Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
If you mess up...Just start gain....My trick to is...even if I mess up the first part of the day...I do not use that as an excuse for it being okay to just mess up the rest of the day...I just try to do better each meal at a time.

I'm so bad about that lol , I think well i messes the day up , i'll just pick it up again tomorrow. I need to go get my weight watcher things out again ... I had forgotten about all of those and work with the point system.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I'm so bad about that lol , I think well i messes the day up , i'll just pick it up again tomorrow. I need to go get my weight watcher things out again ... I had forgotten about all of those and work with the point system.

I did to..I would say well I have already screwed up so I'll just eat what I want for the rest of the day... I am hooked on WW ... My mom lost 60 lbs in 5 months on WW ...and never exercised one day....she has kept it off for over 3 years now...Just by watching her portions. She still has her ice cream...sweets etc...just in moderation

Because you may find that you may have messed up earlier but you may be still within your points to have something light for the rest of the day...so you didn't really mess up.

Mel is my WW inspiration on this board...even when she messes up she still manages to get back on track and loose weight every week!! She is doing so great!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Mel is my WW inspiration on this board...even when she messes up she still manages to get back on track and loose weight every week!! She is doing so great!!

Oh Tish... thank you
!!! Sometimes, it is so easy and other days... it is so hard and i just want to give in. I got back on track from yesterday... i didn't go over that much and i can make it up hopefully. I may STS this week though. I hope not... i really want to lose a little more before i go back home.

I couldn't eat all day today because i was so excited about going back home but i just made up the points for my dinner. I feel sick though... ate way too much.

B... apple
L... 1/2 bowl of soup & bread roll
S... raisins
D... Eggs, bacon, home fries, and toast.
S... WW Cherry Bakewell

Have a nice evening ladies... off to do some exercise after my fattening dinner.


Well-known member
OK. So I have been madly struggling with getting back into my exercise vibe, but today I got up early and did my super brisk walk early this morning before work.

My plan is to do that 5 days a week. I've done it before and will do it again. Just need to get back in the habit. This year has been so brutal for me (my mom's extended illness and passing in July, insane work stress) but no more excuses.

Onward and upward.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
OK. So I have been madly struggling with getting back into my exercise vibe, but today I got up early and did my super brisk walk early this morning before work.

My plan is to do that 5 days a week. I've done it before and will do it again. Just need to get back in the habit. This year has been so brutal for me (my mom's extended illness and passing in July, insane work stress) but no more excuses.

Onward and upward.

You Go Girl!!!
Walk it Off

I am so sorry to hear about your Mom..My grammy died July 20th and It still tugs at my heart strings..So I know how it must be when it's your Mom...Big Huggsss


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

Mel is my WW inspiration on this board...even when she messes up she still manages to get back on track and loose weight every week!! She is doing so great!!

Totally agree! Mel is my WW hero.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
You Go Girl!!!
Walk it Off

I am so sorry to hear about your Mom..My grammy died July 20th and It still tugs at my heart strings..So I know how it must be when it's your Mom...Big Huggsss

Thank you Tish. I am so sorry about your gram.

My mom fought non-Hodgkins Lymphoma for 2.5 years, the last 3 weeks of her life she was living with me and she was in hospice care. I was essentially taking care of her 24/7 while trying to keep up my full-time work schedule. It is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I am still trying to cope with it emotionally, honestly. I was doing "great" for awhile, but then it was like the other shoe dropped. The grief/loss process can be very strange.

Anyway, again, I am sorry for your loss. It's so hard. It's definitely been a factor in my lack of looking after myself properly. One of the best gifts I can give myself is to get stronger and healthier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Thank you Tish. I am so sorry about your gram.

My mom fought non-Hodgkins Lymphoma for 2.5 years, the last 3 weeks of her life she was living with me and she was in hospice care. I was essentially taking care of her 24/7 while trying to keep up my full-time work schedule. It is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I am still trying to cope with it emotionally, honestly. I was doing "great" for awhile, but then it was like the other shoe dropped. The grief/loss process can be very strange.

Anyway, again, I am sorry for your loss. It's so hard. It's definitely been a factor in my lack of looking after myself properly. One of the best gifts I can give myself is to get stronger and healthier.

I wish I could just give you a big hug...Your story sounds just like my Mom's..she took care of my Grammy for the past 3 years...Started out with Breast cancer...Then she acquired Bone cancer in her legs, spine and brain so she couldn't walk for the last year of her life because her bones would break...My mom worked and had hospice...But hospice only does so much, bathing etc...they do not do the 24/7 care that is required so my poor mom was exhausted yet refused to commit her to a nursing home. She endured so many things that I pray I have the strength to if my mom ever gets ill. She is an only child so all she has was me and my brother to help...and we had families and little kids so it was difficult to relieve that much of her load...

I am sending you the biggest hug and hopes of encouragement that I can...You deserve to do something for you now..and that is what your mom would want. You are a God's Send!!


Well-known member
I'm sorry about your mom mzzrach...
I hope you feel much better after you start exercising again...it helps SO much...I am soooo tired today I need to drink some coffee or something...I've been on the move all day long, I finally got my 180 brush from the post office...I honestly had no idea how incredibly small it was going to be..lol...but it's cute nonetheless..I also went to the mall to turn in some b2m empties...I got Satin taupe,Underage(
),Sandy B, and Charcoal brown(pretty plain color but I really needed a matte brown for a crease color...now I have 2 mattes all together..I'm trying to buld up my matte collection!) I was going to get shroom but since Tish gave me samples of naked and your lady ship so I figured it would be a waste to get it...So far today I've had a chicken sandwich...not the healthest thing, but I have to grocery shopping....again...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
and next question is , if you could get only one brush set from the new collection which would you choose, I truly want them all but can hardly afford one at the moment lol

Originally Posted by TISH1127

As far as the brushes....Thats a MzzRach for sure question ...she is the Brush expert!!

Sorry ladies, I totally missed this question on the last page. I am by no means an expert, but I do love a great makeup brush.

Keep in mind I am a brush snob. I have a large collection of high end brushes (mostly MAC and Laura Mercier). I worked as a freelance MA for Laura Mercier for over 5 years and have done quite a lot of freelance work, so I may not be the "average person" when it comes to brushes.

I scoped out the holiday brush sets this weekend and the only one I would consider buying is the eye set. I did not like the Face or Basic sets at all. Personally, full-size, high quality handmade brushes are totally worth the investment, IMO. I have MAC brushes from the 90s that are still going strong.

However; if you are looking to expand/start your collection, the brushes are certainly decent. And the short handles make them excellent for travel. Completely depends on where you are coming from. Different things work for different people.
A lot of people love the MAC SE sets, but in my opinion the quality has gone down with these new brush sets then with ones I have gotten in the past. However, I have no complaints about MAC's full size brush line, they are wonderful, very well made and I can't wait for the new LE ones coming out in January.

HTH a bit. Sorry, did not mean to make this novel-length!


Well-known member
Time for the "DazzleGlass Quiz" "Name That Color"
(I always wanted to be a Barker Beauty

They are all mislabeled as Like Venus - Not sure what that shade looks like

Top to Bottom....
#1 is MissDynamite
#2 is Baby Sparks
#3 is a Red - Maybe Love Alert???
#4 I think is my fav after Baby Spark it looks like a Nudey color
I can't really tell if #5% is the same as 7 & 8..In certain lights it appears to be a lighter hot pink....​
# 6 is a medium toned pink ???

I just swiped 5, 7 & 8 and #5 is a lighter pink w/sparkle and #7 & 8 are more of a hot pink in color

No Sugarrimmed



I removed #1 & 2 since Iknew what they were for a better closeup...



Well-known member
7 & 8 are love alert maybe........? Not sure. They look a little too pink - Love Alert looks more red in the tube. The others (other than Baby Sparks and Miss Dynamite) do not look like the ones that were released with Red She Said........so maybe they are from the original release?

I don't why I am babbling on, since I am no help at all! LOL

OMG that is dazzleglass heaven, nonetheless! ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
7 & 8 are love alert maybe........? Not sure. They look a little too pink - Love Alert looks more red in the tube. The others (other than Baby Sparks and Miss Dynamite) do not look like the ones that were released with Red She Said........so maybe they are from the original release?

I don't why I am babbling on, since I am no help at all! LOL

OMG that is dazzleglass heaven, nonetheless! ;-)

Yes they are Hot Pinky ... 3 is Red IRL ...I think it is Love Alert