What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
^^ yeah i like that response, haha.
just give him a quick "fuck you" text to let him know he lost, that's all.

i want to see this character. he sounds like a giant douche.

maybe he's gay if he's not into curves. (( yes, now i'm just being petty. but it's kind of funny isn't it))


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^^^ yep go check out that *cough* HUnk of Burnin Love *cough* *gag* *vomit...just a little taste in my throat!!!


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LOL...that damn picture keeps popping up EVERYWHERE! hahahaha

No no no, did I not tell you guys this story? About Katie?

Last sunday night when I went to banana's and slept in my car, apparently when I was in the bathroom, he was making out with some girl named katie:

Im not trying to be a bitch, but...welll... yes I am. This girl is fucking ugly. And she's a bitch. Because right before she went over and started making out with him she was asking me if I liked Brent and I was like... omg yes,, I like him so much, blah blah (this was before he called me fat or anything like that)..

well.. all my friends saw him making out with her. Fucking ridic.

Well Saturday night she came into GC where I work WITH ANOTHER GUY...

I texted brent and said "hey your girlfriend is here." I was fucking pissed that she/he did that to me infront of ALL my friends, then came into my place of work to rub it in my face or some shit.

Well, apparently this last thursday she was also at a party with brent's roomate, Donnie (melissa's ex) and was making out with him, then was hanging out with him AGAIN on friday, (then on sat was when she showed up @ my work with yet another guy.)

So basically shes a slut and is effing around not only with brent, but also with his ROOMATe.

So melissa (donnie's ex) told brent EVERYTHING last night about donnie and katie and brent was PISSED..

but im not saying a fucking word to him about any of it. he doesnt deserver to hear anything from me, im not going to chase him around like a lost puppy dog telling him the drama with the girl he basically kicked me to the curb for.


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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
They kinda.....look alike.

Hell anyone would be Fat compared to her....What did she do for breakfast Barf!


Well-known member
She does look pretty skanky.

They deserve each other.. you're way too hot to be messing with this garbage! He's obviously blind and stupid.. you're not losing out on much.


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yeah im basically going to be letting sleeping dogs lie. The more I look at her pictures the more i question wtf is going on and WHY he liked her more than me.. I mean shes not cute, and shes obviously NOT a good person. I could see if she was this wonderfull, sweet, compassionate girl. But shes not. Shes screwing around with his ROOMATE for God's sake... give me a break. I could NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER do something like that to a man i liked or even a man that just liked me. it just makes me want to throw up knowing that she would just do this shit to ANY man with no reprecusions.

fuck it. they can have eachother. I can do better.


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I actually read this entire thread in the span of like 2 hours haha...anyway..
Anyone who wears a 'hilarious' t-shirt tucked into their jeans should be avoided. And not to be terribly mean (ok ok to be terribly mean), but she should borrow Brent's shirt sometime, I think the half horse half would be more accurate. I'm glad you're feeling better and I looked at one of your FOTD's, you're GORGEOUS.


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PFft..whatever, this thread is like a good book!! Can't put it down once you get into it..so I don't blame Dani...I wouldn't put this book down either! haha..


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^^ Or a train crash...we all see the train about to crash but we just standing on the track with Mel looking at it get closer and closer....I keep trying to push her off and you keep standing there w ith her watching...Young Girls!!!
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