What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
Thanks Tish!! I'm sooo excited to see it!! I actually was just on your FOTD page hoping that the pics would show up, BUT they didnt'...so I will have to wait until I go home at lunch to look at them. I know they look amazing though!! Get better girly, and when your hubby questions your makeup and you being sick, tell him you did it just for him..lol


Well-known member
well girls lol...

Gosh where did I leave out? Last Thursday???

I went to springfield and hung out w/ my guy friend which was a flippin BLAST.. I left my phone @ his hotel and told my mom just to call his phone if she needed me because I didnt want him calling/texting me all the time...

So I got back and got my phone out when I left and he had texted me asking me how I was doing, blah blah blah.... and then was like "well i wanted to hang out tonight but i gues you're still in springfield."

I was lk wtf???

Friday he wanted to hang out and I told him no too..

I havent even seen him but whatever.. Im soooo over his crap.

And I started my period today, as planned


Well-known member
^ Oohh Im so happy to hear all of that.
Don't hang out with him! Ever again! Don't even talk to him

Pretend he doesnt exist, thats the biggest blow to his ego ever.
Good job girl.


Well-known member
Happy Dance for Aunt flow!! lol..I am so glad that you don't have to worry about any of that anymore!!

Why does he keep texting you?? I don't get it...he sat u down and basically made you feel like shit...letting you know that he doesn't want to be with you etc...and now he keeps texting?? I'm confused!! haha...


Well-known member
^ ^ Because men like him feed off of weak women, who keep going back
so he breaks her down to make him feel good about himself
and then feels powerful when shes still willing to talk to him.

Its a vicious cycle and its a good thing she was smart enough to get away from that crap. Shes not the weak woman he took her for. <3


Well-known member
yeah hes driving me nuts.. i turned my phone on silent last night because i friggin have strep throat and didnt want anyone calling/texting and waking me up.. got up this morning and i had a text from him that said "can i take you out to dinner when i get home from san diego?? I hope you're having a good week."

what the helllllllllllllllllll... leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Okay Melissa.
I'm staging an intervention here.

Straight up tell him "I'm not interested in hearing from you anymore. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT send me a single more text"

Its stupid for you to have to endure that. And frankly he will keep trying because hes one of those guys that feeds off this kind of challenge and manipulation.


Well-known member
UGH what a creeper!! Yah, I think you need to send him one last CLEAR message...Letting him know that you don't want him texting you anymore, and you HATE HIS GUTS..and for him to get the hint. Tell him if he keeps texting that you are going to change your number..lol..that'll get the point across!


Well-known member
^ I think its good that you text him but definitely don't tell him you hate his guts because then he will know hes gotten to your emotions and that he has the power to make you feel bad. Just clearly and maturely tell him you don't want to receive his messages anymore, if he asks why, don't answer, your days takling to him are long over.


Well-known member
Have you been responding to him at all? Because it's just odd that he's all "La la la, let's have dinner, and hang out, and I can't wait to see you!" if you just haven't been responding. In any case he's not getting the message. Let me know in whatever medium you feel most comfortable with that you do not want to hear from him anymore, and that if he continues to bother you you will have to change your number.


Well-known member
Nip this shit in the bud and tell him to stop calling you! Clearly he can't take a hint so you have to break it down for him like he's a 4 year old.


Well-known member
Hey, i just read most of this thread... men are such game players and let their pants do the ruling. same shit different guy!

Im so glad you have cut him and getting on with your own... he will try his hardest to creep back and Blindpassion hit the nail on the head, he wants to feed his ego and pants also.

He can go jerk himself off thats as good as its gonna get for his sorry-ass.

(p.s. hope I dont sound too much like a woman scorned?!)


Well-known member
omg melissa i cannot believe all this drama this guy is putting on!! lol he sounds kind of immature but like the other posts have said, he def is a player. i agree, with jenna, tell him to leave you alone! also, i wanted to say that i do not think you are fat at all...and i am not just saying that. =] i would love to have your body it doesn't even look like you had a baby! guys are just assholes but you'll find the perfect guy soon.


Well-known member
I just came back to this thread to see what was goin' on..

As far as him still texting you, you should sound as confident as possible because clearly he was into making you feel like shit. Say something like " Given the fact that we're clearly not each others type, I don't really find it appropriate for you to be texting me let alone you asking me to go out for dinner. I wish you well, but please stop trying to contact me." Because you know if he wins one challenge he's going to try to win the next ((if you answer his texts, maybe you'll go out with him... and then maybe he'll be able to get you to sleep with him again))... You're to pretty for this shit! He's really caused you nothing but pain, so pleaseee don't answer his texts aside from ending it. He sounds like a huge pain in the ass, frankly. It's kind of funny how many girls want to kick his butt right now.


Well-known member
Well girls, I am going to take everyone's advice and if he texts me anymore that's what I'm going to say to him...

Melissa texted me today and told me that Brent texted her last night and goes "I like Mel but I like katie more."

Im going to end things with him but, Im going to wait until he texts me again- because it's been so long since he texted me this morning that I'm going to have to wait lol...



Well-known member
Was Katie the reporter girl?? HAha..its funny that this guy thinks he can just pick and choose whatever he wants?? WHo does he think he is?? He's not exactly a STUD MUFFIN..haha..Too funny...anyways, Yah probably better to wait to tell him after the next time he texts you..maybe he's getting the hint that you haven't been messaging him back and is actually going to leave you alone!! haha..(Who am I kidding??) Soo WHEN he texts you again (cause I'm sure he will) then you can tell him what you have too...


Well-known member
Well Melissa should have said...well you need to go with Katie because Mel is not feeling you at all therefore she is not an option for you....
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