Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
Just got back from the gym a little bit ago. Showers are like... the best thing ever. When I'm rich &famous (haha) I'm going to have one of those giant rain shower heads

Tish, your FOTD is HOTTTTT. Seriously? Hotness oozes from your pores.
Holly, welcome to the group! Sounds like your doing well. Also, now I want pringles. lol
Aleksis, today I saw someone with a sundae from there and she was dipping her fries in it. Ew. &She was soooo skinny. What a witch!

Thanks My Sweet Lizzie!! I have missed you so!! I know you are super busy with school...But we really miss you !!


Well-known member
I miss you guys toooooo! Usually I'm on this thread all day because I bring my laptop to lectures... but it's so heavy! And, plus, you know... all the learning haha.

Midterms are a bitch. I did a Manish FOTD today though... finally. I'm probably gonna post it tomorrow though. I'm too lazy to resize the photos. Is that ridiculous? How lazy can I be lol?

See you guys tomorrow! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Holly - Welcome! Having support definately helps, and I know about friends I went out for coffee, and had just coffee but everyone else had LUNCH. (Fries, burgers, slices of Pizza...) talk about temptation!

Nice going snowflake! That had to be so hard. Right on!!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I'm not posting ANYTHING today! I had mcdonald's(hot fudge sundae and a big mac HAHA) and spaghetti...LOL

No worries. Today's another day


Well-known member
Today is going to be a long workday, so I am hoping to stay on track to ensure I eat properly.

Currently, I've only had my usual cup of earl grey tea (which I am sipping as I write this) - but the plan is this:

B: Granola w/lowfat vanilla yogurt

L: Spinach salad w/chicken

D: ?? depends on when I get home - may just be a turkey sandwich and an apple

Have a good day all xoxo


Well-known member
Hello girls
Just to keep up...
I had insomnia last night, slept on the couch so my man would sleep well in the bed

I think I'm starting a flu because I can't stop coughing, my boss even came to me to give me a drop... hehehe I guess I'm anoying with all the coughing

My ankle feels already better
Had a long walk yesterday with my man, we went downtown, I bought some stuff
will show you in the haul section later.

9 days until I meet my mans... yeah the BSB... havent lost 20 pounds still hahahaha but I don't care, the real man is at home right now and he's loving me :p


Well-known member
Take care of yourself Willa - it sounds like you might have a little bug. Take good care and be kind to yourself. ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Take care of yourself Willa - it sounds like you might have a little bug. Take good care and be kind to yourself. ;-)

Yeah I wish back home I had a good bath tub but it's a very simple one, so I can't take relaxing baths without breaking my neck


Well-known member
Hopefully I have burned lots of calories this morning...

I have decided since I am not working to forfeit my cleaning lady for awhile to save money
And because My dh doesn't think I can be domestic!

He's probably right!!

However the main reason is I told my dh I was going to have to stop buying MAC now that I am a SAHM and he said not really...If you give up the cleaning lady ... you can take that money for your MAC
Humm...Not bad...Mary Lou was not cheap!!

So I have cleaned the entire kitchen/dining room area

Sweeped, Mopped floors, cleaned the frig, cleaned the freezer, Set the trash out and Dusted... (Man I love my Jet Swifter) Not sure I could have touched the mop head!! Great invention for us weak stomached gals!! Although mopping still Yuckkk!!

Changed all the linens in all bedrooms! Not too bad!! Love the smell of fresh linens!!

I have polished and waxed the hardwood floors - Hated it!!

I have vacuumed my son's room and the studio..Not too bad!

Cleaned the Game Room --- Sucked!! Movies, Videos everywhere...
How do you dust the movie screen...With just one of those feather thingies??

I have done 3 loads of laundry! Am I suppossed to fold this sh*t too!

I am mustering (sp) up the strength to do the bathrooms next
....I will however need a snack and a nap first.

I have had 1/2 a turkey sandwich...

Off to my Nap! Love and

Maybe I liked the career woman better....I dont know if I like this new role I am in...


Well-known member
It must smell goooooood in your house!

I def. wanna see pictures of that house, it seems you have 23984298347 rooms in it! What a shame that my condo is a small 3½ rooms


Well-known member
I got my adoring carmine stuff whee! and my Manish stuff!!! :-D Whhheeeee busy tonight though I don't think I'll have time to play with it until the weekend. BUt wow pretty red boxes!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
It must smell goooooood in your house!

I def. wanna see pictures of that house, it seems you have 23984298347 rooms in it! What a shame that my condo is a small 3½ rooms

If it had that many rooms I would sure as heck not be cleaning it...Nope...Just 4 bedrooms 3 baths ....But the good thing...2 bdrms and 1 bath never get touched unless my step kids are here...which thay haven't been for a few weeks so they are clean
!! It's actually small but Tall..we live in a older home...It is 3 levels... and there is no basement if that tell you how many up-stairs I have to climb daily! Which is horrid because My room is on the 3rd level...Wish we had an elevator or escalator!! I get so sick of stairs...But we have 5 more years and we own it so we are staying put!!

But it does smell like Fresh linen scent all over!! I have the Candle Barn scents going everywhere!


Well-known member
I'm doing well today girlies =D

B- Vitamins, slim fast breakfast bar
S- Cherry Coke
L- one slice of pizza

Not sure about dinner yet


Well-known member
Wow, Tish. You did such a thorough job in cleaning! I'm tired just reading that. Although, I did just wake up.

With work + school I leave the house at 1pm and get back at 10pm. Tomorrow is worse, though. I leave at 8am and get back at 10pm. Is it the weekend yet??

Snowflake, enjoy your goodies! Are you gonna post a haul picture? I want to drool! haha

Skylar, how are you liking the slimfast bars? I have a friend who says the shakes are DELICIOUS!... if you add ice cream and whipped cream

So far, just my morning coffee.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
But it does smell like Fresh linen scent all over!! I have the Candle Barn scents going everywhere!

I love scented candles <3
With all the cleaning you did, you probably lost many calories

Wednesday it's my man's birthday.
I still wonder what I can cook him, I was thinking about a chinese fondue... Makes me drool already hahaha

And the good thing is that it's not that fat, depending on the dipping sauces... I'm soooooooo a sauce girl... hahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie

Skylar, how are you liking the slimfast bars? I have a friend who says the shakes are DELICIOUS!... if you add ice cream and whipped cream

Haha- I'm sure they would be awesome with ice cream and whipped cream ... but that might defeat the purpose....

I like the shakes b/c I'm bad about eating breakfast and they help b/c I'm making myself have one or a bar every morning. But honestly I like the taste of the Wal-Mart brand chocolate shake better than the slim fast brand.

I got chocolate chip cookie dough meal replacement bars and they are so good... I want to eat them all the time.

The breakfast muffin bars I've only tried blueberry so far and they are good as well.

I'm really bad about eating breakfast and even lunch sometimes so I got these b/c they are easy and i like the way they taste. I'm excited to taste the strawberry cheesecake bars next.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Dammmmmnnnnn didnt realize that one

Maybe my comb is too fine-toothed haha.

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Haha- I'm sure they would be awesome with ice cream and whipped cream ... but that might defeat the purpose....

I like the shakes b/c I'm bad about eating breakfast and they help b/c I'm making myself have one or a bar every morning. But honestly I like the taste of the Wal-Mart brand chocolate shake better than the slim fast brand.

I got chocolate chip cookie dough meal replacement bars and they are so good... I want to eat them all the time.

The breakfast muffin bars I've only tried blueberry so far and they are good as well.

I'm really bad about eating breakfast and even lunch sometimes so I got these b/c they are easy and i like the way they taste. I'm excited to taste the strawberry cheesecake bars next.

I think I'm one of the only people in the world who is hungry at breakfast time. I mean, when am I not hungry?
But I never have time. I usually try to grab a banana or something (in addition to my coffee, of course). Are the slimfast stuff high in calories/sugars? I was eating granola bars until I read the nutrition facts. I guess there's a reason they're so yummy!


Well-known member
Cleaned and Cooked...This *^#@ is for the birds!!

Lunch n/a - Too busy being a house slave!

Dinner: Steak w/Sauteed Mushrooms
Green salad