What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
PFft..whatever, this thread is like a good book!! Can't put it down once you get into it..so I don't blame Dani...I wouldn't put this book down either! haha..

For real! I just couldn't stop myself


Well-known member
Ok you guys are probably going to get annoyed with me for killing the fun, but do you honestly think she's ugly? I really don't see it, and if I would her I would pretty hurt to hear what you guys are saying. Her personality? Sure, she has complete control over her actions. But her looks? I guess I consider Specktra a place where we can come and help each other out, and talk about our lives, not where we post other people's pictures and tear them to pieces. Yeah, it doesn't sound like either Brent or this Katie girl are very nice people... But have you ever heard of rising above? You can't control how either of them behave, but we can all control our own actions.

Again, sorry for pissing on the parade because it seems like everyone is having fun. It bothered me and I felt like I had to say something.


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AdlersMommy22 -

I mean no disrespect to you but WHAT DID YOU SEE IN HIM?

I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire!!

You are attractive and ambitious, go find someone whom deserves you!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Ok you guys are probably going to get annoyed with me for killing the fun, but do you honestly think she's ugly? I really don't see it, and if I would her I would pretty hurt to hear what you guys are saying. Her personality? Sure, she has complete control over her actions. But her looks? I guess I consider Specktra a place where we can come and help each other out, and talk about our lives, not where we post other people's pictures and tear them to pieces. Yeah, it doesn't sound like either Brent or this Katie girl are very nice people... But have you ever heard of rising above? You can't control how either of them behave, but we can all control our own actions.

Again, sorry for pissing on the parade because it seems like everyone is having fun. It bothered me and I felt like I had to say something.

No I personally I don't think she is ugly...But I personally don't think she is exceptionally pretty either....But what I see is not what others see...and shouldn't be....Attraction is not always about beauty...personality can make a ugly person very attractive. But since I don't know her...I can't say...

But then again...she should not be the target...Because she didn't shit on you Horse man did


Well-known member
melissa you are gorgeous. period. and i think what jenna, melissa, and the rest were doing when they were commenting on the other girl was just venting and supporting melissa. i honestly don't think they meant anything hurtful by it, and even if they did, what did the girl think was going to happen when melissa had just told her that she was into brent and then the next minute she is all over him? what i am trying to say is the comments posted seemed to be something that was meant to be cathartic for melissa. just my opinion. =]


Well-known member
Do what I do. Fake it for his sake. Sex can be enjoyable without a climax. Eventually, as y'all get more adventurous, incorporate actions he can do that are sure to get you off.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
What did I miss?

Somebody stopped reading before it got to the naughty bits.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but I can't stop
it's just too
wait, wait no
it's just so hard to contain! The readable version of a soap opera, I didn't even see the doofus til today, so I am sure I missed a couple episodes. Care to give anyone highlights?!
Originally Posted by Dani
Now I really feel like I have no life for reading the whole thing!


Well-known member
Lol i go to bed and wake up and cant stop laughing. I <3 it.

And nutmeg I totally respect your opinion, and it probably wasn't/isnt very nice of me to post picture of her .... and trying to justify it by saying "she did this, she did that, she did this... shes makes out with brents roomate, blah blah blah," isn't going to do anything. I should probably take down the pictures of her.

but yes, the half man, half horse shirt kills me. LOL


Well-known member
I'm not going to pretend I didn't laugh when I saw that shirt.
But then again t-shirts always make me laugh. I bought my bf one that says Man-tastic. With a picture of some overly muscled arrogant looking cartoon character, all done in rainbow foil. It's awesome.


Well-known member
Ya... we're a better forum then to diss on someone that we don't even know
So I'm staying out of the name calling...

I just hope you stay away from that guy Melissa because this is obviously causing big drama in your life and you're too old to be dealing with that imo.
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