What Religion Are You?


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religion and I have an interesting past. My parents were an interesting couple: my mom was born catholic, had the pentacostal church shoved down her throat at a young age, then turned apathetic and eventually joined the Methodist church. My father was Methodist when he married my mom, but is very apathetic towards people in churches because he was screwed over and over and over by his fellow church goers.

So, I was raised very liberally (as compared with other around me) and was allowed to choose what I really believed. Until I went to college. I go to college in the Bible Belt, in the city where I live, there are more churches (mostly Baptist) per capita than any where else in the USA. Almost all of the people I have met from church organizations and Christian groups have been the most nasty and back stabbing people. I was in an organization with people who tried to basically kill me through making me seem crazy. It was more than just brainwashing. They treated themselves worse than they treated others. It was truly a horrible situation and a nasty group to be a part of. Like I said...brainwashing, I had to go to counciling for years afterwards, and my fiancé was in the same organization and they did similar things to him as well. They were two faced and tried on several occasions turn one of us into "officials" to make sure we couldn't see each other because they thought God told them that we were "bad" together and could create problems for their organization. I had never been that messed up before.

So, like I said. Struggling with faith and religion. I feel sad when people hate, and it seems lots of people I've met of the "super religious" type are hateful and unhappy. I have so many conflicts with "religion" and doctorines. I love free thinking and being kind to everyone. So, I can see merit in the Bible, I can see merit in almost every religion that I've studied.

Now, I'm dealing with a mother-in-law who is very hateful, but thinks she is the most accepting loving Christian out there.
I really don't understand that mindset. She is very cruel and hateful towards everyone. She is racist and cruel to those she thinks are below her, which includes me.

I wish more people were like my parents and just loved life, loved people no matter what and were just happy.

So, actively seeking my own faith, practicing something that I feel is positive seems to be where I'm at. I believe in God, but I don't believe that I can follow a modern sect of Christianity because of all the people I've encountered that abused me and my trust.

Oh, and if one more person tells me that I'm going to Hell because of what I believe I might just go postal, because it pisses me off that they think they know me and know my beliefs and have the audacity to tell me that they know my fate and future.
I'm pretty sure they have no idea....


Well-known member
I was raised a Lutheran, and right now I would say that I am still a proud Lutheran, although I rarely ever get the chance to go to church. When I do go though, I go to the same one I have been going to my entire life. The Lutheran thing is very big, all of my mum's side of the family is Lutheran (a LOT of German ancestry, one of my mum's cousins is a Lutheran minister), and I spent a lot of time just in the church when I was young. Went through Confirmation and everything, and also started doing Younglife around that time-and if anything, I found Younglife to be more hypocritical because they have a double standard like none else. Good concept...just dealt with some really bad people. Also some of my other Christian friends were very anti-YL for many reasons.

The thing I like about the Lutheran church is that we are saved by God's grace through our faith in Him. My mom and I had many discussions about the church and everything as I grew older and it really helped shape my beliefs-that not only is God waiting for you to answer the phone, but that He is a loving God and a forgiving one-He will not discriminate, all you have to do is believe. In fact, the pastor at my church said one time "Let this be a place not where you are judged on your actions or who you are, but a place where you are loved and accepted".

I have a friend who is also Lutheran, but was raised Missouri Synod (definitely way more conservative, they are opposed to women helping during service...my church is ELCA, or Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and we have had female pastors...heck, there are people in the Confirmation program who help out as communion assistants), and she was not a fan of their services for many reasons, but she also felt that she didn't need to have the church per se in order to be closer to God. She can find Him through nature and just being out in the open. I'm a bit different, in that I do prefer to have a church, because it is about being surrounded by a diverse group of people who are there for the same reason I am-to worship God. We don't discriminate. All who attend church are welcome to receive communion-which is another one of the things that I love.

Yet even though I was raised a Lutheran and did not really know of any other beliefs until I was well into my teenage years, I do indeed see merits in all different belief systems. I am not going to try and convert people but if people ask me questions then I will answer them based on my beliefs. It is the right of everybody to believe what they want, and if that is nothing at all, then that is their choice.


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Atheist since I can remember.

I still give presents at Christmas and hide eggs at Easter too.

Gotta love holidays.

see signature.


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I was raised a catholic, but i really don't agree with any kind of organized religon (especially catholism ugghhh).... aside from buddhism. They seem pretty cool.


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I am a Christian...but I will never try to force my standards or beliefs down anyones throats. I respect others views as I expect others to respect my own.


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Atheist, since a very early age.
My Dad's agnostic, but my Mum's protestant. It upsets her that I'm not religious.


Well-known member
Some wisdom to some of you from the Holy Qur'an:

"LA’AKUM DEENUKUM WALIA DEEN" (Your religion is yours, mine is mine) and,
"LA IKRAHA FID-DEEN" (No compulsion in religion).


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I don't solidly identify with any religion, but Unitarian Universalist is the closest organized religious thought group that resembles my beliefs.
I like that they accept all religions, all people, and believe we all have our own individual paths of finding light and meaning in life, whether that involves God or not.


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I guess I have to go with 'Other'. I was raised Catholic, but i'm no longer fond of organized religion. I still believe in God though.. whatever religion that is. My religion is God


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I'm an atheist but atheism isn't a religion. It's a lack of religion. A small but important difference.


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Episcopalian, we also managed to find one of the most liberal churches in this state so it's great for us, I'll never have to suffer thru a hate the sin love the sinner sermon while the Rector is there.


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Presbyterian, with some major issues with the church (Church of Scotland- too many hypocrites) but then again I don't think there is a church organisation I don't take issue with and think the segregated schools are a disaster (in the West of Scotland you can opt for a catholic school or a "non denominational"- which is essentially protestant school which breeds a very strong "them and us" mentality and is the reason there are so many problems in the Glasgow area with sectarianism).


Well-known member
I'm a Unitarian Universalist with Goddess Worshipping beliefs.

However, I believe there is many types of "God". Whatever people believe, is out there. Whether it is God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, etc.
Almost like a "cycle" of God's for those whom believe in it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Atheist and the biggest fan of Dawkins in the world. =)

He was one of my lecturers
Interesting guy.

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