I am feeling alot better today. I got up early and started cooking my sauce. I fancied some italian sausages and homemade sauce today. I am going to try and only eat fruit all day so i can have tons at dinner. It is such an effort to cook sauce... it takes like 5 hours.
I am going to go to Asda, like Walmart, in a short while and look for some black trousers for work and get some WW snacks and treats. I have been missing having cakes and sweets. I have a real sweet tooth... my favourite cakes are cherry bakewells and WW makes them for only 2.5 pts.
Then I am off to the westend to look around for some more clothes and just try on some things. I really need some new clothes... i did another cleansing yesterday and through away everything else that didn't fit me.
I am down to 5 pairs of work trousers (4 are a size too big), 1 pair of cords, and 2 pairs of jeans (getting big on me now). I still have all of my tops and tshirts... those you can get away with it more if they are big.
I have dropped 2 sizes
since i have started. I am happy about dropping sizes but i want to shop for clothes but it seems like such a waste of money. I bought clothes about 6 weeks ago and they were a little snug... and now they are huge on me. I spent alot of money on them. Especially now that i have loads of stores to shop at and before i can only shop in one because of my size. I want to go and spend loads of money on clothes.
Anyways... today i am going to go see if there is any sales and clothes that i can pick up on the cheap. I did splurge and spent £70 on a sweater the other day... but i love it and it was from my fave store that i could never fit into the clothes before.
Today i will be eating...
B... apple
L... grapes and melon
D... 3 sausages, spaghetti, parm cheese, and loads of bread
S... Cherry bakewell (if i have any points from dinner left)
Have a good day ladies.