Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Thanks twinkle toe. Please get on AIM, asap.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I can get 5 things...I think I'll be getting...Satin Taupe,Pandamonium,Shroom,underage l/g and Pretty please l/s or Sandy B still haven't decided..

Pretty Please and Underage are MY FAV!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Is it easy using the candle method? I never tried it that way... i usually use the straightners method... that is super easy.

super easy...that are a cigarette lighter


Well-known member
All you girls and your depotting! Amazing, *chuckles* I don't think I'll ever get up the nerve,

I didn't quite make it through step and sculp, we added a new move that I just couldn't seem to grasp near the end, and my legs felt like LEAD, at least I went and tried. I definately need to get to the gym on thursday and friday. I think 4days a week is decent.

Eatings been okay, had two bowls of stew though at supper.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I think I got high off the fumes. But it was a lot of fun...

I'm afraid to ask...But what fumes? Were you smoking crack?


Well-known member
I'm giggling uncontrollably, b/c I just got caught up on this thread and I'm sorry to say I went MIA for um a month or so =-/ ... but i finally got fed up and dropped a class so my stress level dropped and i have a lot of extra free time .... You ladies have gone through a lot and I hate that I missed it all =/ I hope you will welcome me back... b/c in my stress I had severe medical problems and gained all my weight back and I need some support from lovely ladies like yourselves !!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I'm giggling uncontrollably, b/c I just got caught up on this thread and I'm sorry to say I went MIA for um a month or so =-/ ... but i finally got fed up and dropped a class so my stress level dropped and i have a lot of extra free time .... You ladies have gone through a lot and I hate that I missed it all =/ I hope you will welcome me back... b/c in my stress I had severe medical problems and gained all my weight back and I need some support from lovely ladies like yourselves !!!!

Of course...we too need all the support we can get. Glad you are back with Us and all our lovely plumpness !!
Sorry to hear about your medical problems...But hopefully you are better now.


Well-known member
Haha , not really medical problems , well i guess they were lol ... I had so much stress I started having chest pains and couldn't breath... so I went through a mirage of tests, that only managed to inflate my stress level to find out that i had inflammation on the chest wall or something to that effect. I was told to reduce the amount of things I devote myself to. ( not an easy task) but i think in the end things will be better for me I hope !


Well-known member
Wow...stress can be a very serious medical condition if you don't devote time to taking care of yourself. ...your health is so important...Don't try to do everything yourself...and take time for yourself only if it's a few hours a week. I used to suffer from stress, it still rears it's head from time to time...But I try to just do what I can...and what I can't I don't. I stopped being SuperMom, Superwife, SuperWorker and just started being Relaxed Me. If it doesn't get done today...then I'll shoot for tomorrow. Taking care of you is so important for your son...He needs you to be a healthy, happy Mommy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I'm afraid to ask...But what fumes? Were you smoking crack?

I felt like like a crak head...holding a lighter to a metal fork with black smoke coming off a foreign object...oh shut up! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Depotting is such a rush!! I enjoyed it so!! But I'm weird

I'm weird too.
I totally enjoyed my depotting.

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I think I got high off the fumes. But it was a lot of fun...


Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I'm giggling uncontrollably, b/c I just got caught up on this thread and I'm sorry to say I went MIA for um a month or so =-/ ... but i finally got fed up and dropped a class so my stress level dropped and i have a lot of extra free time .... You ladies have gone through a lot and I hate that I missed it all =/ I hope you will welcome me back... b/c in my stress I had severe medical problems and gained all my weight back and I need some support from lovely ladies like yourselves !!!!

Of course we will "welcome you back" - for goodness sake! Welcome back Skylar! Hope you are feeling better.


Well-known member
Ok Ladies...Have a great day today! I will check in later...It is 50 degrees here in Texas right now...and I am getting back in my snuggly bed and going to sleep. Kid at school...Dh at work


Well-known member
Meal List

Breakfast - Slept thru it!

Lunch - Slept thru it

Snack - Chex Mix

Dinner - Going to make Salisbury Steak w/mushroom gravy and green salad

Snack....Sugar Free Popsicles probably!


Well-known member
Um eating has been atrocious lately . DH left the house yesterday at 4 and didn't get back till 6:30 this morning... He's desining and airplane or something ?
and the little one and i have been to McDonalds twice in the last 24 hours. I had to have a book finished by this morning and i get more accomplished while he is playing on the play place lol.

Then when I got him up this morning I told him if he would play in his room and let daddy sleep while i went to class for 1 hour I would take him back this morning so .... I'm grossed out from dinner and breakfast

And to top that off DH asked for Spaghetti tonight , I don't even want to think about all the carbbies in that meal. Any ways how do you ladies like to spice your spaghetti up ?

and next question is , if you could get only one brush set from the new collection which would you choose, I truly want them all but can hardly afford one at the moment lol

And to make up for all the terrible eating I bought an exercise ball at TJ Max for 7$
Now I need the motivation to use it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217

And to top that off DH asked for Spaghetti tonight , I don't even want to think about all the carbbies in that meal. Any ways how do you ladies like to spice your spaghetti up ?

And to make up for all the terrible eating I bought an exercise ball at TJ Max for 7$
Now I need the motivation to use it

Don't beat yourself up...That is what is so great about WW ..you can still eat all those foods and loose weight just eat a smaller portion. That is what I have been doing...I have not really changed any of my normal recipes, just changed my portion size.

Girl I have two balls from TJ's and dumbells and DVD's ...some un-opened...and some yeras old!! Go figure...The thought is good but I just don't follow thru...The only thing that is tried and true for me is ...Walking on the treadmill or outside and riding my bike. If I don;t like it..I'm not doing it.

As far as the brushes....Thats a MzzRach for sure question ...she is the Brush expert!!

If you mess up...Just start gain....My trick to is...even if I mess up the first part of the day...I do not use that as an excuse for it being okay to just mess up the rest of the day...I just try to do better each meal at a time.

Hang in there!!