Um eating has been atrocious lately . DH left the house yesterday at 4 and didn't get back till 6:30 this morning... He's desining and airplane or something ?
and the little one and i have been to McDonalds twice in the last 24 hours. I had to have a book finished by this morning and i get more accomplished while he is playing on the play place lol.
Then when I got him up this morning I told him if he would play in his room and let daddy sleep while i went to class for 1 hour I would take him back this morning so .... I'm grossed out from dinner and breakfast
And to top that off DH asked for Spaghetti tonight , I don't even want to think about all the carbbies in that meal. Any ways how do you ladies like to spice your spaghetti up ?
and next question is , if you could get only one brush set from the new collection which would you choose, I truly want them all but can hardly afford one at the moment lol
And to make up for all the terrible eating I bought an exercise ball at TJ Max for 7$
Now I need the motivation to use it