Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Aleksis - are you finding that the apple and coffee are tiding you over OK until lunch? Maybe because I am a breakfast person (and many people are not) - I would be ravenous by mid-morning!

So far for me today - I'm a early riser - even on the weekends.....

2 cups of Earl Grey tea with Splenda & non fat milk
turkey sandwich
a few grapes

I am PMSing I think, so I am fighting against the urge to eat just based on stupid hormones.
Hopefully I am up for the fight today!

No exercise yet but will update later.


Yeah I wil be right with you on the hormones in about a week! Yuck!!


Well-known member
Eatings been meh today, and feeling fat again, I hate how my moods are flip floppy. Its always like that I just use to cope by going and buying a coffee and a brownie. LOL I think I'll make me another sugar free fat free hot cocoa and see if that helps at all lol. Or maybe I need to actually do housework so I feel accomplished but I can't seem to find the motivation to do it. Oh well!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Eatings been meh today, and feeling fat again, I hate how my moods are flip floppy. Its always like that I just use to cope by going and buying a coffee and a brownie. LOL I think I'll make me another sugar free fat free hot cocoa and see if that helps at all lol. Or maybe I need to actually do housework so I feel accomplished but I can't seem to find the motivation to do it. Oh well!

Me either...Housework is something that I hate doing...there is not one domestic bone in my body!!


Well-known member
Thanks Tish! I skipped the houseowrk and just sat on my butt. Bad, I didn't even TRY and call anyone, I think I was having a down moment is all. Like I didn't feel like anyone would WANT to hear from me and I wouldn't be much fun to be around. A friend called me and snapped me out of it. thank goodness for her, she's been my saving grace lately, I have a really hard time making friends at all and I've been feeling lately that I am just not very good friend material but this one she's stuck it out with me despite the fact that she is SUPER busy with work she still makes time to go for coffee with me once a week. And I need that... I made afew friends last year that I could do things with, finally after years of being a hermit and the thought of going back to having no one to hang out with ever scares the crap out of me, it was such a lonely sad life and I don't ever want to go there again. Some people are GREAT with solitude, and while I appreciate that, I like a break from it at least once a week... I would NOT do well with the living by myself in the middle of the forest type of lifestyle. I'm a paradox, a Shy-people person. LOL So I'm going to get ready, put on a lil makeup and try to work with my hair which is being a Pain this weekend! (And i think a contributing factor to why I am a grump about going out in public ...Rawr! )

Okay off to face the day, I hope you are all having great weekends!

PS breakfast so far has been coffee and skim milk sweetened with stevia.

I slept in even though I went to bed early last night... thats what sundays are for I guess. !


Well-known member
Okay just waiting for peeps to call me back now and Coffee time, JUST coffee time, no brownie or anything. Still feelin a bit fat but a little better in the social dept , must not do the 'do not leave the house all weekend' think unless there is a blizzard. Its just bad for my psyche , I get 'cabin fever' VERY easily now.


Well-known member
I'm about to eat chicken nuggets. Not the best thing for me, but ... soooo good.
I'm going to the gym today, hopefully that'll offset some of it.
I did a freelance job yesterday, which made me so happy. With money being how it is, not a lot of people want to get their makeup done. I remember a time when I had jobs for people who were just going to the club but now... blehh.
I think I need to get out of the house. The BF gets crazy when he's watching football lol
I hope everyone is doing well and has a great day!


Well-known member
Hey Ladies! Lazy Butt...yeah me...Just got of bed at 2:30pm...Not sure what that was about or why my dh didn't wake me up...Oh I know he is with his first love "Football" !!! I am upset though becaue I missed Church...that always motivates me for the week...But I'll grab the night service on Wednesday so I am back on track.

I am having a bowl of watermelon just because I know I need to eat something and my dh is taking us out to dinner later so I am sure it will be something NOT good for me but Delicious!! I think I am craving Olive Garden...Seafood Portofino (sp) I love that stuff!! I love mussels...yum yum!!

Snow..I am a hermit too..I actually love being alone most of the time though...when I get tired of it..I just go over my mom's she is like my best friend since we are only 17 yrs apart and I know I can trust her and talk to her about anything so it's so great! We love all the same things...makeup, shopping, shoes, handbags so it's always fun hanging out with her! Even when my husband is home he is normally down in his studio recording, gaming or watching sports and I am upstairs in my office watching TV, Online or snoozing on the chaise...Works out perfect...we are both loners.

Ladies have a great Sunday!!


Well-known member
Hi ladies! Hope you dont mind, but I was thinking of joining your weight loss group
My goal is to lose approx 50lbs, and I have had a really hard time motivating myself. I recently quit my job of 3 years, so I have so much time on my hands, and have been making unhealthy food choices! (Especially when I'm out with my friends- they tend to only eat fast food, or just unhealthy things, as well as lots of beers and I know that's tonnns of calories!)

I figure since I do go on Specktra every day (even though I dont post as much as I used to) I can start writing in here to keep myself accountable and lose weight!

I noticed you guys are all encouraging and positive, and thats what I need! Especially because my parents have been so negative to me about my weight my whole life, it just doesnt help (calling me fat, asking me how much weight ive gained since ive quit my job, telling me that I have no will power and won't be able to lose the weight. )

My goal is to lose the 50lbs by April at the latest, which I think is pretty reasonable, and will give me a chance to change my whole lifestyle.


Well-known member
Lizzie : Glad you had a freelance Job!

Tish: That sounds like it works it self out. I use to be that way but now I need to have people in my life , at least a little i'm not the girl who

Holly - Welcome! Having support definately helps, and I know about friends I went out for coffee, and had just coffee but everyone else had LUNCH. (Fries, burgers, slices of Pizza...) talk about temptation!


Well-known member
Hey all, thanks for the warm welcome

So today I did alright. I'm semi following weight watchers, because this is what my parents have been using for the past year and a half. I'm allowed approx 22 points a day

B: --
L: Chicken Sandwich- 2 points
D: Hamburger with veggies cooked inside of it, home made bakes french fries, ceasar salad - 12.5 points
Snacks + Desert: 1 pringles pizza sticks (2 points), 1 weight watcher cookie (1 point), sherbert (4 points) total 6 points

Daily total: 21.5 points

Not bad... but I'd like to cut down on snacks, or at least have snacks that aren't bad for you (like carrots, celery, etc)

I was pretty lazy today, hung out all day at home, did a little housecleaning.

I wanted to go on my elliptical but I seem to be putting it off all the time! I think it's because it's in the basement and I never go down there, but my parents won't let me have it anywhere else in the house.

Have a great night everyone!


Well-known member
Well I'm eating a big bowl of Ice Cream ...Right Now as I type...This is my second day in a row of such behavior!! Oh well Monday is a new day!! Night All


Well-known member
Night TIsh - lol sorry my internet is being sketchy..

I don't know how I deleted the rest of that post.

I was trying to say I'm not someone who needs CONSTANT company, but I do appreciate people once in a while. Some people I know are with others ALL the time, others not at all, i'm somewhere inbetween. I enjoy alone time, just , don't necessarily like knowing that its my ONLY option. If that makes any sense.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Night TIsh - lol sorry my internet is being sketchy..

I don't know how I deleted the rest of that post.

I was trying to say I'm not someone who needs CONSTANT company, but I do appreciate people once in a while. Some people I know are with others ALL the time, others not at all, i'm somewhere inbetween. I enjoy alone time, just , don't necessarily like knowing that its my ONLY option. If that makes any sense.

Makes perfect sense..I totally agree...Being married I know that my dh is here when I need him to be...and when I need my space he gives it to me without hesitation. Have good night sweetheart!


Well-known member
Just got back from the gym a little bit ago. Showers are like... the best thing ever. When I'm rich &famous (haha) I'm going to have one of those giant rain shower heads

Tish, your FOTD is HOTTTTT. Seriously? Hotness oozes from your pores.
Holly, welcome to the group! Sounds like your doing well. Also, now I want pringles. lol
Aleksis, today I saw someone with a sundae from there and she was dipping her fries in it. Ew. &She was soooo skinny. What a witch!