Weight Loss Group


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Ok...Thanks Rach...

Bottom to top on Last Photos

#1 Miss Dynamite
#2 Baby Sparks
#3 Love Alert (Very Red IRL)
#4 Money, Honey (a lil tan/pink IRL) or Steppin Out??
#5 Like Venus
#6 Bare Necessity
#7 Ms Fizz
#8 Ms Fizz


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Tish there are so many of those that are going to look so hot with your skin tone =)

Thank you..I am a newbie to the DazzleGlass..Just trying to figure out the colors


Well-known member
Skylar V - Welcome Back

MzzRach - Thoughts are definately with you!

Tish - ooooo dazzle glasses

Well eating was a cheat day, it wasn't horrid except for the dorito's I had a serving of them yikes.

I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, and 25 on the eliptical (1.5 miles on each). And 10 minutes of weights, sort of was tired nad lamed out. ~L~

I really do need to get better about the strength training.

I really wanted to weigh in today but resisted. Hmms...i think i'll have to do that tomorrow i just Can not wait until next thursday... I need to know how i'm doing...

I'm wierd that way, if I do WELL it motivates me with the thought that I'm doing well and if I have BAD numbers i use that to tell myself I need to keep working harder to get results but I need to know ... for peace of mind that all my efforts are doing SOMETHING...

Workout was good though I didn't push myself as much as I could have, (or maybe I've been watching too much reality tv). I did have a hard time walking after getting off the eliptical because my legs were so tired lol, but I didn't feel nautious, or throw up... I only exceeded the idealy heart rate range ones so I know I didn't OVER do it... Need to just keep pushing like that I guess, I kept mostly in the cardio heart zone , only went OVER once (whoopsy) ...

Felt revved up though, need to go again tomorrow.. though I feel it might be busier.


Well-known member
I am new to dazzleglasses too! so I am no help either but wow are they pretty!


Well-known member
Guess what girls?
I twisted my anckle again

I was walking to my job and BAAAAAMMMMMMMMM it twisted baddly, I feel on the sidewalk, hurted my knee and elbow.

I was on the floor, on my back, crying like a dumbass waiting for what, I don't know? But it took like 5 minutes before somebody was gentle enough to come to me and ask if I was alright. Yeah, you read it : people were passing next to me on the sidewalk and NOBODY asked me if I was ok!!!!

So, after 5 minutes 2 ladies came to me, one with her dog, and the other was arriving to her office, and the on with the dog went to get her car and brought me home... I was sooooo ashamed!!!

So my man brought me to my job, but I was 30 minutes late.

I guess I'll be eating crap today, since I didnt make my lunch and I was planning on to getting an egg sandwich at the cafeteria...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Guess what girls?
I twisted my anckle again

I was walking to my job and BAAAAAMMMMMMMMM it twisted baddly, I feel on the sidewalk, hurted my knee and elbow.

I was on the floor, on my back, crying like a dumbass waiting for what, I don't know? But it took like 5 minutes before somebody was gentle enough to come to me and ask if I was alright. Yeah, you read it : people were passing next to me on the sidewalk and NOBODY asked me if I was ok!!!!

So, after 5 minutes 2 ladies came to me, one with her dog, and the other was arriving to her office, and the on with the dog went to get her car and brought me home... I was sooooo ashamed!!!

So my man brought me to my job, but I was 30 minutes late.

I guess I'll be eating crap today, since I didnt make my lunch and I was planning on to getting an egg sandwich at the cafeteria...

OMG I hope you are okay! Why are you ashamed Willa??? Accidents happen...It's not anything you planned or could have avoided. Just take care of yourself and try to stay off your ankle as much as possible..You need to really baby it until it fully recovers or you will keep having problems!
I am sounding like my Mother!!!
Just take it easy and don't worry so much about the eating and exercise for now...Just get better! And yes some people are self-absorbed and if it doesn't benefit them...they won't lend a helping hand! I would have stopped and helped you


Well-known member
Thanks girls

I'm hungry right now, havent eat anything much since I can't really move hahaha

I guess it'll have to wait for lunch, I brought 2 Stoufers Bistro Crostinis...

No motivations AT ALL to work today
My boss is out the building so it doesnt really show that I'm surfing the web doing nothing. I'd be sooooooo comfy in my slipers at home... By chance, it's friday.

I was planning on a little shopping tonight, I guess I wont


Well-known member
Yep speaking of slippers...I'm getting back in my comfy bed for a few hours!! Have a good day ladies...
The good thing about me sleeping....I'm not eating
My new diet plan!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Guess what girls?
I twisted my anckle again

I was walking to my job and BAAAAAMMMMMMMMM it twisted baddly, I feel on the sidewalk, hurted my knee and elbow.

I was on the floor, on my back, crying like a dumbass waiting for what, I don't know? But it took like 5 minutes before somebody was gentle enough to come to me and ask if I was alright. Yeah, you read it : people were passing next to me on the sidewalk and NOBODY asked me if I was ok!!!!

So, after 5 minutes 2 ladies came to me, one with her dog, and the other was arriving to her office, and the on with the dog went to get her car and brought me home... I was sooooo ashamed!!!

So my man brought me to my job, but I was 30 minutes late.

I guess I'll be eating crap today, since I didnt make my lunch and I was planning on to getting an egg sandwich at the cafeteria...

Oh sweety just take care of you, and make sure you have an easy going weekend to heal up that angle of yours!

I snuck a weigh in this morning on my break (been going across the way to use the wellness centers medical scale , yes I'm that heavy... lol) I was only moderately pleased, lost around 4 lbs since thursday, thats 4 lbs in 8 days which to a normal person would be GREAT, but at my size its just OKAY... I hope to lose at least anohter lb or two by our next official weigh in (every other thursday...) . I just need to stick to the eating and keep up the work outs. It's so hard on the weekends though ~L~

And I'm antsy because none of my Holiday stuff is in yet that I ordered last week and over the weekend. I wanted to play with it!


Well-known member
I would have helped you too Willa! I've always found it soooo rude when someone slips and people either laugh or don't help you up, it's happened to me MANY times...I'm so clumsy, I have no balance!! Don't feel bad! I hope your ankle feels better!
......Mzzrach I put a picture of my cat in my sig. because of your picture!
.....Today so far I have had a cup of coffee and a GIANT apple...it was HUGE!! I've just been laying around...I watched "withces of eastwick" on oxygen, it's such a cute movie! Not much to do today besides HW which I always put off until like 11:00 p.m. at night...I hope you girls have a wonderful day!!!
p.s. Snowflake...losing any pounds in my eyes is just awesome! Oh and I know how you feel about not receiving your order...the feeling of it just floating around is unbearable!


Well-known member
Willa, I hope you are feeling better, I am appalled that no one stopped to help you! It honestly worries me , people are so rude these days! Take care of your ankle !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Aleksis, your cat looks like a total sweetie!! What is his/her name?

His name is Ivan


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
His name is Ivan

Yes, of course I know that now after your train case incident! He's such a honey.

LOL - I just realized that his photo in your signature shows him with Specktra in the background! *dies from the cuteness*


Well-known member
Okay YUMMMMMY dazzle glasses, I love the feel on my lips like lusterglasses, yup... I'm a sucker...

I wish my order I put in on the 18th would get here already, I placed one on the 16th, the 18th, and the 20th... (Yes girls I do realise I have a shopping problem... LOL) Anyways... the one on the 18th is the one with the MSF's that I want to try. And the gift stuff I got.. Maybe its taking longer because despite the site saying shipped they couldn't find a box big enough to ship all that stuff in? LOL!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Yes, of course I know that now after your train case incident! He's such a honey.

LOL - I just realized that his photo in your signature shows him with Specktra in the background! *dies from the cuteness*

I was going to put "Even Ivan loves specktra" above it, but it wouldn't fit! I'm glad you could tell!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Okay YUMMMMMY dazzle glasses, I love the feel on my lips like lusterglasses, yup... I'm a sucker...

I wish my order I put in on the 18th would get here already, I placed one on the 16th, the 18th, and the 20th... (Yes girls I do realise I have a shopping problem... LOL) Anyways... the one on the 18th is the one with the MSF's that I want to try. And the gift stuff I got.. Maybe its taking longer because despite the site saying shipped they couldn't find a box big enough to ship all that stuff in? LOL!

lol, they are probably just really bombarded at the moment!! I hope you get it soon though!!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Rach. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. *super big hug* If you ever need to talk, I'll be here.

Willa! I hope it doesn't hurt too bad.That happened to me like two weeks ago. Worst of it was that I was taking a photo and I was looking through the view finder and I took two steps forward and twisted my ankle and didn't have any hands to fall on so I also hurt my opposite knee really bad. Anywho, I'm writhing on the floor in pain and some guy says "are you ok?" and then just keeps walking. Like, he just said it to say it? WTH? Anyway, I was with a friend when it happened and she was just looking at me with a confused expression on her face and then like a minute later she came up to me and was like "what happened? are you ok?" Later on she told me that she thought I was posing for a photo and that she thought I was just "really getting into it". I'm not mad now, but at the time I was like.... uhhhh... what?

I hope you're doing better. I was really embarrassed at the time, but I don't think you should be. In hindsight it wasn't a big deal. Hopefully you'll get a laugh out of my story
. Just don't do what I did. I walk/take the bus everywhere so I was homebound for like a week. I sat at home eating and eating and I started to feel like a crazy shut in.

Tish, those dazzleglasses look AMAZING! I'm glad you figured them all out, but I'm kinda sad I didn't get to play hahaha. I'm such a game show FREAK. I love Jeopardy. Maybe one day I'll get a dazzleglass. I really want one, but I just got petticoat and so ceylon in the mail (it was really hard to intercept the package from the BF... I'm supposed to be on a no makeup/no clothes buying until Christmas thing haha...oops)

Ivan is soooo cute! I'd like to say that I couldn't get mad at such a cute cat but MAC makes a girl crazy haha

Today I ate a slice of pepperoni pizza. It was cheesy and crusty and yummy. I don't feel too badly about it. The old me would've had more than one slice. Dinner is a rotisserie chicken from the grocery. I'm super cleaning my apt today and I don't think I'll feel like cooking.

I hope everyone's doing well! Sorry for writing my life story in one post lol
Off to collect laundry and haul it to the laundromat (that should work off a couple of slices of pepperoni...at least


Well-known member
Girl those were my guesses...they are probably wrong...Don't worry she is sending me a few more next week you will get to play then ...