What do YOU want for xmas 2007?


Well-known member
Honestly, I don't really want anything. I want a vacation somewhere. I couldn't care less about presents at Christmas anymore.


Well-known member
I can't remember everything but here are a few things on my list...

Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR
Red IPod Nano
Chloe or Dior Bag
Let It Rock Perfume
Rock N Rose Perfume
Lamb Perfume
MAC giftcards
Dressing Table


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
- Money
- Makeup
- Tattoos
- Booze (Absinthe in particular)

I'm easy to please.

I like your thinking! I'll take the same.


Well-known member
Mac gift certs
A new kick-butt digital camera
Sephora gift certs

And anything else that strikes my fancy from now til then :-D


Well-known member
This sounds weird...but I REALLY want a keyboard, you know the kind with lighted keys so it sounds like I know what I'm actually doing!


Well-known member
well my birthday lands 2 days after xmas..so i'm hoping BIG this year since it'll be my big 2-1! haha

_mac & sephora GCs
_bebe & arden b GCs
_new laptop
_new camera dunno what kind yet.
_ & last but not least..a new car..well a new used bmw or mercedes to be exact! ( it ISSSSSSs a WISH list! ) hah


Well-known member
I seriously want a breast reduction, doubt it will happen, if not I'll take clothes and MAC money.


Well-known member
the almodovar disc collection
t3 blowdryer
stovetop espresso maker from williams-sonoma
diesel boots i just saw in time magazine (random, but it was fashion/style issue)
crazy print jacket (houndstooth or red, or burberry print plaid, and the like...i love bright stuff that's borderline outrageous)


Well-known member
I want GiftCards to:
  1. MAC
  2. Horchow
  3. Calico Corners
  4. Bombay Company
  5. Nordstrom
  1. MAC OS X Leopard (I know I can't wait until Christmas)
  2. iWork
  3. iLife


Well-known member
Of course I want a "Kick Ass" BMW or Audi with a big red bow sitting outside my house, but I'll keep dreaming. LOL

Material items aside, I would really like to see our President and Congress work together to bring our troops home from Iraq.

I would like to see a United States where we are more tolerant of people with different racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

I would like to see our country focus on health care for all people and making our schools better for "all" children.


Well-known member
A reciept for a boob job would be a fun present to open, with a fill in the blank for a surgery date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
A reciept for a boob job would be a fun present to open, with a fill in the blank for a surgery date.

i'll add that to my list too! haha


Well-known member
Some materialistic stuff like all the Christmas collections from MAC (hopefully, my stepmom and my boyfriend will give me these! :loveya: And money to get that big curl perm I've wanted.

But times are tough for everyone this year, so I probably won't get anything... In fact, I haven't gotten anything, on my birthday or for Christmas ever since I started working.
Though I'm expected to give a little something to everyone.... It's so hard being single and working in my family!!!


Well-known member
moneyyy, lots of clothes [which is all i spend my money on atm], perfume, MAC & time to spend with my family & friends but that won't happen - i have to work Christmas
x x


Well-known member
I just want to be with my sweetie. Relaxing and taking some time off of work. Presents are really secondary to me. Sure, presents are nice and they are appreciated if they happen, but it's not the most important thing. I just like hangin' with DH and seeing family if possible (due to geography - we are spread out across the globe).


Well-known member
I want to be able to go back home

I also want gift cards and a new Coach bag (yeah, like that will happen, lol!)
I would really love it if my family would help me pay for my wedding site too.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
well i wanted a blackberry
then i wanted the new apple thing thats like the iphone just without the phone
but now i just want money from everyone, since im moving to nyc at the end of next summer and well, rent's a bitchh

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