Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
I'd rather blow a diet than sound like a complete blithering twat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'd rather blow a diet than sound like a complete blithering twat.

He was probably doing more looking
than listening anway...so I'm sure you're good!! They are such visual creatures!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
He was probably doing more looking
than listening anway...so I'm sure you're good!! They are such visual creatures!!

You've probably never looked at pics of me climbing then. >.<
We're talking oversized sweats and a big t-shirt with no makeup and a Britney bun here. He wasn't looking at anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
No soda as of yet...But I sure do want one!! Uggghhh

Hang on Tish!
I would eat sooooooo bad some chocolate
But I wont
And you wont drink this evil thing you're dreaming of!

Let's do it together


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Hang on Tish!
I would eat sooooooo bad some chocolate
But I wont
And you wont drink this evil thing you're dreaming of!

Let's do it together

I'm gonna give it my best effort..."I know Shimmer is smiling"
I guess it's good for me I don't like chocolate...that would be another hurdle to cross!!
Hang in there Willa..I'm fighting right here beside you!!


Well-known member
Thanks! Need the help, because the vending machine is calling me
I can hear it from in the hallway

I guess I'll go get some water
Need to bring lime and lemon juice to add to my water...


Well-known member
Good luck Tish... it is HARD to give up soda... i am still trying to. At least i have cut way down than what i used to drink.


Well-known member
Hello my lovelies!

Today my eating was bad but i was on the treadmill for an hour (lost 420 calories) and also did 100 sit ups going to do another 100 before bed.

Lunch- Grilled chicken and a bit of rice (i hate it when my mom cooks lunch, she makes the most yummiest rice ever and i couldn't not have a tiny amount)
Dinner- Half Roast beef sandwich.

Snacks- My cousin brought over dunkin doughnuts! I had 1..and a hald..(bad)


Well-known member
Hey guys! Is it cool if I join this thread even if my goal isn't weight loss? I'm very happy with my weight right now, my problem is that I have a tendency to let my fitness routine slide as soon as my life starts getting busy or stressful. I was in fantastic shape this summer but since school started in September I've been letting exercise slide, and I'm currently what you would call skinny fat. I look good, but I sure as hell don't feel good.

I normally do Pilates from a DVD I have, and I did 10 minutes of abs, 10 minutes of thighs and 10 of stretches just now and good god am I out of shape. I don't workout in gyms, it's never been my thing and I can't afford a gym membership right now. My fitness goals are to work up to doing 50 minutes of Pilates every other day within the next few weeks, and to alternate that with cardio... somehow. That's an issue for me, I have bad knees and running is so hard on them. I have to think on that one.

My diet is pretty decent right now, but there are a few things I want to tweak. I need to be eating more fresh vegetables, I have frozen veggies or in stuff I've cooked a lot, but I need more fresh stuff. I also need to cut back on sugar a bit. And I'm trying to eat less meat, so finding alternative protein sources is one of my current challenges.


Well-known member
Eating well is so hard for me when Im a student
Today I had an exam at 8h30 pm. I studied from 10am-8pm with an hour break for lunch and coffee and mindless crap. I find im always eating when i study. Like after lunch. I had a billion snacks while i studied.
not cool. Then I had fries at 10pm after my examp
Sniff. It was only like 7 fries in all. Still
I need to find some willpower in me somewhere.


Well-known member
^^ I know how you feel...That is how I am when I have a office job...I snack snack snack...Have no reason why...But that is what I did...Now that I am home...I have to make myself eat...It's weird.


Well-known member
Studying for a midterm and snacking on Chex Mix right now, actually...
must stop now.
Thanks for the reminder!

Today I had:
Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana
Romaine Salad with a tiny bit of balsamic dressing (the newman's own low fat one) with half a chicken breast
an orange and a pear
Pesto and whole wheat pasta with the other half of the chicken breast
and now Chex Mix... which I will now put away.

I've had a good day food wise, but I haven't gone to the gym in a looong time. And my gym buddy is moving back to her hometown (which is soooo sad because she's my best friend) because of personal problems.

I feel like I've been in midterm time for a month and by the time they're over it'll be finals time. ARG!!

I hope everyone's doing well and HI!! to all the new people posting in the thread!


Well-known member
Took it too easy to day for a day off (Canadian Rememberance Day). I don't want to face the 3 days until the weekend in SUPER lazy mode, eating wasn't too horrible, just not stellar. I think I didn't gain or lose anything the past couple days. At least I'm uh, rested for tomorrows step aerobics class?


Well-known member
Come on girls, a new day
We can do this!

Today for lunch I'm having parmesan sole fish with couscous

But tonight I don't know what I'll be having... I have to go downtown get a package a friend has for me. So I'll be home late
that's bad because I don't like to have diner after 7 pm...