What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

One bright ass colour all over the eyelid with no liner and crappy mascara

big bushy un groomed brows (especially with frostiness or glitter!!)

Too thin/overly plucked brows (to the point where they are transparent)

way way heavy blush with practically no other rmakeup on.

Way heavy lips. I'm talking about drak plum ll, light mauvy lips and a shit load of gloss. I'm thinking of one girl in particular. When she was about 13, she was stunning. Italien girl. Big beautiful brown eyes, wavy thcik amazing brown hair. olivly skin. i mean she was stunning. Then she went the whole "look like everyone else" route. She tanned like crazy (she was orange at one point) bleached her hair a pissy blond colour (it was actually snapping off). Plucked her eyebrows to near nothing. Went crazy with lip product. She kind has a similar face to jessica simpson... but she wears pure tranny makeup. It's to the point where when she used to come into my former place of work, people/co-workers would stop and star at her.

What else... people that wear black eyeliner and nothing else. it makes me crazy. no, this doesnt make you edgy.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Mabelle
One bright ass colour all over the eyelid with no liner and crappy mascara

LOL! I asked someone who does this about it once and she said, "I think the eyeliner puts it over the top." WTF? Go figure.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

for the make up challenged i always compare doing your makeup to painting a wall. This would be like so you'd slop the colour all over the wall and not worry about cutt or painting the mouldings or base boards?

people are weird.

same thing as when people refuse to use a primer. you need one when you paint a wall, you need one for you're skiiin!!!


Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I don't like when I see young girls with acne try to cover their acne with caked on foundation. I know what they are trying to do but it just doesn't work. I had this problem as a youth and I did the same thing. Then the problem becomes this. As you age and the acne goes away, you have the same bad habit of too much foundation. Then you have to break it. I mostly feel sorry for acne sufferers and want them to look better.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

The only thing that really bothers me is when I see someone wear a super dark lip liner and NO LIP COLOR....Drives me bonkers lol


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Personally, I can't stand goopy, gooey lipgloss that's lacquered on the lips. A little goes a long way.

Also, it's my opinion that there's nothing worse than jacked-up crooked eyeliner. It can ruin an entire look, no matter how nicely the rest of the makeup is applied. I know it takes practice, but still.


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Oh boy-- You guys hit alot of my peeves.. but here is a few that bother me:

1- Eyeshadow fallout- Please use some loose powder or something! Your cheeks are not supposed to MATCH your eyelids.

2- Failure to actually put shadow where it belongs.. the "outer V" is not in your hairline... no need to EXTEEENNDD IT OUTTT TOOO THEEERRE.. whew.

3- Super dark, super smokey, big time heavy duty eyeshadow.. at the office. Nuff said.

4- Harsh thick eyeliner.. No excuse.

5- Cheap orange bronzer overapplied. wow.

6- Warming up a eyeliner with a lighter or match. Hello! BAD IDEA.

7- DiscoBall glittery eyes, liner, cheeks AND lips.. why!??!!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Over done contouring, you know, drag queen style when you can see a defninite line. I know someone who does this with a RED toned blusher, it kind of looks like she's been hit on the side of her face with a belt.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

i think some things people have mentioned are completely relative. i've seen some things actually look good on some people, although not the majority. especially bronzer, if it's applied correctly (you need hardly any), i don't see what's wrong with it? you can't even tell that a person is wearing bronzer specifically if it's applied correctly, you can just see a subtle difference. also that my brows are medium brown and i have dyed blonde hair, and i think it looks fine on me. i also prefer myself with thin-ish brows as opposed to thick ones, but that's just because i think they work better with my face structure.
universal peeves of mine:
- ungroomed brows (unless of course your brows are perfect naturally)
- blush that is too way too dark/the wrong shade for someone's skin
- unblended anything. that goes for eyeshadow, foundation, blush..
- foundation over zits. always goes cakey and makes the spots more obvious.
- dark lipliner with light lipstick/gloss
- mismatching concealer or foundation to skin


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

i hate when girls apply waaay to much mascara on. it looks scary ;>


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Dark lip liner with light lips. Just looks ewww


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I suppose I never understood people who just put on concealer (which is always a few shades off) and then no foundation... they just have these blotches everywhere... confused me a loooot.


Active member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I can't stand:

-people who wear eye makeup without covering up their dark circles, making them look like a raccoon.

-people who line outside of their natural lip line to make it look like they have fuller lips, it always looks obvious.

-people who buy foundation in a shade darker so that it makes them look more tan. Foundation is not supposed to give you color! They just end up looking stupid with an orange face and a white neck.

-people who cake on matte lipstick over heavily chapped lips, it's so gross.

-people who wear blush in ridiculous colors. I knew a really pale girl who would pile on hot pink blush every day to the point where you could see her coming from a mile away by the 2 bright pink blobs on her face.

-I don't see this a lot, but sometimes people try to disguise a pimple as a mole by coloring it with black eyeliner. I'd rather see caked on concealer. It looks even more stupid when the "mole" smudges during the day, drawing even more attention to the zit.


Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Yep the orange foundation - mainly because i wonder how they start with their natural shade, put orange on, look in the mirror again and not see that they've been tangoed... the only reason i can think of is that they wear too much foundation and just re apply everytime they look in the mirror because they get used to each "layer" this i think is also the over caking scenario. Like you don't notice that mole you have anymore because you see it so much , i don't think they notice the foundation colour so apply more and more!

Girls with acne and scabby spots covering it with clums of concealer, foundation, powder and then repeating ten times. It's making the acne bigger and more noticable, an MUA in a store near me had this... speaking of which

MUA's with bad make up - and i mean orange skin paired with bright pink lipstick, too much cakey powder etc etc. It's frustrating because i'll avoid the counter if i see that advertising the make up......

clumpy mascara, i know someone who doesn't take her liquid eyeliner and mascara off at the end of the day if it is still there, then the next day with panda eye's tells me her eyeliner is so good at staying put and haha to me because she doesn't have to re apply it?!


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
Dark lined lips with light lipstick and drawn on brows.

true say

nude lipstick with a dark brown liner - so hooch.

and bad eyebrow shapes.
people who shave their eyebrows and draw ones on that look so un natural.


Coloured contact lenses. Especially blue contacts on darker skins where it looks so FAKE.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I don't wear liner...
I must disgust lots of people in here


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by perfectdefect
Dark lip liner with light lips. Just looks ewww

Yep, that's the worst one on my list too!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

*When people want their foundation to be either a million shades too dark or too light for their skin tone. Hello, people are going to see your neck- no amount of blending in the world is going to make that look natural.
* White eyeliner, I hate tyra banks for telling people to do this. I have yet to see this look good on anyone in person.
* Black lip liner, some people can totally rock it...But it's usually just baddd
* Shaved off eyebrows and black penciled in "brows"...Again, there are some people who rock this (and rock it well)...But I knew a girl in high school who did this and it made me cringe.
* Ultra caked on foundation/eyeshadow (esp. pastel colored eyeshadows)
* I have this one lady who wears bright green glitter on her eyelids and tells me she wants her daughters eyeshadow to be dramatic like hers. I'm sorry, I'll do bright and fun- but lady you do not belong anywhere near a jar of glitter.

& I don't know if you guys see a lot of this w/ your customers too, but there seems to be a trend that middle/high school girls wear very heavy black eyeliner. I think because it's something quick they can do before classes start so their parents don't see and they can go to CVS and buy a wet&wild eyeliner for a buck...But jeez somebody needs to make them stop, it looks trashy on most of them.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I saw a lot of these one one girl's face today.

Also, tanning and you can see the goggle lines and wearing too dark foundation with none under the eyes so you can see the tan lines under the eyes. Mascara thicker than Tammy Faye's, lipstick way over her natural lip line and bronzer almost all the way down her cheeks.

I felt bad for her.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

There's really only ONE thing that makes me think 'EWWWW'.....

oh man, dry and flaky foundation. no thank you, no thank you.

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