What is your weirdest habit?


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Originally Posted by Septemba

Compulsive tooth-brushing. Hate the feeling of unbrushed teeth... eww!

thats a really good habit though lol


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I don't know if mine are habbits but I have some weird.. OCD? .. problems.

For example: If i buy a pack a markers, pencils, sharpies, etc I have to have them all. If I lose one i don't want any of them; it's either all or none.

Or like when I'm about to leave the house I will check my hair iron 30 times to see if it's off because i'm that paranoid.

I also smell everything before I eat or drink it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
Yuck. The woman who sits opposite me at work eats a huge salad at her desk every day. I always take my lunch at the same time so I can get up and leave and walk around the town, just so I can't hear it. It's so disgusting and I have never heard anyone eat like that before. Slurping and smacking. Then after the salad it's the yoghurt, when after the slurping, the spoon is scraped about 50 times round the inside of the pot even though even I know there can't be anything left in there. If I come back in the office and she is still eating I am so pissed off.

Problem is, I am running out of places to go at lunchtime, but I cannot stand to be in the office! As soon as she takes the lid off her lunch I am out of there

Lol- gotta love work people- At my last job, there was a girl who snacked allll day long, and it was always crunchy foods, like apples, crackers, chips, carrots, etc... Anyway, she'd #1 chew with her mouth open, #2 slurp the juice from apples or whatever, and smack her lips too. I get enraged when I hear chewing to begin with and as you can imagine, it was hard to contain myself when it happened all day. The guy sitting across from me (there were 4 of us that shared a HUGE cube) had the same pet peeve- cant stand hearing people chew, so every time we saw her reach for her snack drawer, we'd look at each other, grin, and put in our earphones. lol its still a joke to this day.


Well-known member
Now I have my own closed office, but before we were all in one room, separated by panels. There was this girl behind me, I could hear her ALL DAY LONG eating, sniffing... she was annoying. She had this problem with her sinus that made her not able to close her mouth of something when she ate.

At the end, even her normal breathing annoyed me, like she never used a kleenex. It was disgusting, I could hear all the sh*t in her nose running around.


I started putting little balls of kleenex in my ears...

Or this other girl where I worked before, she ate candies all day long and she kept on sucking them very loud.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cheapglamour

I also smell everything before I eat or drink it.

OMG I do the same. My family thinks its weird and disrespectful when I do that (like at friends house's or restaurants). I dont know I just dont want to put something in my mouth if it dont smell good...ya know, its not weird right? LOL


Well-known member
same goes if I have on any jewelry or hair crap, I always wake up to take it off. but I HAVE to have a blanket on me, even in hot weather. I am so weird. D: \quote]

Yea im the same way..My stomach has to be covered at all times no matter how hot it is. And my hair cant be tied or anything..you can image how hot it looks in the morning..not lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
Yuck. The woman who sits opposite me at work eats a huge salad at her desk every day. I always take my lunch at the same time so I can get up and leave and walk around the town, just so I can't hear it. It's so disgusting and I have never heard anyone eat like that before. Slurping and smacking. Then after the salad it's the yoghurt, when after the slurping, the spoon is scraped about 50 times round the inside of the pot even though even I know there can't be anything left in there. If I come back in the office and she is still eating I am so pissed off.

Problem is, I am running out of places to go at lunchtime, but I cannot stand to be in the office! As soon as she takes the lid off her lunch I am out of there

I got the chills reading this. lol..I would def do the same thing.


Well-known member
I'm so weird!

First off, I'm always afraid I didnt lock my door when I left. I sometimes come back just to check it, and even if I don't I always worry about it.

Second, I always, always, always re-organise the make-up bag I carry with me. I always have a feeling i carry unnessesary products or forget something. Whenever I see someones bag I think "oh I should carry that too!". Seriously re-organuise every day.

And finally the most wierd one - I like cutting off my split ends with my manicure scissors. Yes I do go to the hair salon and cut my split ends there, but I always get them again soon, and it pisses me off. So I would just sit at home looking at my hair cutting odd split ends. Im weird, I warned you!


I wouldn't call this a weird habit. It's more of a personality quirk. I have the attention span of a peanut.


It's hard for me to focus on anything for more than a few minutes at a time. Except for the video game i play, and playing with makeup o.o


Well-known member
I smell EVERYTHING, lol.. not just food and drinks, I mean pretty much anything I acquire in my hands I want to know what it smells like (unless its something that obviously smells bad, i dont go around sniffing nasty things, just things i'm curious about i guess?) It's pretty weird but I've done it since I was a kid, haha.. i don't know what it stems from, maybe I was a dog in a former life or something?
i have no idea. But things like the insides of books and magazines, to markers, to makeup, everything gets sniffed out.

It does make it easier to be descriptive when it comes to scents I guess, because I have this huge memory bank of them.

Useless talent =


Well-known member
This reminds me of a tamer version of a thread I stumble on at Ebaum Forums.

I've always had this strong urge to eat laundry detergent. I never had, but I want to.
I like the way my garage smells.
I do this thing where I have to perfectly outline my hands and toes or I go crazy.
I have clausterphobic feet, so I can't wear shoes for too long or I panic.


Well-known member
i have a weird habit of always carrying deodorant with me everywhere i go, i cant step out of the house without it just in case i forgot to put it on in the morning, ill have it in my purse. and i store one in my car. i dont know why, i hate the feeling of not wearing deodorant, its uncomfortable to me, and i can literally FEEL when im not wearing it, which is when i remember to put it on, even way before i break a sweat. and ill put it on ANYWHERE, i dont care if im sitting in class, if i know i dont have it on, itll drive me nuts, so ill just pull it out, put it on real quick, and thats it i can relax.
i guess i just have an unconditional love for deodorant


Well-known member
Nail files. I cannot STAND to hear an emory board scraping across ny nails. I guess it's like fingernails on a chalk board sound to me. Therefore, I always clip my nails as short as possible and to file them down, I'll constantly run my nails over the thighs of my jeans. Drives the hubbs insane. LOL I don't care because he has weird OCD things as well.

The next thing is milk. I have to smell it every time it comes out of the fridge. I'm fairly certain that everybody would develop that habit when they accidently drink the expired stuff.. EWWWWW good times...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
I smell EVERYTHING, lol.. not just food and drinks, I mean pretty much anything I acquire in my hands I want to know what it smells like (unless its something that obviously smells bad, i dont go around sniffing nasty things, just things i'm curious about i guess?) It's pretty weird but I've done it since I was a kid, haha.. i don't know what it stems from, maybe I was a dog in a former life or something?
i have no idea. But things like the insides of books and magazines, to markers, to makeup, everything gets sniffed out.

It does make it easier to be descriptive when it comes to scents I guess, because I have this huge memory bank of them.

Useless talent =

LOL I can totally relate to the smelling of everything in your hands except I have to touch and feel everything that I run across at a store. When I worked for Target, anytime I had to go to the back room I had to cut down the bath towel aisle and touch all of them. It was so bad that our Assets Protection chick told me that I did the same thing everyday and she knew what time it was when she saw me in the towel aisle on her screens in the back office. Makes me wonder who was worse off. Me for the habit or her for KNOWING that. Heh... she found her calling in life!


Well-known member
I can totally relate to the noisy eating of food. It DRIVES ME CRAZY! omg. I can't stand people who smack and eat with their mouths open. I had a co worker who used to eat all day long and she was as noisy as could be and would talk/chew with her mouth open while walking around the office to "talk" to people. Yuk. One thing I don't miss about my old job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_c
OMG I do the same. My family thinks its weird and disrespectful when I do that (like at friends house's or restaurants). I dont know I just dont want to put something in my mouth if it dont smell good...ya know, its not weird right? LOL

makes total sense


Well-known member
If I smoke I CANT stand the second hand smoke..I cant breathe it in..i make sure the air takes it down wind or have the window down in the car so the smoke isnt just twirling around in the passenger compartment. I use Purell like a mother trucker because of all the nasty shizz I come in contat with ( tweakers, drugs, poop, body fluids), I dont think thats weird though..just smart i guess.

Im anti sock as well

I am a freak about recycling..i see people at work with sobe or soda cans or something I tell ppl to give it to me so I can take it home and recycle it lol...its not for the $$ its for the environment. I tell people how to be green all the time they look at me like im retarded. But I really do care !

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