What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Has anyone mentioned really dark or miscolored eyebrows? Yeaaahhh.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I'm guilty of several of these - overdone eyebrows and black liquid liner every day of the week, definitely; I like how it looks with my glasses, I like having a signature style (= I prefer sleeping in to experimenting with my make-up in the mornings) and I'm not much of an eyeshadow girl.

I have my own eyebrow peeves, of course - overplucked brows are one of them, you know when people have plucked their brows so uniformly thin all the way to the inner corners, so that they go straight down towards the bridge of the nose - that looks bad.

Sometimes I see people with dark hair who fill in their brows with a reddish brown pencil or brow shade, that tends to look strange as well, unless there's a lot of red in their hair.

Other pet peeves include very cool lip shades on very warm skin tones - I see people with warm-toned, peachy faces wearing greyish mauve lipstick or lipgloss that make them look like death warmed over way too often.

Spider leg mascara is another one. It happens to the best of us, but some people look like they've applied four or five layers of clumpy mascara, letting it dry completely between layers, and I just don't get that. I want badass length and volume too, but there's a point when your lashes just will not get any better with another coat or five.

Heavy eye make-up with no base. It works if you've got really great skin, just some concealer and powder can be fine too, but an uneven, blotchy and shiny face with heavily made-up eye looks off to me. Same goes for very strong lips with no base, that tends to bring out all the redness in your skin.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

-visible lipliner
-eye makeup without eye liner
-frosty lips / concealer lips
-angry eyebrows / short eyebrows
-too much blush/bronzer
-heavy false lashes on small eyes / wearing false lashes during the daytime
-dark/red lipstick without lipliner to prevent bleeding or correct asymmetry.

Stephie Baby

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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Mismatched foundation
crazy jagged fluidline.
People who wear eyeshadows all the way back to their hair line on an everyday basis. Doing it every once in a while is fine.
Penciling in eyebrows just kinda freaks me out. Lol.
Un-blended eyeshadow!!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I dislike bronzer and fake tan as well just because I like being pale and pastey lol. Chalky eye shadows annoy me as well. Also things like orange or blue lipstick I just find to be really odd lol.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I saw this picture recently on MSN of stars "then and now" and who has obviously had plastic surgery. There was the picture of this woman who used to be on that show Knots Landing. I remember her because my mom used to watch that show. Everything was wrong with her makeup. And it looked worse because of the very obvious plastic surgery. Don't get me wrong, I think surgery is fine, but when you start looking like a cat, then things are going way to far.....

1. Eyelashes that were so spiky and full of mascara that it really did look spidery and freaky.

2. Uneven foundation and it didn't look like the right color.

3. Nude lips that were done in the WORST way. You could still see the liner AND she had so much gloss on over it that she looked like her lips were dripping. And the nude color was just BAD on her.

All these things made me say... .EWWWW EWWWW!!
Big NO NO's!!!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I hate anything sticky.. I mean sticky and goopy. It just makes me sick lol.. like Urban Decay Lip Gunk (ughhh, I know some of you probably like it lol but it makes me cringe loll). I used to wear it in high school.. why I have no idea. I actually bought a tube awhile back and I sent it right back. It's sticky and glittery. It's like putting sandpaper on your lips.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Temptasia
-visible lipliner
-eye makeup without eye liner
-frosty lips / concealer lips
-angry eyebrows / short eyebrows
-too much blush/bronzer
-heavy false lashes on small eyes / wearing false lashes during the daytime
-dark/red lipstick without lipliner to prevent bleeding or correct asymmetry.

I definitely have to say that I agree with the eye makeup without eye liner! lol. I thought I was crazy. Ditto on too much blush too!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

The scariest person I ever saw was on the bus and she had stripper yellow hair and and orange tan, she was bent over changing her shoes. She reached in her bag and put a barrette in her mouth-still could not see her face, and when she flipped her head up she had the weirdest expression on her face, which she could not change because it was obviously over botoxed, and her lips lookeded like they belonged on a blow fish. She also had Victoria Beckum artificial breasts with obvious ridges of ribs and you could see the whole implant under the skin. I had to move seats...that was ewwww.....


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I love that I'm not the only one that has so many makeup pet peeves.
So here I go:
-liquid eye liner only on the bottom lid, I know it sounds horrible but it's very common here in Mexico, I just hate it! It makes your eyes look smaller and you just look bad.
-the natural or fake overcooked look, I mean it's not just that you get cancer if you tan naturally but if you fake it you look orange and it's so obvious!! If your pale embrace it and rock it!!
-Also on the same note having the excessive tan and frosty pink 80's lipstick...Why??? Not good!!
-Frosty on the whole lid blue eye shadow, please find a blue color that suits you so you don't look like Mimi!!
- Eye shadows that are not well blended, don't color coordinate or just that you decided to use every single color you own. Not pretty ladies!!
-Eye liner that is crooked and you just thought... "eehhh!! I think no one will notice." We do notice!! Please take the time to clean up your line and also take care of mascara smudges.
-The whole sharpie eyebrows, come on!!! You just look silly, surprised, angry and just plain fugly!!
-Blush that is not well blended, the whole dolly face is not pretty.
-Bronzer that is too dark or not done right, I would love to wear bronzer but since I just don't know how to use it, I just embrace my pasty self.

-When ladies wear dark lipstick without lip liner or when they lip line way over their natural shape (the real obvious kind of) and also when you don't take the time after applying your lipstick to check if you have any on your teeth!!
-Dark lip liner with pale lipstick or no lipstick, also chalky lipstick.

-Foundation that is too dark, too light, to chalky, not well blended. Invest in a kabuki brush and you'll see the difference.
I think that's about it, sorry for ranting on and on.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Theatrically drawn on brows.

The ones where the person has either no brows or has removed their natural brows. They then draw on some ridiculous shapes. What they maybe dont realize is that even though the natural eyebrow isnt there, the facial muscles still are, and our eyebrows move with facial expression. When the eyebrows are where they arent supposed to be, the facial expressions are weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiird!

Spiky black inner corners (tear ducts).
This kind of thing is fine once in a while just for fun or for a avant garde look, but for a day look, or night on the town....blech! It makes the eyes look too close together.

Clown Faced old women.
You know at least one old biddy who does this one. She thinks that by wearing bright red sparkly lipstick, and bright blue eyeshadow to her brows, and big red dots of blush, and spider lashes, that it's somehow going to make her look younger. She also usually wears far too strong of a purfume.

Blonde Eyelashes with poor mascara job
Some blonde ladies have some of the thickest and lushest lashes, but go out and ruin it by not covering them properly, often with a mascara thats too dark. You essentially see their "eyelash roots". It makes the impression of floating lashes...in a bad way.

The brows dont match the hair, not even close!
This offense is often committed by bottle blondes. When your brows are black, you ain't foolin' no one! If you're going to dye your hair drastically, its worth it to tint your eyebrows a few shades or else it looks wonky!


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

-Obvious under eye concealer rings

-Permanent make-up
-Any lip color on really flakey, chapped lips
-Sperm brows


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

permanent makeup on like someone who is extremely wrinkled in the face blech!

frosty lips with the dark lip liner, like someone mentioned usually just that ugly dark lip liner with nothing else, or black lip liner.

when someone doesnt blend their eyeshadow..it just draws my attention, when its bold or brighter colors and you can tell they used one of those sponge applicators and just swiped one line of this color, then one line of the next color...etc, etc..

shaved eyebrows with drawn on extreme arches. not too appealing.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Ladies and gentelmen (if there's are any), I just wanted to know what kind a make-up makes you go EWW/turns you off and why.

For me it self-tanners beacuse I think it makes you look fake and plus in my view if you pale or not you're fine the just way you are and also it's disgusting if you have a faux tan even if it's done right it still doesn't look right and the orange streaks, just eww.

Also blush turns me off. Why many people ask me? Well it's because it makes you look like a clown and blush should only be used for Halloween and special occasions like a dinner date or graduation but if you do make sure it looks natural and not clown-like. I can't stress this enough.

And finally bronzers. I think bronzers don't look right at all on anyone./quote]

For me, it´s all that stated above...And makeup colors mismatching the person´s natural shades. Like a blond tan girl insisting on baby blues and milky pinks, or a brunette with fair skin with gold on her eyes and lips. Do you know what I mean? I know, I know, most people believe anyone can pull off any color, but for me this is not true, so I swear by the rule: warm-toned girls wear warm colors and cool-toned girls wear cool colors. It may seem unimaginative to most of you, but for me this is a winner statement, which, when broken, may result in eeeeeewwww makeup.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Scented everything. I can understand a bit of flavored gloss (I love that stuff), but why put strong fragrance in mascara, powder, etc?

Other than that, and some of the stuff mentioned above, I find that many rules can be broken (for example, I am warm toned, but I don't look good in warm toned lipsticks/glosses and I look better in cool reds.)


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Eww i'm so glad someone mentioned permanent make up - just ew seriously.

The thing that makes me cringe the most is sperm brows or really, practically non-existant ones, or ones that are just 1 straight line all the way through :S or shaved off then penciled-on brows especially when their done so unaturally, like reeally high up or really thin or whatever; Iam so picky when it comes to eyebrows haha.

Extremely bright blush - Why, just why?

Orange or ashy or just the wrong type foundation - It's called investing in this thing called a MIRROR.

Like someone else said: dramatic, nice eye make up with no base on (and bad skin) WTH?

Dark Lipliner with a light gloss/lipstick - whenever i see this on someone i want to scream.

I HATE seeing creased eyeshadow like on really oily eyelids; use a base, please.

Crusty make up. Nuff said.


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by DJ_Roxas
Ladies and gentelmen (if there's are any), I just wanted to know what kind a make-up makes you go EWW/turns you off and why.

For me it self-tanners beacuse I think it makes you look fake and plus in my view if you pale or not you're fine the just way you are and also it's disgusting if you have a faux tan even if it's done right it still doesn't look right and the orange streaks, just eww.

Also blush turns me off. Why many people ask me? Well it's because it makes you look like a clown and blush should only be used for Halloween and special occasions like a dinner date or graduation but if you do make sure it looks natural and not clown-like. I can't stress this enough.

And finally bronzers. I think bronzers don't look right at all on anyone./quote]

For me, it´s all that stated above...And makeup colors mismatching the person´s natural shades. Like a blond tan girl insisting on baby blues and milky pinks, or a brunette with fair skin with gold on her eyes and lips. Do you know what I mean? I know, I know, most people believe anyone can pull off any color, but for me this is not true, so I swear by the rule: warm-toned girls wear warm colors and cool-toned girls wear cool colors. It may seem unimaginative to most of you, but for me this is a winner statement, which, when broken, may result in eeeeeewwww makeup.

It not unimaginative, it's actually true. So you're getting my thanks for this.
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Aaaahhhh funky tasting lipstick! I don't mind if it tastes like vanilla or cupcakes or something that has a place near my tongue, but roses or baby powder??? L'oreal, Dior, and Clinique... puke.

Come to think of it, any makeup product that smells like crayons could be lumped in there as well. Bad enough that my car has that built-in VW Crayola smell. Studio Tech gives me a migraine.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

My list of brow-related crimes:
Shaving them off and penciling them in...Many times they are penciled WAY above where they are supposed to be. The worst case was where it was both a mom AND her daughter who had done that. Your brows are where they are for a reason, you know!

Not taking care of them at all-The other end of the spectrum is not doing jack squat with them-letting them be just two insects on your face. It doesn't cost a ton of money to get them waxed and it is not TOO painful...
Overly shaded-Yes, I do like brow powder, but only in moderation. I cannot stand when brows are just two big brown lines over the eyes-it looks really tacky. I for one love my natural (albeit waxed) brows.
The thin line-Blech. No go. It does not flatter anybody.

On with the rest...
Emo makeup-I have a friend who does a HUGE ring of black eyeshadow. It's the only thing she does. Yes it is kind of her signature, but she would look better if she laid off the shadow.
Coloured lip liner-I'm sorry, I just prefer clear.
Caked-on anything
Super-bright blush-save it for the stage.
Only doing neutrals-Can you say boring? There is a whole colour spectrum out there for you to try and you just do brown.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

it's not so much the the make-up styles, techniques that must piss me off.. but more-so the WRONG person wearing that particular style.

You know what I mean? Like if you have super big eyes, then lining with black all over doesn't effect you as much as it would if you already have small eyes.

That's what drives me insane, when a person tries to duplicate another look PRECISELY without taking into consideration that maybe the exact style and colors will make you look like a clown and NOT what you saw on someone else.

I'm an extremely patient person, but one girl (my best friends' ex-roomie) drove me nuts. She wanted a neutral look with some color.
She INSISTED on blues even after I told her a soft olive green would look great on her complexion, even the MUA was frustrated with her because she tried to put greens on her but the girl WANTED blues to soften her look.
Mind you, she's a red-head with freckles. Blue was NOT subtle on her. Drove me up the wall.

Oh and one other thing... this other girl... orange face, but that's not what bothered me since I see that all the time... it was the fact her highlighter EVERYDAY was WHITE... with some light neutral brown colors. OH no. Plz don't.

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