Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor




I was just checking out your menu for the day... i would add some protein and maybe a little more carbs... otherwise great menu for the day.

Thankyou Guy! :-D

And Mel thanks sometimes I get overwhelmed but usually my snack will sort of make up for it. I contemplated eating a gob of peanut butter b/c it had protein and carbs, BUT then all that fat so I skipped it. THough I did add a fruit w/ yoghurt snack after around 2 pm so the milk/pineapple would have carbs, I had a cucumber around 3pm (small english one) all to myself I tried to eat some cheese with it but didn't feel like it the cheese was too ruberry or something for me. I ate a couple tiny peices off my cube and was like meh...

Super tonight.

2 chicken breasts chopped up FAKE sauteed (in other words, i used WATER in a non stick pan lol) 1 large onion, a little red cabage, 3 celery stalks 2 cups frozen brocolli, 1 can mushrooms and a little frozen ginger, pepper and garlic. All boiled/fake fried up with (too much but i lurve it ) 1/4 cup soya sauce. NO i didn't eat all that, it was for me and my dad. Vegeful supper, We'll get our carbs with desert, yoghurt and fruit again for me.

Argh gotta drag myself to get ready to go to the gym... not feelin it butI NEED to lol
I set my DVR to record CSI and Grey's anatomy... i wish I could find my ipod though. Working out with no music is yucky!


Well-known member

Youuuu Whoooo - Got the Protein Drink

Ok I bought it...Unfortunately we were looking at the 12oz not the Larger container..It was $30.00 BUT...anyway I purchased the French Vanilla ...then I went to the store and bought Fat Free Milk, and lots of frozen fruit (strawberries, peaches, blueberries & raspberries) I put it in the blender w/milk, ice, strawberries and 1/2 sliced banana (before they spoil) and it is DELICIOUS!!! It tasted just like a Strawberry Banana Milkshake.
The total calories of the entire drink is less than 200 total. YEAHHH and it filled me up completely!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

Youuuu Whoooo - Got the Protein Drink

Ok I bought it...Unfortunately we were looking at the 12oz not the Larger container..It was $30.00 BUT...anyway I purchased the French Vanilla ...then I went to the store and bought Fat Free Milk, and lots of frozen fruit (strawberries, peaches, blueberries & raspberries) I put it in the blender w/milk, ice, strawberries and 1/2 sliced banana (before they spoil) and it is DELICIOUS!!! It tasted just like a Strawberry Banana Milkshake.
The total calories of the entire drink is less than 200 total. YEAHHH and it filled me up completely!!!

I KNEW you would like it!!! I have to try the French Vanilla now, I want a protein smoothie so BAD!!!
It's def. worth the price!!


Well-known member
I think so...It's 34 serving per container...so thats like less than .90 cent per glass!! Thank so much for the information. It was like a Jamba Juice Smoothie when I finished. My dh asked me to make him one after he tasted mine...Ok that knocks me down to 32 servings!! Ugghhh...They also had a Vanilla Praline...But I was too scared to try that. She said the French Vanilla is the best seller because you can add anything to it...Even cocoa if you like the chocolatey taste...which I don't...She said the strawberry is NOT very good...she said it is very bitter.


Well-known member
32 minutes eliptical
18 minutes treadmill
10 measly minutes of free weights

rawr, had a yoghurt when I got home, contemplating making myself a sugar free hot cocoa too watching greys anatomy yeah!
*setles in*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
32 minutes eliptical
18 minutes treadmill
10 measly minutes of free weights

rawr, had a yoghurt when I got home, contemplating making myself a sugar free hot cocoa too watching greys anatomy yeah!
*setles in*

Thank Goodness...You owrked out for both of us..
I have literally done NOTHING today!! You did great!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think so...It's 34 serving per container...so thats like less than .90 cent per glass!! Thank so much for the information. It was like a Jamba Juice Smoothie when I finished. My dh asked me to make him one after he tasted mine...Ok that knocks me down to 32 servings!! Ugghhh...They also had a Vanilla Praline...But I was too scared to try that. She said the French Vanilla is the best seller because you can add anything to it...Even cocoa if you like the chocolatey taste...which I don't...She said the strawberry is NOT very good...she said it is very bitter.

Well then I know which one I'll be getting next time! (just have to finish this nasty ass choc. one
)...SO happy that you like it...but next time time by it from supplement warehouse, such a good deal. I don't want my girlie missin out on a good deal...:p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
32 minutes eliptical
18 minutes treadmill
10 measly minutes of free weights

rawr, had a yoghurt when I got home, contemplating making myself a sugar free hot cocoa too watching greys anatomy yeah!
*setles in*

.....god I'm so lazy...you girls are kickin my A$$...that little clapping icon looks strangely sarcastic...I def. don't mean it that way snowflake, I'm actually really proud of you!


Well-known member
have been eating like a pig and sitting on my ass for almost a week...
I got sick on Thursday and then I went to Yosemite NP on Saturday and sprained my ankle on one leg and hurt my knee on the other.
I don't want to go into details, but I feel like a fat, useless shut in.

hope everyone's doing well. I'm in a bit of a funk and wont be checking in for a while.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
have been eating like a pig and sitting on my ass for almost a week...
I got sick on Thursday and then I went to Yosemite NP on Saturday and sprained my ankle on one leg and hurt my knee on the other.
I don't want to go into details, but I feel like a fat, useless shut in.

hope everyone's doing well. I'm in a bit of a funk and wont be checking in for a while.

Lizzie!!! Don't say That!! We have all been thru this!! If you are sick you are sick...I was worried because I didn't know what happened to you...I thought maybe Aleksis pooted or something!!!
I am just glad you are okay...You will get back on track, we all do! Just take one day at a time and get better!! We did not gain this weight overnight and I am learning it will not come off overnight!

Sending you big hugggzzzz


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Lizzie!!! Don't say That!! We have all been thru this!! If you are sick you are sick...I was worried because I didn't know what happened to you...I thought maybe Aleksis pooted or something!!!
I am just glad you are okay...You will get back on track, we all do! Just take one day at a time and get better!! We did not gain this weight overnight and I am learning it will not come off overnight!

Sending you big hugggzzzz

What she said.

We are here when you are ready to check back in.



Well-known member
Would you ladies please share the details on the protein shake mix you have been talking about? I would like to give this a whirl.


Well-known member
Yes it is Designer Whey Protein Supplement in French Vanilla
I bought mine at GNC...It's rated 5X Gold Metal Winner in taste ...It has 100 Calories per serving. You can just add water and drink it as a straight protien drink or you can add 1/2 cup skim milk/ice and frozen fruit and blend it to make into a smootie drink (my preference) This will make it @ 200 calories and a meal substitute. Aleksis said he father has been taking it for a long time and turned her on to it. But your body needs protein to burn stored fat. But it tasted delicious...Almost like something you would get a Jamba Juice or Smoothie King...My fitness instructor told me although I am eating very little if you do not put proteins in your body..Your body will just store the fat and not burn it. So I think this will really help me.
Aleksis gets hers at a discount store...But I just ran to GNC and it was $30 for a 34 glass serving. So I just got it because I did not want to wait on a mail order. But now that I have tasted it I will order it from now on. I went to Target and bought a few bags of Frozen Strawberries, Peaches, Mixed Fruit, Blueberries etc...So that I can make different flavors and not get bored.

GNC - Next Proteins™ Designer Whey™ - French Vanilla (2.1 lbs.)

Edited: It's actually has 40 servings per container...That is so worth the price for me! They have different flavors as well in smaller size containers.



Well-known member
lol...Lizzie don't leave, I have to put up with Tish's B.O. too ya know...muahaha...lmao...
.....I hope you feel better!!!Check in soon!!


Well-known member
Good morning ladies.

Tish... that drink sounds yummy. I will have to see if we have something similiar here. Thanks.

I am still feeling really horrible. I am not going to work today... just going to rest and lay around all day. I will still try to get some walking in at some point.

Don't know what i am having today.

D... Chicken Casserole w/ loads of veggies and dumplings & mashed potatoes


Well-known member
Girls, how do you deal with the fact that your man can sometimes be rebutted by your look?

I don't really know what to do and I am a little bit ashamed of what he told me last night...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Girls, how do you deal with the fact that your man can sometimes be rebutted by your look?

I don't really know what to do and I am a little bit ashamed of what he told me last night...

Your look as in? Hairstyle, Makeup, Style of Dress, Body??
I am not sure I understand?
Because honestly no matter how much weight I gan, how much makeup I do or do not wear, My dh always tells me how beautiful I am...**Shut Up I know he is Lying
or Crazy
!!! But he swears he means it....And I really think he does because he always compliments me no matter how bummy I look and he always has since we first met.