Mzz Rach : Thanks! I'm trying to hang in there definately, gotta make the healthier life style 'stick' more this time.
Tish: allow yourself cheats every once in a while , just work it in an let it go nods... :-D I'm sure you can earn the extra points with all the excercise you've been doing you probably had afew in the 'bank' {if WW still works that way...}
I was so lazy I couldn't make myself make breakfast so all I had was coffee this AM. And not until AFTER my weight in I was so scared to have gained weight haha .
We did our every two weeks for our office challenge and I was down 6.8 lbs I swear it was mostly water weight (aka I hadn't had a coffee yet even..) but I'll take not gaining anything for sure.
Lunch - BIG salad lots of lettuce and one small tomato, with 1/2 tbs balsamic viniger about 1/4 tsb honey and various pinches of spices, all mixed up for dressing. Decided to skip the oil and I think I like it better that way.
And Borscht (Beet soup) that my dad made on monday yum, no beef or any kind of meat or stock, just all vegetables all boiled up together really good.
and hot cocoa (t bsp cocoal powder, two packets of stevia, 1/4 cup skim milk, a cap ful of coconut flavored extract {my secret ingredient lol}) for 'desert'.
So far so good, need to grab something for a snack for this afternoon and force myself to the gym tonight. I can DO it right? get on the treadmill or eliptical for cardio (depending on whats available small gym only one of each) and some free weights.
Will check in later but gotta get ready to go back to work (and I really don't feel like it)