What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

^^Ewwww....that is pretty gross! At least you tried to get her to wash it. What is wrong with people!?!


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

1. Drawn on brows
2. HARSH LINES (I've seen someone with black eyeshadow that was not blended and it looked tacky)
3. Spider eyes
4. White eyeliner on the upper lashline (it used to be a trend when I was in middle school)
5. Lipstick on teeth (ew!)


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I really cant stand it when i see girls with a white line on their browbone, like its a "highlight," but really it looks like they took white eyeliner and just followed the shape of their eyebrow. and then left it like that.



Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Bronzer as a foundation!! This seems to be a trend these days with teenage girls and I just HATE it, makes me cringe.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

really really dry skin with foundation patches!!!
and teenagers that wear a lot of eye makeup, but have nasty skin, with little or no foundation. for some reason that bugs me a lot, i feel like the face is a canvas and it needs to be clean otherwise it ruins everything else.


Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Sharpie brows.
I die a little bit on the inside every time I see a girl with eyebrows looking like she grabbed a marker and drew em on! At least try to make it look natural . . .

And clumpy clumpy tarantula mascara. :/ I know applying 15 coats of mascara will give you amazing length and volume, but toooooo much of a good thing is definitely a bad thing.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Very few things bother me, honestly. While I might not like a look where ALL the eyeshadows are sparkly, or coral lipstick, or this, or that, maybe the person wearing it is perfectly aware how it looks, and likes it that way? *shrugs* I understand it's a pet peeve thread, but there just aren't that many times when I look at someone's makeup and actually get annoyed about it.

The couple exceptions are:

fake tanner/orange foundation - the reason it bothers me isn't the color per se, it's that girls think they have to do it because being pale "doesn't look good". I've seen so many girls buy into that BS - smart girls, even one of my favorite makeup gurus on youtube said in a vid once "I'm way too pale". No, your skin is beautiful and porcelain - what's wrong with it? I hate the thought that all these girls think they need to darken their skin somehow because they're 'too pale'.

obvious contouring - for similar reasons. If you have a round face or undefined cheekbones - that's your face, you know? Why spend ten minutes in the morning buffing and bronzing and contouring and using five different colors trying to make cheekbones appear that aren't there? I think it looks better to just dust a little blush on the apples of your cheeks and call it a day. Besides, unless you really know how to do it, you just end up with a muddy brown line down where you think your cheekbones hollow in. No, you don't look like you have cheekbones, you look like you have a brown smear on your cheeks.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by lara
Because when you're 80 you can do whatever the hell you want.



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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I really dislike when someone wears dark liquid eyeliner every single day...

*raises hand* haha


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by s0xjuicy
*raises hand* haha

Another guilty ass here, at least if dark "gel" eyeliner counts as well.

Sometimes i'm in a hurry or not feeling creative so a dab of #212 brush in Dipdown f/l can be my saviour


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Type of makeup....

stinky foundation.
it makes me not want to wear foundation for months.
Even though mine doesnt stink.
it just grosses me out really bad.


makeup that ive seen that made me go "ew"

This girl, gorgeous btw, looked like she had 4 big fat eyelashes because of so much mascara clumps.

and another girl had black eyeshadow up to her eyebrow and that was it. no liner, no mascara. nothing at all to balance it out. It looked awful.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Oh man.
Myself in the 7th grade.

I had eyeliner so thick.
I remember being asked if I used a sharpie back then.
And a teacher said I looked like i had racoon eyes.

But hey,
that was when I was 12/13
Soo...its ok.
I didn't know any better.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

You all would have loved one girl I saw on the bus today. *cough* She had sperm brows, but not just any sperm brows - they were absolutely straight lines, as if she used a ruler temple to temple and followed the line.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

drawn eyebrows. i just might not talk to you.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Originally Posted by s0xjuicy
*raises hand* haha

You're not alone. I love my cake eyeliner and my 209/210.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

1. "Sperm" brows (thanks for that --- I've always called them comma brows but I like your term better)

2. Orange skin. I don't even know how they get that way, and I don't want to know. And especially, some orange skin caught in the rain, when it runs, and.... aaaaaah! So scary.

3. The "Kim Mathers" plum lipliner with light or no lipstick --- my husband knows that when I am wearing dark lipstick and I say to him "Kim Mathers?" it means I'm asking him if it's worn off in the middle.

Wicked Lovely

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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

Theres many bad looks ive worn proudly at the time and now hang my head down in shame whenever a photo from the past is passed around lol Ive had the

1.Jodie Marsh eyebrows the ones that look like a U upside down
2.The overplucked crazy thin Pam Anderson eyebrows
3.Dark brown lip liner with a sheer pink lipstick & so when it wore away i was left with just the brown ring around the lips lol
4.The Jodie Marsh lipliner with the liner way outside the natural lip line,fyi it was wayy before she was known so wasnt like i was trying to imitate her look lol i really did think it looked really good at the time
5.Pastel green and pastel blue lips,and i dont mean sheers they were opaque blues and greens,i looked like a corpse,but i was really young an experimenting lol
6.One shade of shadow from lid to brow bone and nothing else

Basicly if theres a wrong way to wear makeup or just a bad idea,ive done it at some point lol Ive been wearing & experimenting with makeup since i was 8 years old,and i dont mean just wearing mommys lipstick or blush ,i was makeup crazy from a early age so ive had to make all sorts of mistakes before i learned to do it properly lol Im still learning! There was no youtube makeup tutorials when i was little

What really really annoys me with makeup is

1.when men & woman tell you that your a slut or you look like a hooker for wearing makeup

2.Everyone thats ANTI_MAKEUP thats gets on you about how you dont need makeup it looks silly your fine without it.Or just nitpick at whats that on your face that looks stupid you look fake blah blah blah

But like some of you have said im not really bothered by what other people wear on there faces ,we are all different with different tastes,styles,and creativity ,how boring it would be if everyone only wore the makeup looks that i like lol As long as you feel good with your look then nothing else matters. Alot of what makes people go urghh is mostly there just not knowing how to apply or which colors work etc etc


Well-known member
Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I have a few:

1. Falsies everyday- Why!! I cant understand y some women think false lashes are appropriate for daily wear. I mean the girls at McDonalds have them. Thanks MAC, its really all of ur fault.

2. ppl that dont take care of their skin and then hate on urs- I hear customers everyday that say ur skin is so nice and then when I ask about skincare routines I get nothin and bar soap. Hey lady I spend time day and night to make sure my skin looks great. Maybe if u cared that much u would.

3. This is a funny one but women that dont wear any makeup at all. There are very few women over 19-20 that can pull that look off. If ur an adult put some chapstick and blush on at least. Ur grown deal with it.

4. grey/plum/mauve lips look good on NO one. And neither does frosty beige especially if u r tanned.

5. Over tanned leather faces. Damn cancer it just looks bad and liver spotty nasty necks and chest.

6. not makeup but what goin on with the threading craze. I mean if I wanted to get defuzzed at a kiosk in the mall I would hope someone would say, "Hey ur nuts." Why would u wanna sit there and in the middle of the mall and get ur 'stache and brows yanked on just to see someone u havent seen since hs 5 mins later when ur all red and crazy looking. (cause thats what would happen to me, bad luck) The teeth whiting and hair straightening is nuts too (btw Im from Jersey aka the land of the malls those r in every one) Im just waiting til I can get a pap smear in between the pretzel place and the gap.


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

I saw one of the classics today.

One girl had her foundation caked on that was several shades too dark. Her neck was so much whiter that it had a bit bizzare look to it. For a moment there I was thinking of giving her Specktra's website address


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Re: What kind of Make-up that makes you go EWWW or turns you off and why?

^^ OMG my 15 year old sister thinks the "caked" look is in ..YUCK...

I tried telling her that a cakey face is NEVER in...she tells me thats how all the girls do their makeup in her school...
Hmm..Cakey isn't the right word...Burnt Cakey..hahaha...(She also wears sooo much damn bronzer shes getting a glow of an oompa loompa)

I BEEEGGGGGGGGGGGEEEDD her NEVER to do her makeup Cakey again! Hope she listens !!! lol...

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