What is your weirdest habit?


Well-known member
I can not sleep in socks, a bra or bottoms! Hell it's hard for me to sleep in a tee shirt I hate sleeping with clothes on, 98% of the time my pj's are on the chair

I must sleep covered, neck to feet, it'll be 100 I'll turn in the ac but I MUST be covered

As soon as I come home I must take off my clothes, they are dirty end of discussion I have clothes I only wear home, if I have to go to the hoa office I will change, there's nothing wrong with the clothes but they are only for home

I used to be much worse but I've gotten better


Well-known member
Ho, I found another one and nobody can beat this!

When someone passes next to me, I stop breathing for 4-5 seconds, just because I do not wanna breath the same air...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
I'm so weird!

First off, I'm always afraid I didnt lock my door when I left. I sometimes come back just to check it, and even if I don't I always worry about it.

Second, I always, always, always re-organise the make-up bag I carry with me. I always have a feeling i carry unnessesary products or forget something. Whenever I see someones bag I think "oh I should carry that too!". Seriously re-organuise every day.

Ha I will also check my door to see if i locked it. The other day I was going to work and I was already around the block but I went home to see if it was locked anyways.. I guess because I'm that paranoid?

I don't organize my purse but I always cary unessesary stuff. Like alot of my eyeshadows.. i don't wear that many colors at once.. but I like to have them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
I can not sleep in socks, a bra or bottoms! Hell it's hard for me to sleep in a tee shirt I hate sleeping with clothes on, 98% of the time my pj's are on the chair

I must sleep covered, neck to feet, it'll be 100 I'll turn in the ac but I MUST be covered

As soon as I come home I must take off my clothes, they are dirty end of discussion I have clothes I only wear home, if I have to go to the hoa office I will change, there's nothing wrong with the clothes but they are only for home

I used to be much worse but I've gotten better

ahhhh! how could i have forgotten this one ! lol

I do the same thing. I change as soon as i get home..and i know im not going out again. I love my comfy clothes.


Well-known member
i'm a weirdo when it comes to new things
i do the smelling thing too, like my favs are detergent & fabric softeners i have to smell them all before i choose one.
i did my 1st online Mac purchase like in January, and I have yet to try my products, they are still in the box they came in, so carefully packaged like i'm waiting for the perfect time to break them in... next year? no, just kidding!
i don't wear makeup on a daily basis...
and also I have to be the 1st one to read the sunday newspaper and any new magazines i get in the mail. if i haven't looked at yet,
, you're not touching it!


Well-known member
After reading this thread I don't feel so bad about my strange habits.
Let's see, I'm a sniffer too, food, drinks, hands, walls, money etc.
I always have to have the toaster oven unplugged when not using it.
Toothbrushes, yeah I'm totally paranoid, change them often, check before using mine to make sure it wasn't used, rinse with peroxide once a week and my biggest phobia is making sure the toilet seat is down when flushing.
I once saw a health program on TV and they said the bacteria can go quite far (near the toothbrushes, for god's sake!). Oh and in a public bathroom, I never sit, and when I flush, I turn away quickly, see above.
There's probably another 100 things I could add to this list, it only gets worse as you get older, btw.


Well-known member
OMG!!!!! I knew there was a reason my toothbrush had to be is a container!! That was so gross to hear!!!!!
I will almost piss my pants b4 I use a public toliet ... I just can't unless it is absolutley necessary !! when we travel I hold it for so long and don't drink

Even at home I rinse all silverware before I use it...even when I washed it and know it's clean...bacteria is airborne!! I'm such a Germaphobe it's scarey


Well-known member
- Ummmm I use Bleach in my dishwater. This drove my college roomates crazy but it was very common in my house and I know a lot of Black people do this.

- I eat dry oatmeal. A lot of it. I am snacking on it right now. There are days when the only thing I have eaten is dry oatmeal and no real food.

- I brush my teeth after I do my makeup. I don't know why.

- When someone coughs or sneezes by me I hold my breath as long as I can so I don't breathe in their germs.

I am sure I have more if I think about it.


Well-known member
I hate feet, I scream if my bf's feet touch me when we are in bed and get insanely angry....

I also do this weird thing if i push one of my cuticles back with my fingers i have to do it to all my fingers evenly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

Even at home I rinse all silverware before I use it...even when I washed it and know it's clean...bacteria is airborne!! I'm such a Germaphobe it's scarey

My MIL will ask for a cup of hot water in restaurants and dip the cutlery in it, it's actually amazing what comes off of them, I on the other hand wipe them with tissue or the ever present wet wipes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
After reading this thread I don't feel so bad about my strange habits.
Let's see, I'm a sniffer too, food, drinks, hands, walls, money etc.
I always have to have the toaster oven unplugged when not using it.
Toothbrushes, yeah I'm totally paranoid, change them often, check before using mine to make sure it wasn't used, rinse with peroxide once a week and my biggest phobia is making sure the toilet seat is down when flushing.
I once saw a health program on TV and they said the bacteria can go quite far (near the toothbrushes, for god's sake!). Oh and in a public bathroom, I never sit, and when I flush, I turn away quickly, see above.
There's probably another 100 things I could add to this list, it only gets worse as you get older, btw.

I'm with you on the toilet seat down when I flush! ewww, just to think of the germs splashing out and getting on you!

One of my weird habits I guess is biting the skin off the inside of my bottom lip..until it bleeds lol (although I've heard of quite a few other people who do this so its not THAT weird)

I cannot sleep unless I'm completely covered...even in summer - definitely no arms feet off the side of the bed or covers or I think something's gonna get me LOL - it's true
Oh wait does this classify as a habit? Oh well lol

I also have the weird sniffing habit. I like: marker pens, petrol, paint, alcoholly stuff, tippex, paper, books, magazines, nail polishes (mmm)...all those kinds of smells lol and I sniff stuff when I'm curious; not like food to see if it smells nice or not, but just plain curiosity


Well-known member
Hahaha...you know what I love to do? In the summer, when you get in the car and turn on the air I get like 1/2 inch away from the air vent and deeply inhale. I love the smell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Hahaha...you know what I love to do? In the summer, when you get in the car and turn on the air I get like 1/2 inch away from the air vent and deeply inhale. I love the smell.

I never did that, I just may have to try it.
I love the fumes from a bus, my brother too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
- Ummmm I use Bleach in my dishwater. This drove my college roomates crazy but it was very common in my house and I know a lot of Black people do this.

- I eat dry oatmeal. A lot of it. I am snacking on it right now. There are days when the only thing I have eaten is dry oatmeal and no real food.


I have never washed my dishes with bleach..But I do run a complete dishwasher cycle with bleach 1x a week..no dishes in it though



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
I never did that, I just may have to try it.
I love the fumes from a bus, my brother too.

mmmm... carbon monoxide..

just kidding, i know what you mean, haha.. somehow i'm drawn to certain smells that probably aren't good to breathe in either, like when we shoot fireworks shows (my pops works for a pyrotechnic company) I love the big cloud of smoke/gunpowder that surrounds the whole site, lol. I'm sure it's really horrible for your lungs, who knows wtf is in that shit!
I like the smell though, haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
mmmm... carbon monoxide..

just kidding, i know what you mean, haha.. somehow i'm drawn to certain smells that probably aren't good to breathe in either, like when we shoot fireworks shows (my pops works for a pyrotechnic company) I love the big cloud of smoke/gunpowder that surrounds the whole site, lol. I'm sure it's really horrible for your lungs, who knows wtf is in that shit!
I like the smell though, haha.

Omg, Yes! I love that smell!
or burning matches, candles.. and even though I don't smoke..I love the smell of cigarettes lol - hate smoking them though lol


Well-known member
i knew this thread would be hilarious.
I know I have weirdo things that I do.. but I must think they are normal because I can't recall anything too bizarre.

I can't sleep with the closet door opened. Someone may just POP out while I'm sleeping.
uhhhhh..... when I have fries and a hamburger I have to eat the fries first..
i am lame. ahhaa


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
mmmm... carbon monoxide..

just kidding, i know what you mean, haha.. somehow i'm drawn to certain smells that probably aren't good to breathe in either, like when we shoot fireworks shows (my pops works for a pyrotechnic company) I love the big cloud of smoke/gunpowder that surrounds the whole site, lol. I'm sure it's really horrible for your lungs, who knows wtf is in that shit!
I like the smell though, haha.

I'm not too worried, living in NYC, god knows all the crap I breathe in.

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