Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Great!! Welcome Back ....Well tell us the secret to the 20 lbs!!!

I lost 20lbs, by completely eliminating animal products. I finished the book "Skinny Bitch" on the night of July 1st and since the morning of July 2nd I have not consumed any animal products, unless i didnt know about them (restaurants) I am completely vegan and I love it. I feel better, I have stopped taking my topamax for migraines, I have more energy. I just feel different. I think to myself if i lost 20lbs without even trying, just eliminating animal products, then those foods must not be good for you. Now that i'm working out I feel even better. This is the longest I have ever stuck to something. Normally, if its a diet, i will do it for a couple weeks, cheat here and there, and then quit. But this way of eating, there is no cheating and quitting. Hope this helps someone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleDevil
I lost 20lbs, by completely eliminating animal products. I finished the book "Skinny Bitch" on the night of July 1st and since the morning of July 2nd I have not consumed any animal products, unless i didnt know about them (restaurants) I am completely vegan and I love it. I feel better, I have stopped taking my topamax for migraines, I have more energy. I just feel different. I think to myself if i lost 20lbs without even trying, just eliminating animal products, then those foods must not be good for you. Now that i'm working out I feel even better. This is the longest I have ever stuck to something. Normally, if its a diet, i will do it for a couple weeks, cheat here and there, and then quit. But this way of eating, there is no cheating and quitting. Hope this helps someone.

That is so great...One of my former clients and her husband was following this book...and they swear by it...They did loose weight but mainly they said the amount of energy they had was amazing...And they felt just overall healthy.
I am so glad it is working for you as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa

When I watch myself sometimes, I see myself as fat as her. I know I'm not, but I know that if I don't eat the right stuff, then I will.

Willa you are not fat like that. *I* Am fat like that! And people are mean, thats why Its hard to break out and get active. I am lucky I am in a small town with GOOD people who are mostly supportive and proud of me when I try.

Originally Posted by melliquor
Hey all...

Lost 1.5 lbs this week
... so my total is now 22 lbs in total. I am 3 lbs from my 10% lost.

I had for dinner 1/2 a small pizza. I decided to have it as my treat. I have lots of points left... will save them for later in the week. I am thinking of having a bacon roll or donut one day this week. I love having my treats.

Have a good evening ladies.

Congrats Mel you are doing WONDERFUL!!!!

I am okay, I did an hour of step+sculpt class today, didn't make it through the whole thing. I mean I moved through it for the whole thing but I didn't keep up through the last cardio combo and my reps were much slower than everyone elses so I could keep proper form.

Eating was Okay, i should have brought a snack though I was super shakey after step + sculp and I think part of it was that I didn't have something before hand. So weds I should remember to have a yoghurt just before the end of the day.

I probably won't make it to work out tomorrow I have other stuff going on, it makes me a little anxious because I feel like I should be putting in an hour a day right now b/c of the competition.

I slipped on the scale, for a second, I know our challenge we're weiging in every two weeks but I wanted to see how I was doing since thursday, It makes me nervous not to know. Havn't lost anything significant since thursday ( 0.8 of a lb doesn't count thats easily just water difference, I was wearing heavier clothes today though so MAYBE i lost a lb.. maybe...) which freaks me out, I know its not even a week but still obviously I need to work harder then...

I don't know if I have the motivation to do that though!

sorry just needed to vent!


Well-known member
SnowFlakeLashes....You can vent all you want...You deserve to take a day off...Competition or not we all get burnt out and just need a break...Do it for you and at your own pace..Either way you will be a winner in the end. We are all here for support and I am glad you live in a small town that truly supports your efforts..That is so helpful in this journey!

At least eat a banana or something before aerobics...You need to keep your potassium and energy levels up...Bananas also helps to keep you from getting cramps.

I think you are doing great! Just take one day at a time and you will do great!

We are not looking to be perfect...Just better!


Well-known member
Ok Ladies...You guys are going to have to help me later this week!

Ya'll know I worked in the Cosmetic Manufacturing Business...Well My friend is sending me 6 DazzleGlasses that are in boxes but the colors were mismarked on the actual products ...So they were rejected... we get a lot of the rejects from our clients because they are unsellable.
Anyway since I only have Sugarrimmed, Miss Dynamite & Baby Sparks...I'm gonna need the Dazzleglass experts to help me determine the colors. I am going to take pictures as soon as they arrive this week.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ok Ladies...You guys are going to have to help me later this week!

Ya'll know I worked in the Cosmetic Manufacturing Business...Well My friend is sending me 6 DazzleGlasses that are in boxes but the colors were mismarked on the actual products ...So they were rejected... we get a lot of the rejects from our clients because they are unsellable.
Anyway since I only have Sugarrimmed, Miss Dynamite & Baby Sparks...I'm gonna need the Dazzleglass experts to help me determine the colors. I am going to take pictures as soon as they arrive this week.

I love Dazzleglasses... i think i have about 9 of them. I will def try and help you.


Well-known member
Good Morning ladies.

I feel very motivated today. I am so pleased that i lost last week. Wasn't expecting it all.

I will be doing lots of walking again today and maybe 20 min of an exercise video. I am trying to start my exercise slow. I don't want to burnout because i am doing too much.

B... Chocolate cream Krispy Creme donut & 1/2 pint of milk
L... Country Vegetable Soup & bread roll
D... leftover pizza from yesterday & salad w/ balsamic vinegar dressing
S... apple and 2 clementines


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ok Ladies...You guys are going to have to help me later this week!

Ya'll know I worked in the Cosmetic Manufacturing Business...Well My friend is sending me 6 DazzleGlasses that are in boxes but the colors were mismarked on the actual products ...So they were rejected... we get a lot of the rejects from our clients because they are unsellable.
Anyway since I only have Sugarrimmed, Miss Dynamite & Baby Sparks...I'm gonna need the Dazzleglass experts to help me determine the colors. I am going to take pictures as soon as they arrive this week.

Glad to help if I can! I'll certainly give it a try.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Good Morning ladies.

I feel very motivated today. I am so pleased that i lost last week. Wasn't expecting it all.

I will be doing lots of walking again today and maybe 20 min of an exercise video. I am trying to start my exercise slow. I don't want to burnout because i am doing too much.

B... Chocolate cream Krispy Creme donut & 1/2 pint of milk
L... Country Vegetable Soup & bread roll
D... leftover pizza from yesterday & salad w/ balsamic vinegar dressing
S... apple and 2 clementines

Wow I have not had clementines since I was a little girl!! Sounds so yummy!!
I think you are doing great...Just don;t push yourself to hard or your body will fight back...Mine did that is why I have cut back on the exercising a little just not to plateau completely.


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I woke up very upset today as I realized something I bought was being shipped to the wrong address :::::faints:::::, but I 'somewhat' resolved it so let's cross our fingers and pray my MAC order arives safely...and not in the hands of someone else!!...
Anyway if I had alcohol @ the house that would be my breakfast...no seriously...I nearly had a panic attack...lol...I guess I'll settle for a coffee...I'll update later!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Good Morning ladies.

I feel very motivated today. I am so pleased that i lost last week. Wasn't expecting it all.

I will be doing lots of walking again today and maybe 20 min of an exercise video. I am trying to start my exercise slow. I don't want to burnout because i am doing too much.

B... Chocolate cream Krispy Creme donut & 1/2 pint of milk
L... Country Vegetable Soup & bread roll
D... leftover pizza from yesterday & salad w/ balsamic vinegar dressing
S... apple and 2 clementines

Sounds like you've got a great day planned out there! :-D

B - Yoghurt and a pear
L - Ground beef and asparagus and yoghurt and a pear (leftovers and fruit and yoghurt basically)

Not sure about dinner. Busy right after work until 7pm but I'm feeling not as fat right now even though i LOOK the same, I think my coworker's positivity who said she could see it in my face made me believe it even if its not really showing.

I think house cleaning (if that) is about as active as I might get...

Gotta run again! Best of days to you all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
Hello everyone! I woke up very upset today as I realized something I bought was being shipped to the wrong address :::::faints:::::, but I 'somewhat' resolved it so let's cross our fingers and pray my MAC order arives safely...and not in the hands of someone else!!...
Anyway if I had alcohol @ the house that would be my breakfast...no seriously...I nearly had a panic attack...lol...I guess I'll settle for a coffee...I'll update later!!

Well MAC ships UPS so you should be okay....If it was the Post Office..I would seriously be worried
I hope you get it soon...

I am so excited I depotted shadows for the first time today...so many I ran out of pans..on my way to the pro store to cash in.. She said I could get lipglass, eyeshadow, lipsticks or dazzleglass!! Yeahhh I have enough to get 6 items!! yippie


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well MAC ships UPS so you should be okay....If it was the Post Office..I would seriously be worried
I hope you get it soon...

I am so excited I depotted shadows for the first time today...so many I ran out of pans..on my way to the pro store to cash in.. She said I could get lipglass, eyeshadow, lipsticks or dazzleglass!! Yeahhh I have enough to get 6 items!! yippie

Tish - which depotting method did you use? I am scared of destroying my shadows by accident.........


Well-known member
It was so easy I used the one that was printed on here
I did not destroy any of them..I will take pics when I come back..It takes about 2-3 mins each shadow ... Here is the link with pictures. http://specktra.net/depotting.php

It was so FUN!!! I am on my way to the pro store to buy more palettes and return my empties. BTW they said they don't care about the aluminum pan or if the part that the pan sits in is melted..they just care about the container..which are in perfect tact.

However I pried (sp) mine apart with the blade part of a box cutter because I did not have a knife that thin

If you allow them to sit above the flame just before the container starts to melt, then stick you knife right around the edge gently..they pop right out..be carefu though they get a little hot..


Active member
Originally Posted by rbella
Ok, well I sure as hell am not posting my stats. Sorry, but I will tell you my goals and what not.

I am hoping to get back to a healthy weight and to increase my activity level. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs and gain lean muscle mass.

My first goal is to get through today without drinking a Dr. Pepper and without binging late tonight.

Ultimately, I would like to start scheduling my workouts into my life, but I don't think I'm ready to do that quite yet. I feel if I can get over the DP hurdle and binging hurdle, I will have made a MAJOR accomplishment.

So far, no DP's today. I have a gigantic headache, but I'm poppin Advil. We will see how later tonight goes.

Good luck Sky. I know we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!

I think completely stopping caffeine can give you headaches. I think it's good to cut back, but a can or even a diet dr. pepper (which isn't bad for a diet soda) would be okay. Good luck.


Well-known member
I'm back from my B2M trip

I didn't even use all my items because she just counted some of my plastic melted pans as an item..So cool!!

This is what I purchased (2) 15 shadow pallets $12 each
This is what I got from B2M

Ungaro Soft Flower e/s
Ungaro Mineral e/s
Ungaro Phloof e/s
Oyster Girl l/g
Moonstone Lipgelee
Ungaro Pastel Emotion l/g
Quiet, Please l/s
Angel l/s (always wanted to try this)
Baby Spark d/g
Sugarrimmed d/g

And she told me there is no limit to how many you can bring at one time....I just ran out of things that I thought I wanted!!


Well-known member
^That's awesome...I need to start depotting right away!!! edit: I called my local mac and they said they accept them w/ out the metal pan...yesss.