What does your man say about your mac addiction??


Well-known member
I think mine is beginning to suspect that I spend more on my makeup than he does on his motorbike. Especially after buying me some at Christmas, and then seeing the extent of my addiction when I began to complain about a lack of storage space.

Him: What about the linen closet?
Me: Well, take a look
(He observes all the towels crammed onto one shelf, and then glims the eyeshadow storage containers - eyes widen)
Him: Holy cow!
Me: Yeah, now build me some storage space, sweetie.

Hehehehe. Still, it's cheaper than Crack, even if the two rhyme.

Brandi Girl

Well-known member
My husband understands and seems interested when i talk about new things coming out etc.

But we are saving to build a house so i might have to control my addiction a little


Well-known member
My boyfriend thinks it's silly really. He's good about it though. And he sometimes buys me makeup (I pick it out, he pays hehe). There are times when I go to the counter or Sephora and swatch colours and he'll stand there and complain in a not serious way. Like "That's just colored dirt!" and "Those colors are all exactly the same!". Sometimes I'll have him swatch colors on his hairy hands because mine are too dirty or stand in line when it's long to pay while I look around some more or go to another store :p He's a good boy


Well-known member
My boyfriend bought me a 15 pan palette for my birthday and told me to fill it up =]]]] he even came with me.

He supports it. Mostly because he knows my goal in life is to be a successful MA.

He said once I'm in school I can practice SFX makeup on him too! teehee.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACHOMULA
My man thinks I have gone off the deep end. He loves me and doesn't make me feel stupid or anything, but he can't understand why I have to have it all!! Not to mention he couldn't even imagine how much I spend on it. I've resorted to all sorts of sneaky measures to hide my MAC spending habits from him. Just wondering how ya'lls men handle your need for MAC.

this is such a great post.. my mom went in my room one day and told my sister... she has a fortune worth of makeup!!! have you tried to calculate it before??? i closed the door and told her to stay out! LOL


Well-known member
lets see...

its an even mix of surprise/shock/awe?? "WHOA $60 for three eyeshadows...only three???"

But when we are there together he likes playing with the testers and is like "WOW you dont have that one, or that one, get this one..."

its really cute, he also likes BRIGHT lipgloss with a subtle pastel eye or really soft light lipgloss with a smoky intense eye.

Also, he always gets on my case about glamming up for mundane things like his traffic school...but is really proud that I take care of myself and look presentable at the ungodly hour of 7am.

so yea..i guess we are even! especially now that they opened up an Apple store in the same plaza as the Mac free standing store...*drools* its like retail heaven for both of us!


Well-known member
My boyfriend thinks it's fine.. we both have our little addictions.. mine is makeup and his is dvds/cds/electronics. he likes to make fun of me when i get excited about collections coming out, but he does the same thing about movie and music releases!

I like to joke with him after he gets me something too.. I'll say something like, "Thank you so much sweetie, you are definitely getting sex tonight!" hahah


Well-known member
I just recently started getting into it, so I don't think my b/f understands at all. LoL. He accepts the fact that I LOVEEE shiny/bright/glittery things, but he insists I don't need any MU to look pretty (AWWW what a sweetie).

Sometimes I'll try explaining things to him or asking for his opinion but I always get this blank face or "I don't know, do whatever you want honey." He's not too interested in it and really doesn't see the point in why I need/want soo many different colors. LoL. But he mods his car and does all these things to it to make it "faster."

boys will be boys


Well-known member
myne is very patient! i aLways get MAs teLLing me *awww ur BF is so patient* when they see him waiting whiLe hoLding his beLoved Biggi (our pompom) and his doggy bag.

he aLways teLLs me that i don't need makeup (i
lipgLoss) so he'LL have to kiss my cheek or something else ever since his boss commented *do yOo have cheLLe's lipgLoss on?!?* he still had it on when i kissed him gOodbye to go 2 work
butt then when i ask him if he likes something he'll automaticaLLy think i'm talking about my makeup...'n he'll say yah it looks great! when i'm reaLLy asking about how dinner tastes

whenever i get exXxcited about a new coLLection he'LL say *great (sarcastic) which one are we going to now?!?* butt he'LL take me there! 'n we do pLay the "name the e/s game" whenever we're waiting in line to pay or testing out e/s! butt instead he'll "test" me if i know which one he picks up! we make fun times when we're waiting.

he once decided to randomLy take a sick day off. he asked me where i wanted to go
so we went to san diego 'n checked out the CCO, outlets, and MACs/Sephoras out there. he said *wow this is how it feeLs like to reLaxXx 'n be in the sun!* ever since then he's been takin' random days off to take me to outLets/CCOs 'n we make it a "mini vacation"

then again i'm there waiting 4 him when he goes on his drifting/ps2/xboxXx/'n now his new biking "hauLs"...he even got me into his biking addiction when he got me my brand new bike
hey it's excercise!!!

we have our own hobbies butt we support each other addictions... that's how it shouLd be


Well-known member
He supports the habit and buys me things when we go to the counter!
He just thinks I look prettier with a "less is more" approach, so I break out the glowy nudes for him.


Well-known member
my boyfriend loves that i like all the expensive makeup and stuff although he loves me the same when i dont wear anything on my face... when a new collection comes out he promises to buy me a few bits because he loves to make me happy .. but when i told him theres gunna be about another 10 collections this year he was gobsmacked! his credit card is gunna need a credit card.... boo


Well-known member
My BF is starting to realize that he just has no choice but to accept my addiction!! He used to stand around for a few minutes and then just go outside & wait (patiently, so I have no complaints). But now I ask his opinion & tell him I care about what he thinks (which is true, no bribing!!). But, if he gets his ego stroked a little, it's just better for the both of us!! He's so cute!!


Well-known member
my BF likes it when I wear really bright colors on my eyes so he encourages the addiction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
Yeah mine is pretty much the same way, but he equates it to his obsession with computer stuff. And that costs a lot more than makeup haha!

That's how I look at it! Lol! My bf thinks it's a bit ott, but he loves that I like individual self expression. I too have to resort to sneaky measures! Thank goodness for large bags with hidden pocket compartments! To be honest tho, men have their sneaky obsessions too so i don't feel guilty!


Well-known member
my hubby understands... he got a new camera recently and always waits when i'm done with my makeup so he can take photos. he tells how nice my makeup looks, and lets me go to the MAC counters when we're at the mall. he sometimes buy them for me.


Active member
my husband has a star wars addiction (we have over 300 storm troopers in our garage, not to mention the life sized yoda, the $300 collector things like light sabers, thermal detonators, etc.) so he doesn't complain about my MAC and Coach addictions.