What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

cheap looking baby blues, or any other chalky pastel colors. with thick eyeliner.

white eyeliner on top lids!

really white shadows all over the lid, with no other colors.

Sharpie eyebrows and anything that looks drawn on.

nude lips that are much lighter that someone's skin tone.

really bright, heavy blush applied all over the cheeks

someone with really bad brakouts (like cystic acne) who covers it with thick, cakey makeup (I used to do this, only to realize that a. my skin looked better with the pimples and no makeup and b. by wearing less makeup, my skin cleared up!) I realize that some people feel it is necessary but at least in my experience, my skin reacted better to no makeup.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Some girls at my school put on alot of foundation [over their tan which doesn't look natural at all], BRONZER, and blush with no eyeshadow, liner or anything. It wouldn't bother me if it looked natural but in their case it doesn't. They apply it all really dark too, which doesn't help the whole tan effect..

ANDDD, when people put concealer on their lips.. especially when it looks basically white.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by S.S.BlackOrchid
Scented everything. I can understand a bit of flavored gloss (I love that stuff), but why put strong fragrance in mascara, powder, etc?

Other than that, and some of the stuff mentioned above, I find that many rules can be broken (for example, I am warm toned, but I don't look good in warm toned lipsticks/glosses and I look better in cool reds.)

I'm so with you on the perfumed makeup (apart from lipgloss/lippy of course - as love flavoured lipgloss).

I find other strongly scented products really offputting. Makes me wonder what they contain that goes off and smells nasty so quickly that they have to cover it up with perfume.....yuk!



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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Really, grossly ghostly (haha) white foundation. IE Mismatched foundation.
Caked on foundation, obviously already stated, but I was driving down the road to my interview today and randomly thought of this girl who went to my school and in all her MySpace pics she had on ghostly white/mismatched foundation that always made me go EWWWWWW!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Orange skin! YUCK. I live in AZ and seriously everybody in Scottsdale is just an orange mess. With white hair and black roots. That (apparently) is the uniform for "hot" girls here.. Newsflash! Being fake is not hot!

Bad eyebrows. Whether they're overplucked, underplucked, or badly shaped, they're just a pet peeve of mine. Eyebrows frame your face and should be flattering to your specific face! I'm really really anal when it comes to eyebrows.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I hate it when girls don't blend their eyeshadow together. It just looks like blocks of colors on there lids. Like a rainbow.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by stacylynne
Any makeup co that tests on animals makes me sick. This is why I stick to MAC

mac may not test the final product on animals, but every ingredient in every product that's used on or in a human is at some point tested on animals and is required to undergo such testing by law.

the wrong shade of red makes me sad. i realize that it's difficult to find the right shade of red lipstick/gloss, but if you haven't found it yet...keep trying. i hate seeing girls in reds that just don't do their face justice.


Active member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I really dislike when someone wears dark liquid eyeliner every single day...and it's always these gorgeous women who have bright blue eyes and blonde blonde blonde hair! Change it up a little honey!

I'm not drop dead gorgeous, have blue grey eyes and dark blonde hair - and I use dark liquid eyeliner every single day
My excuse is, though, is that my sight is really bad and my glasses make my eyes look A LOT smaller than they really are so black liquid eyeliner is one of those things you can use to make them stand out. If I take my glasses off it looks kinda scary, though! One of my students said I looked like an alien when I took off my glasses

My pet peeves are mismatching foundation/ tans gone wrong and overplucked eyebrows. I read somewhere that one reasons to stick to your natural brows is that when people grow older, their eyebrows get thinner so overplucked eyebrows actually can make you look older (AND weird!).

Also people who have super blonde hair with a super dark tan and pink clothes and white/"nude" lipstick make me go
Espescially when they're way over 25 or 30!


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Since most have already stated my makeup pet peaves, here goes:
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
Really pink lipstick-Hello Kitty pink.
The Pamela Anderson Look
Shiny faces
Overbleached hair, the stripper look, especially with dark roots
Shaved off drawn on eyebrows
Someone compelled to use all the colours in their palette
Emo makeup
women who use obvious contour
orange lipstick
improper use of bronzer
orange skin
wrong colour foundation
obvious lipliner
wrong colour choices for skintone
sparkles all over the face

I agree w/ all of yours except pink lips, I love pink lips... But seriously, you hit the nail on the head!!!

Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
Well I'm Russian and for some reason older Russian women like to wear horrible hot pink lipstick paired with something like baby blue eyeshadow...EWWW
Another makeup pet peeve of mine is dark lipliner with light lipstick, come on now. I went to eat with my boyfriend and we saw this older lady with just purple lipliner on! WTF

Maybe she just forgot to finish her makeup... I mean, she is old... or busy. Ive been in such a hurry before, because im running really late to class, that sometimes I've forgotten mascara, and thats why I always keep some in my purse. Please don't kill me for this mistake... Kid, school, and work make for NO TIME.

Originally Posted by stacylynne
Any makeup co that tests on animals makes me sick. This is why I stick to MAC

Can't tell you how much I agree with this statement.
Originally Posted by Brittni
Has anyone mentioned really dark or miscolored eyebrows? Yeaaahhh.

My friends g'ma has no eyebrows. She doesn't pluck them or shave them. So she draws them on, IN BLACK!! OMG you can tell its so fake. I guess she thinks that since she dyes her hair jet black that its ok? And one is always higher than the other and are noticeably crooked and misshaped... Guess she draws them on while looking sideways in the mirror.

Originally Posted by Kuuipo
The scariest person I ever saw was on the bus and she had stripper yellow hair and and orange tan, she was bent over changing her shoes. She reached in her bag and put a barrette in her mouth-still could not see her face, and when she flipped her head up she had the weirdest expression on her face, which she could not change because it was obviously over botoxed, and her lips lookeded like they belonged on a blow fish. She also had Victoria Beckum artificial breasts with obvious ridges of ribs and you could see the whole implant under the skin. I had to move seats...that was ewwww.....

thats GROSS!


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

- Tattooed eyebrows gone horribly wrong, and not just wrong but thin and blue.
- Eyebrows that are thin and completely round. The golden arches don't do it for me.
- Bronzer too for some reason? I just feel like everything is too orange.
- The wrong color blush on someones face. Who wants to fake rosacea?
- Sticky lip-glosses. They're pretty, but it just feels uncomfortable on my face.

- Clashing eye makeup and lip color
- Crooked liner. I'm talking, like, your eye-liner doing the wave.
- Un-blended brow highlight. A white line underneath your eyebrow?
- Nasty flavored/scented lipstuff


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

as a MAC MUA I have to say that I can appreciate all types of makeup, subtle delicate beauty and fierce tranny hottness, and I must say that I hate when people take makeup SO FREAKIN SERIOUSLY! We can't all look like miserable HIllary Duff every day. So what if someone likes to beat their eyebrow on, so what if someone likes to bathe in bronzer, So what if someone likes 4 coats of zoomlash? I think everyone should be allowed to express themselves however they feel most comfortable.

And white eyeliner is something that everyone should own. The next time you are exhausted or hungover, try a bit on the water line and tell me you don't look brighter than you did without it.

Its important to learn to laugh at ourselves, DON"T TAKE LIFE SO SERIOUSLY! If you want to be one of thousands of dreary, boring, cookie cutters than do so.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by MacNeill59
as a MAC MUA I have to say that I can appreciate all types of makeup, subtle delicate beauty and fierce tranny hottness, and I must say that I hate when people take makeup SO FREAKIN SERIOUSLY! We can't all look like miserable HIllary Duff every day. So what if someone likes to beat their eyebrow on, so what if someone likes to bathe in bronzer, So what if someone likes 4 coats of zoomlash? I think everyone should be allowed to express themselves however they feel most comfortable.

And white eyeliner is something that everyone should own. The next time you are exhausted or hungover, try a bit on the water line and tell me you don't look brighter than you did without it.

Its important to learn to laugh at ourselves, DON"T TAKE LIFE SO SERIOUSLY! If you want to be one of thousands of dreary, boring, cookie cutters than do so.

I totally agree with you that people should be allowed to express themselves, but some of it is ridiculous. And most of the stuff griped about in this thread is not stuff people have really done on purpose, its just simple mistakes. No, I don't take makeup that seriously, but with some of the ways that people do their makeup, you might as well wear clown makeup everyday.

And when we spoke of white eyeliner, we weren't talking about on your waterline, we were talking about piled high on top of your upper lash line.
I own white eyeliner and have tried the brighten up my eyes trick, which I thought most on here knew already. As one of my pet peeves, it shouldn't be used to line the whole eye, but to brighten it.

And just because we created a thread to gripe about something DOESN'T mean we don't laugh at our selves from time to time, or take things to seriously. Most people gripe about something. As Humans, we tend to do that, unless there is some other species someone knows about that walks this planet and wears makeup? If we were all dreary boring cookie cutters then there would only be one hair color, a few select shades of eyeshadow, all done in the same way, all wear the same clothes, and so on. You yourself have taken the ranks of those of us that take life "so seriously" if your complaining about a thread where people have posted their opinions...
Welcome to the club.


Active member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Suzyn
And just because we created a thread to gripe about something DOESN'T mean we don't laugh at our selves from time to time, or take things to seriously. Most people gripe about something.

I agree, I think everyone's has atleast once though "What on earth is going on there!" when looking at someone else. It's just different tastes/opinions. And for all I know, all the super tanned people might be looking at my pasty whiteness and thinking I should go run for some tanner asap!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

Using BLACK liner as a lipliner. Sometimes with whatever color lipstick, but most times it's with none at all, and maybe some clear lipgloss. There's a reason why black pencils aren't labeled as lip liner,because it's not mean to be used as one! Looks crazy as hell

I've used black liner as lipliner! I put red lipstick on with it.

It was for a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
Mismatched foundation
crazy jagged fluidline.
People who wear eyeshadows all the way back to their hair line on an everyday basis. Doing it every once in a while is fine.
Penciling in eyebrows just kinda freaks me out. Lol.
Un-blended eyeshadow!!

I would liked to second the penciling in the eyebrows thing. Ewww! Why would you shave off your entire eyebrow only to draw it in like you are a cartoon???
I also have to agree with the posters that commented about the foundation being the wrong color. I always wonder if they have a mirror to see that there is a huge orange line along their jaw???


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

1. visible eyelash glue
2. hard blush line
3. blush that is too dark applied to the apples of the cheeks
4. foundation applied to an unwashed, unmoisturized face, so it clings to aaaall the dead skin on every part of the face
5. 12/13/14 year old girls with more makeup on than will ever be necessary
6. frosty lipstick - i just hate it. don't know why.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I only say "Ewwww" when makeup is poorly done. It doesn't matter what you wear or how much you're putting on. If it's horribly applied, it sucks. But, I agree with some of the things you all have said. White eyeliner...seriously...on the upper lashline? I see a LOT of girls here doing that shit. That's just God-awful.

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