I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Rach. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. *super big hug* If you ever need to talk, I'll be here.
Willa! I hope it doesn't hurt too bad.That happened to me like two weeks ago. Worst of it was that I was taking a photo and I was looking through the view finder and I took two steps forward and twisted my ankle and didn't have any hands to fall on so I also hurt my opposite knee really bad. Anywho, I'm writhing on the floor in pain and some guy says "are you ok?" and then just keeps walking. Like, he just said it to say it? WTH? Anyway, I was with a friend when it happened and she was just looking at me with a confused expression on her face and then like a minute later she came up to me and was like "what happened? are you ok?" Later on she told me that she thought I was posing for a photo and that she thought I was just "really getting into it". I'm not mad now, but at the time I was like.... uhhhh... what?
I hope you're doing better. I was really embarrassed at the time, but I don't think you should be. In hindsight it wasn't a big deal. Hopefully you'll get a laugh out of my story
. Just don't do what I did. I walk/take the bus everywhere so I was homebound for like a week. I sat at home eating and eating and I started to feel like a crazy shut in.
Tish, those dazzleglasses look AMAZING! I'm glad you figured them all out, but I'm kinda sad I didn't get to play hahaha. I'm such a game show FREAK. I love Jeopardy. Maybe one day I'll get a dazzleglass. I really want one, but I just got petticoat and so ceylon in the mail (it was really hard to intercept the package from the BF... I'm supposed to be on a no makeup/no clothes buying until Christmas thing haha...oops)
Ivan is soooo cute! I'd like to say that I couldn't get mad at such a cute cat but MAC makes a girl crazy haha
Today I ate a slice of pepperoni pizza. It was cheesy and crusty and yummy. I don't feel too badly about it. The old me would've had more than one slice. Dinner is a rotisserie chicken from the grocery. I'm super cleaning my apt today and I don't think I'll feel like cooking.
I hope everyone's doing well! Sorry for writing my life story in one post lol
Off to collect laundry and haul it to the laundromat (that should work off a couple of slices of pepperoni...at least