my bike this morning and did nothing else productive from that point on!

Your girls appreciate it!



Well-known member
I am feeling alot better today. I got up early and started cooking my sauce. I fancied some italian sausages and homemade sauce today. I am going to try and only eat fruit all day so i can have tons at dinner. It is such an effort to cook sauce... it takes like 5 hours.

I am going to go to Asda, like Walmart, in a short while and look for some black trousers for work and get some WW snacks and treats. I have been missing having cakes and sweets. I have a real sweet tooth... my favourite cakes are cherry bakewells and WW makes them for only 2.5 pts.

Then I am off to the westend to look around for some more clothes and just try on some things. I really need some new clothes... i did another cleansing yesterday and through away everything else that didn't fit me.

I am down to 5 pairs of work trousers (4 are a size too big), 1 pair of cords, and 2 pairs of jeans (getting big on me now). I still have all of my tops and tshirts... those you can get away with it more if they are big.

I have dropped 2 sizes
since i have started. I am happy about dropping sizes but i want to shop for clothes but it seems like such a waste of money. I bought clothes about 6 weeks ago and they were a little snug... and now they are huge on me. I spent alot of money on them. Especially now that i have loads of stores to shop at and before i can only shop in one because of my size. I want to go and spend loads of money on clothes.

Anyways... today i am going to go see if there is any sales and clothes that i can pick up on the cheap. I did splurge and spent £70 on a sweater the other day... but i love it and it was from my fave store that i could never fit into the clothes before.

Today i will be eating...

B... apple
L... grapes and melon
D... 3 sausages, spaghetti, parm cheese, and loads of bread
S... Cherry bakewell (if i have any points from dinner left)

Have a good day ladies.