What Religion Are You?


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Originally Posted by RaynelleM


....Perhaps the people that do not believe in God or follow the Bible should not say they follow the “10 Commandments” as it is most definitely part of the Bible and more importantly were given directly to Moses by God (so you can not say they are applicable to anyone and everyone when the people in question do not believe in Him).

Maybe it would be better call the ones that they choose to follow “basic human rules/laws” as concertina was suggesting and not borrow from a book they do not believe in.

Hammurabi's Code essentially says exactly the same thing, in the same order... a thousand years before the 10 commandments was allegedly minted and at that time, the idea of a "bible" wasn't even conceived yet (that wasn't until several centuries after Jesus Christ, that the Judeans finally slapped a bunch of stuff together, and then the Roman got a hold of it... and then you can figure out the rest.)

Other non-Abrahamic beliefs follow the ten rules also in some form, this isn't a comprehensive list for the 'elite and holy few'. Spirituality and beliefs are personal things, and aren't really up for debate since that's not what this thread is about.

Anyhow, as for the original question, I had to put other. Was raised as a Christian, but now I am very unapologetically 'other'.


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Roman Catholic


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Originally Posted by faithhopelove24
I am a Christian. My relationship with God is the #1 priority in my life and this relationship I have with God governs all I do. I attend a non-denominational church and I love it!
Here's what I believe in a nutshell.
church on the rock :::: building strong families

I am also a Christian. Who is a believer of Jesus who is being rebuilt to serve God. I am nothing without him. I owe everything I am and everything I have to him. I am a member of Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles. If any of you are in the are looking for a Church feel free to visit us. Every 4th Sunday of the month we have Hip-Hop Sundays which are a a whole lot of fun.

Ever Increasing Faith Ministries - Crenshaw Christian Center


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I'm going with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, because I believe in the way of the Carbs. Praise the pasta and pass the Parmesan.


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I selected agnostic but I parallel atheism as well. Sorry I haven't been around much, but I'm a volunteer moderator on a website where religion, politics and anything else under the sun are discussed

I find a great deal of value in many holy books around the world, as long as you don't take it literally. I wish people who adhere to the desert religions could look for the metaphor and myth within rather than try to impose use them as a replacement for science and history; the world would be better off without religious extremism.

BTW, for those of you who selected pastafarianism, I'm an honorary member of that club too!


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Eclectic Pagan is what i would describe myself as.

I have my own views on religion as a whole but given the craziness that's just gone on, I suspect I'm better saving that for another day.


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I haven't thought about defining myself in terms of religion in a very long time. I suppose I would be an atheist.

I was raised Catholic. But we were the kind of Catholics who did the whole CCD, communion, and confirmation thing, but otherwise never went to church. It made me really hate being there for those events. I remember wondering why I had to go through it when it was clear that none of us really cared for the religion.


Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I was just curious to see what range of religions we have on here....If you are anything other than mentioned please explain.

This is my my "other" religion answer.

I was lucky to grow up around people who practiced a number of different religions. Raised Presbyterian (a Protestant sect) in New Jersey, I was interested in religion at a very early age & have seriously studied all of the major (& some minor) religions of the world all of my life, along with world history. I've also attended services and rituals of most of the world's religions (sometimes for up to one month at a time).

All of this led me to have a very strong, but very personal, belief in god, though not in any religion. I believe for my own personal reasons, in my own way. From my studies in religion and world history, I've come to firmly believe - personally, now, and I mean no offense to anyone who believes in any religion - that religion has caused more trouble and misery than any other force in the history of humankind, due to people and nations believing that their religion is absolutely the only correct one, & then forcing it on others.

So, another strong belief I have is that one's spiritual beliefs should be a completely personal thing, should be kept completely separate from government, and should never be imposed on anyone else. Hope I haven't offended anyone; I think we can only resolve things in this world by being willing to consider other viewpoints objectively!


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Born Catholic to a Catholic mother and Baptist father. Catholic mother not so Catholic b/c she divorced my father. I went to a Catholic private school so we went to Mass every Wednesday and on all holy days. To this day I feel naughty if I don't have on shorts under my skirt or dress. I guess it's the Catholic school girl syndrome. My boyfriend thinks it so funny.
That said, going to the school that I did made me see the inconsistencies in the religion and I started thinking and questioning for myself. I would now agree with a lot of people on this thread. I believe there is a higher power, but going to church and praying doesn't make me closer to that power. My relationship with the higher power is just that... MY relationship. No one else's business. My sister who was raised the same as me started dating a guy that was Baptist and now she's converted and is trying to convert the rest of us. It's sad that she's taken his beliefs and made them her own when once she was able to think and act for herself. I went to church with them once just to see how it was and I was appalled b/c they were teaching that any other religion was wrong! I'm not saying all Baptists are like that, but how can a CHURCH teach that???? I think there is something to be learned from ALL religions, Baptists included. No one religion is better than the other. At least IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by euphrosyne_rose
My sister who was raised the same as me started dating a guy that was Baptist and now she's converted and is trying to convert the rest of us. It's sad that she's taken his beliefs and made them her own when once she was able to think and act for herself. I went to church with them once just to see how it was and I was appalled b/c they were teaching that any other religion was wrong! I'm not saying all Baptists are like that, but how can a CHURCH teach that???? I think there is something to be learned from ALL religions, Baptists included. No one religion is better than the other. At least IMO.

That's how my Aunt is, she's not Baptist but some type of Christian, I forget what her church is called. She's always badmouthing Catholics now, saying our beliefs are ridiculous, etc. It makes me mad because the rest of our family is Catholic and it's just rude of her to say. If she doesn't believe anymore, that's fine with me, but she should keep her comments to herself.


Hi, I'm just wondering: orthodox...Judaism? Greek/Armenian/Russian Orthodox? (I hope this doesn't seem rude or anything; I'm just curious!)

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