Hopefully I have burned lots of calories this morning...
I have decided since I am not working to forfeit my cleaning lady for awhile to save money
And because My dh doesn't think I can be domestic!
He's probably right!!
However the main reason is I told my dh I was going to have to stop buying MAC now that I am a SAHM and he said not really...If you give up the cleaning lady ... you can take that money for your MAC
Humm...Not bad...Mary Lou was not cheap!!
So I have cleaned the entire kitchen/dining room area
Sweeped, Mopped floors, cleaned the frig, cleaned the freezer, Set the trash out and Dusted... (Man I love my Jet Swifter) Not sure I could have touched the mop head!! Great invention for us weak stomached gals!! Although mopping still Yuckkk!!
Changed all the linens in all bedrooms! Not too bad!! Love the smell of fresh linens!!
I have polished and waxed the hardwood floors - Hated it!!
I have vacuumed my son's room and the studio..Not too bad!
Cleaned the Game Room --- Sucked!! Movies, Videos everywhere...
How do you dust the movie screen...With just one of those feather thingies??
I have done 3 loads of laundry! Am I suppossed to fold this sh*t too!
I am mustering (sp) up the strength to do the bathrooms next
....I will however need a snack and a nap first.
I have had 1/2 a turkey sandwich...
Off to my Nap! Love and
Maybe I liked the career woman better....I dont know if I like this new role I am in...