What is your weirdest habit?


Well-known member
I have a weird symmetry thing. like, if I touch something with one finger, I have to touch it with all the others or it'll annoy me. I don't HAVE TO, but It annoys me if I don't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gadook
I have a weird symmetry thing. like, if I touch something with one finger, I have to touch it with all the others or it'll annoy me. I don't HAVE TO, but It annoys me if I don't.

Oooh, I get that too!
It's annoying.

I always like to wipe cutlery and cups/plates before I use them. It's find at home but I always feel a bit rude in other people's houses, like I'm saying they don't clean things enough or something, but I'm not, it's just a habit!

I don't like to drink out of glasses either, especially at home. I much prefer drinking out of cups. Even water, juice and booze, I drink them from teacups or mugs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Ho, I found another one and nobody can beat this!

When someone passes next to me, I stop breathing for 4-5 seconds, just because I do not wanna breath the same air...


Hate to tell you this . . . but I do the exact same thing!
(Glad to know I'm not the only one, though!!) I typically hold my breath on elevators, too, if it's a short enough ride.

Let's see, other things . . . Whenever possible, I push open doors in restaurants and shops using my elbow, and never, ever with my hands (unless there is an actual handle that must be turned). I keep antibacterial hand gel in my purse for use after those times when I must touch a public door handle.

I'm a bit OCD and tend to check and check and recheck certain things, such as whether the doors of the house are locked before I go to bed at night. And I double-check that the alarm clock is set before going to bed . . . actually, I check it about 4 times. Every night. Have done this for 10 years straight, at least.

I have to have noise around me every waking minute or I get nervous. I turn on the TV when I wake up, and it stays on until I leave the house. When I get home, it goes back on and stays on until we go to bed. Drives my partner crazy at times - he prefers music. But music makes me nervous after a little while. Only the TV calms me. At work, when I'm in my office, I generally have on headphones and am listening to TV shows through Joost while I'm working on other things.

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