What is your name? Small Survey


Well-known member
I was about to PM a member and realized I didn't know her name, and that is something I like to know about everyone, because I think it makes things more personalized. This thread could be bookmarked and gone back to for reference! Let's get a little more personal... (Not last names) and tell a little about yourself. We have a lot in common already, I'm ready to make some lifetime friends here

Name: Nikki. (given name Nicole) I'm surprised I even have to put it in here because I ordinarily use it as my name on all message boards.

Age: 23 years still young :p
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, but grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Big change!
Profession: I am a receptionist in a dental office. I was a dental assistant but we were having a hard time finding someone who was... well... smart enough... to stay as our receptionist (went through 5 in 1 year!) so I moved to the front. I have business cards!

Ethnicity: This probably only counts for Americans because we are mutts, but I am German, Irish, and Italian

A little more about me...
Favorite Vacation Area: Gotta be California or London. Two of my favorite places to go!
How did you get into MAC: I kept reading about it on my message boards
Future Plans: I'm dating the person I am going to marry, for sure, and if it were up to me we'd be engaged and planning our wedding, but since it's up to him I have to wait for it to happen sometime this year... I want it to be a surprise but at the same time, I can't wait! After marriage and once I have a house that I own, I might go back to school here, to get my estheticians degree and possibly use it as a full-time profession or just a side profession for fun while I make babies and do that sort of married life thing.



Well-known member
Oh, I just saw the thing at the top. But still, it didn't involve people's first names! Maybe it's just me, I have no problem with people knowing my name, and would actually prefer going by my real name on the forum, so I feel less like a visitor and more like a member


Well-known member
Hi Samantha! I love that name, it reminds me of my american girl doll Samantha that I loved when I was younger, hehe. Do you go by Sam at all?


Well-known member
My real name is Feather. I don't mind anybody knowing either. I usually use it as my screename, but I decided try something different on this forum.


Well-known member
Hi..My name's Melissa... and I'm a MAC-a-holic..

Location: Holland, MI (a somewhat lesser-known suburb(sorta) of Grand Rapids, MI)
I'm the ripe old age of 24...

and I currently design software for a children's educational publisher, a company called School Zone (we can be found at your local Target, WalMart Sam's Club, Barnes and Noble, Apple store, etc..
oh! and for you Aussies- we are distributed there, too- through a publisher called Hinkler Books!) Sorry for the plug- its such a cool job! lol (um yeah, I'm a computer nerd)

Ethnicity: Dutch (how funny that I'm Dutch and I live in Holland.
) German and Belgian. I sometimes joke that I'm Italian, too- cuz of my attitude when people mess with my family... lol (yes I know its a stereotype)

Some more about me...

I'm awesome. that about sums it up. no, just kidding.

I'm a total art/crafts nerd.. I do every sort of craft under the sun...including, but not limited to: Painting, stasined Glass, Sewing, Knitting, woodworking, and the list goes on.. and on.. and on...

I love to bake. Its my stress-reliever. Helps out after a bad day/week.

I like make-up (UM, duh.)

yeah.. thats it. sorry I talk too much


Well-known member
Name: karen

Age: 28

Location: Virginia(usa)

Profession: stay at home mom to my 2 kids... Keith, who is 8 years old, and Camille, who is now 6 months old.
Before I had Camille, I was a partner at my grandmother's Merle Norman Cosmetics Studio, and had been a makeup artist there for 13 years(full time for the last 3 years).
Also have been a manager at a music store and a baker, among other things. Went to college for fire science and computer science, but probably won't be using the degrees.

Ethnicity: American; but my blood is Irish, English, Welsh, Cherokee, French, and German. Probably other stuff too, as I'm a true mutt.

(edited to answer the other questions)


Well-known member
Great! thanks everyone so far. Feather, that is a name I have never heard before, but it's really pretty as a name! Do you know why your parents gave it to you?


Well-known member
Back in 1977...there was some show called the "Feather and Father Gang." My Grandmother liked the show and thought I would like the lady on the show...so she gave me the name. It was some show about a Father and Daughter detective team. Something like that. But, yep that's where it came from. People always ask me..."Is that your real name?" My boyfriends Grandma...she gets my name all confused and calls me leaf. LOL


Well-known member
My name is Misty, and I'm 28. I'm married, without kids, for almost two years now. Professionally, I'm an assistant event planner (that means I'm an event planner who gets paid less, lol) This is my slowest time of year, so I've been online alot lately.
My ethnicity is Native American, German and Irish (odd combo, huh). As my screen name suggests, I live in central Kentucky.
Some random things about me, I love gambling and card games, and I'm pretty good at picking horses
. I'm a hardcore democrat, a bookworm, and a news junkie. The news is always on in my house. I love big dogs, Boxers in particular. I have one boxer boy right now, and we are looking to adopt a friend for him soon.
I discovered MAC in the late 90's, and the obsession snowballed around 2001, when my city finally got a counter. I found specktra when a very nice ebay seller pointed me to the site. I lurked for about 6 months before I finally registered and started posting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 'Nessa
I am lazy

"Hi Lazy!"


I'm Linda.....and I'm going to do that survey sometimes later! (I always thought surveys were Myspace things.....!