what deodorant do you use?


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Degree 4 Me


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i sweat a lot. i've tried a bunch of different things, but so far adidas works best for me. it's a little more expensive than the regular drug store stuff, but it works miracles i tell you.


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I have started using the new deoderant from Adidas with the cotton in it instead of aluminum and it works great. I can even run a couple of miles and still not smell like sweat when I'm done. I buy it at Walmart.


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For years, every deodorant made my armpits break out and get ingrown hairs when I would shave. I Google searched about the problem because I was sick of it, and found out that most deodorants contain aluminum (the ingredient that stops the sweat) and that was what was causing ingrown hairs/breakout.

So I got mine from the health food/vitamin store. It's called Crystal something... there are several brands that do the same thing though. Basically it's different salt crystals packed tight into a "stone". You wet the stone and apply it to the underarm. It's odorless and doesn't make me break out at all. I can work all day AND go to the gym and still smell no odor. It's really amazing.


Dry Idea unscented gel stick. It's not perfect, but the most important thing to me is that my deodorant be unscented.


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Ban in Powder Fresh. I was constantly changing deoderants because after a month or so my body would get use to them and I wouldnt smell so great one day haha. Ban is great deoderant though.


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I find that Mitchum unscented hydro-solid works really well but it does have a habit of drying out in the stick before it's used up. I've found that retaining the little domed protector that sits on top of the product when it's new and putting it back with no air space between the protector and the product really stops this happening.


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I use Secret, but I'm wanting something more... I don't know, substantial. I don't have problems with sweating, but I just don't like the way Secret makes me FEEL. It feels all sticky when I put it on. I'm guessing I'll just grab a new one everytime I purchase now and hope to find the brand for me! heh


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Secret Platinum Invisible Solid in Mystic Rain
my boyfriend's High Endurance works way better though, and I get to smell like him - but thats only if I borrow his after a shower or something


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I USE OLD SPICE HAHAHA. i find that mens deoderant works better for me. I do like dove though after I shave, it really helps.


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I use Billy (peach color), it works OK with me. During summer, I use Drysol because I tend to sweat a lot


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i usually just use an EO or EO blend in a carrier. if i think i need more than that i just grab old spice AP because it's one of the few that doesn't bother my skin.


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I use Soft and Dri gel (baby powder scent). And if I'm excessively sweaty, I use Drysol now and then to stop the sweat altogether.

I warn everyone to avoid the damn Soft and Dri with microbeads. The dye in the little beads comes out when you sweat and will make your armpits and shirt green. I walked around with fluorescent green armpits at work one day thanks to that lovely product. I wrote Gillette and complained and they sent me an apology and a certificate to buy new deoderant. However, they still make the product. Don't buy it!

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