What the hell is wrong with me??

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^^ Ahh girl!! I feel soo bad for you! All your looking for is a break, and your always left to worry about stupid shit!! I hope that you were able to get the pill this morning. Is it expensive?? I believe its free here....i've never taken it, but I have a few girlfriends that have had too before..Soo why do you feel like you don't want to talk to him anymore? Is it just an akward situation now?? Did he say something or is it just the way he's acting?? OMG..this totally reminds me of the sisterhood of the travelling pants (part 2) lol..I watched it this weekend..and the guy and girl slept together for the first time, the condom broke..she was all freaked out that she was pregnant (she wasn't) and she broke up with the guy cause she was scared (they got back together down the road) So don't feel like you need to be alone! Hopefully brent is there for you!! soo..have you ever thought about taking birth control on a monthly basis?? I know that I've been taking it since I was 15 (it helped clear up my acne) and then when it came time to have sex, I was already ok cause I was on the pill (which was a good thing cause the first time I had sex, the condom broke as well) I was sooo scared.. (I don't know why, cause I was on Birth Control) but it is a scary feeling...IDK...but your not alone and we are here to help!!


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Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I just went to planned parenthood and took plan b...ive never taken it before so im kinda nevous

brent texted me and told me thinks we need to slow things down but he still likes me and doesnt want to stop talking to me.

yeah right.

Hells. When it rains, it pours.

I'm really sorry for you. Just whatever happens, don't feel bad or feel like you've done anything wrong. I think you're quite brave to be out there, ready to try again, given everything you've gone through recently and the fact you have a small baby at home.

Take care of yourself. Think about going on the pill so you can at least be as certain as you can about preventing pregnancy. Also, in a month or so I'd be going for an STD test just to be certain I hadn't contracted anything when the condom broke. I know that sucks but it's better to know for certain and deal with it than to be in the dark about it.


Well-known member
First of all,
This is all going to be okay...

Now, just so you know, Plan B might make you feel funny for a few days. At least, it did with me. I was overly-emotional and just felt...off. My period was also a bit wack-a-doodle that month which isn't exactly what you want when you've taken Plan B! So if its off, don't panic, just get a test and when it comes up negative, you can sigh with relief.

Now then, playing mother hen for a moment, are you on any other type of birth control? Pills, diaphragm, IUD? Because you might want to think about that; its hardly ever a bad idea to be on some sort of BC.

I'm sorry this happened; its *never* fun to be in a situation like that, but I am so glad Plan B was available for you.


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I have taken the morning after pill and I didn't have a single side effect or notice anything, maybe that will give you some piece of mind?

Its of course different for everyone though.


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It makes me cry knowing I have so many girls to be there for me through this...

Jedchant- He didnt really say anything... the texts were as fallows:

Brent: "I want to be honest without pressuring you but I hope you decide to do the morning after pill. Please dont be upset.

Me: Im not upset. Im going to take it... I dont want to piss you off and I hope you dont want to stop talking to me. But I understand if you do.

Brent: I think we should just slow things down a bit. But I still want to talk, I assure you.

Me: Okay. Was it because of last night? Or me in general?

Brent: Neither. Just that we've only known eachother for 5 days. Im not ending anything with you

Me: Oh okay

Brent: Ok. I still like you.

This was all before I went to get the pill. Then I went and got it and called him and he was like "are you okay.. is everything ok?" And I was like "yeah." and he goes "Okay... Im not trying to cut you off but Im working and im about to film for this interview in like 5 seconds so.. ill call you later." and I was like "okay" and we hung up.

So we'll see what happens.

I have been in the pill for a super long time.. but I got pregnant with my son on the pill... and I was taking it up until this month because I was like "wtf am i taking this for? Its not helping my periods and its not like im having sex" so I went off of it. I have a prescription for Yaz so I called it in today and im going to go pick it up this afternoon and take it after i *hopefully* start my period...... argh.

Ratmist- thanks for the words of encouragment... i just feel like i keep getting knocked down and kicked in the face, you know?
... Im trying so hard to work my ass off at school and work and take care of my son and all I want to do is meet someone who will treat me with the respect that I give them. And Brent does... and now Im scared that he wont want to see me ever again
.... Have you ever met someone wehre you were like "OH MY GOD.. this man is AMAZING." I cant stop thinking about him, my heart races when he texts/calls me... Ive "dated" other guys since my son was born but ive not felt like this with anyone since I was with Adler's father... it's stupid, I know... but... i dont know. Im def going to go down there and get an STD testing. I dont want to have one and not know about it.

Concertina- Thanks for telling me about how my body might react to this.. Ive never taken it before so im a little freaked out.. she said it might make me dizzy and sick which is not something i want to deal with--- but at the same time id rather deal with that for a few days than a few months!!!!! haha. Thank you for being there for me

Blindpassion- God, I hope you're right. Thanks girl!!!


Well-known member
Well to me, it still sounds like he cares for you!! I don't think this is gonna change anything..I think that you guys are both taken back a bit..but thats normal....OMG, I totally got pregnant with Jaelyn on the pill as well...but I guess there is a little more to it then that...I was on the pill, but I guess the medication I was on (antibiotic) had cancelled out my pill (something that EVERYONE is supposed to know in the whole world but me??) Lol...so you could IMAGINE the shock when I didn't get my period when I should of...it was like hhhmmm..one day late..no biggie, I'll get it tomorrow..tomorrow came and went..DEFINITELY got more scared..didn't get it by the end of the weekend so thats when I took the test..yikes it was POSITIVE!! I was soo scared and cried for hours and hours ..lol..I got over it..and life with Jaelyn can't be better..but what a time that was..


Well-known member
Oh jeeze same thing w/ me except I was taking St. Jons Wart..... I guess I wasn't aware that it affects the pill either. I had to call and tell my sons' father on the phone because he lives in Boston... havent talked to him since that day either. (aug 5th 07 @ 7:30am).. not a word. He abandoned me and Adler in the snap of a finger after a 6 year friendship/relationship. Great guy.

I guess thats why Im so afraid of men.... I get so scared they are just going to up and leave me for no reason... I always am like.. "hes not going to call.. im never going to see himagain".. but my ex used to break up with me over the dumbest things (like missing his phone call while i was working).. and then Erik.. the man I thought I would be friends with for the rest of my life.. left me in a HEARTBEAT when he should have been there for me the most.

It helped that this morning Brent was like "It's going to be okay.. no matter what happens."..... and it just touched my heart SO MUCH when said "I dont want you to go through this alone."

What? I always go through thigns alone lol... it was so diffrent. I just dont want to lose that.

Ugh Im freaking out about being pregnant


Well-known member
I think he sounds like a great guy...But I must agree with him after 5 days...it's hardly been long enough to say relationship or lets get serious this soon.......Hell at 5 days I would have still been just talking on the phone with him...But hell I'm a old fashioned person....and times and people aremuch different than when I grew up


Well-known member
Lol..dont' worry!! Your not pregnant!! You got the pill, so I wouldn't worry..I know that this is gonna bug you until its that time of the month..(hopefully sooner then later for your conscience) but don't let it bother you too much...I could understand if you didn't get plan B, then yes I would also be worried for the whole month..but you'll be fine!! Wow..Adler's dad...hmm..don't know what to say!! But do you know what, its better off he's not in your guys' life. Screw him and Adler will be better off without him! At least he has the love of you and your family..much better role models then this guy sounds..ya know? So what would you do if all of a sudden this guy tries to come back into yours and your sons life? Just shows up one day...what would you do? Would you beat him off your doorstep?? lol...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think he sounds like a great guy...But I must agree with him after 5 days...it's hardly been long enough to say relationship or lets get serious this soon.......Hell at 5 days I would have still been just talking on the phone with him...But hell I'm a old fashioned person....and times and people aremuch different than when I grew up

I know right? When he said that I was like.. whoa he's right- we have seriously only known eachother for 5 days! I think its because we've been together EVERY SINGLE DAY that it seems like more... Ive seen him more in the last 5 days than Ive seen most guys ive ever dated in a month.

Friday night we met @ 2am... went back to his place.. slept for an hour.. and were together until 11am. So thats a good 9 hours. Saturday night I was @ his place from 9pm-1am. Sunday I was @ his work from 7:30pm-1am. Then last night I was with him from 8pm-1am. I mean we've spent so much damn time together .... I guess ... i dont know. LOL. I mean we've barely been a part since we met and maybe we DO need to slow it down a bit, eh?

Im so bad @ this dateing thing. So so so so so so so so so bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
Lol..dont' worry!! Your not pregnant!! You got the pill, so I wouldn't worry..I know that this is gonna bug you until its that time of the month..(hopefully sooner then later for your conscience) but don't let it bother you too much...I could understand if you didn't get plan B, then yes I would also be worried for the whole month..but you'll be fine!! Wow..Adler's dad...hmm..don't know what to say!! But do you know what, its better off he's not in your guys' life. Screw him and Adler will be better off without him! At least he has the love of you and your family..much better role models then this guy sounds..ya know? So what would you do if all of a sudden this guy tries to come back into yours and your sons life? Just shows up one day...what would you do? Would you beat him off your doorstep?? lol...

Oh man if Erik ever showed up Id hide my son from him and then go down and get an order of protection from him in about 2.3 seconds. No freaking joke. If he ever ever ever came to see him I'd freak out. He has sex with 14 year old girls (hes 29)....hes a pedophile... and hes a bad person. I refuse to have a man who wanted my son dead around.


Well-known member
lol..but for somebody like myself who always likes to think of the glass as being "half full", It could also mean that you guys have GREAT chemistry and thats why you two hang out so much..


Well-known member
Don´t stress and worry too much! Stress could actually cause your period to stay out... and that would stress you even more out..

Don´t worry, you won´t be pregnant and if the guy wanted to ditch you he wouldn´t be so compassionate and nice... Sometimes there are actually good guys


Well-known member
My little sister was 14 earlier this month (just turned 15) and if I ever found out that she was sleeping with ANYBODY (young or old) I would cut his balls off!!! NO joke..ugghhh...guys like that make me sickk sick sick..especially when they are legally supposed to be "men"...yet they are sleeping with innocent girls...


Well-known member
Melissa...you can have mine...well at least it waited until the day after my anniversary and it better damn well be gone by my birthday on Sunday


Well-known member
^^ Lol...its a love/hate relationship, isn't it Tish?? Happy when you get it for .5 seconds...can't wait for it to be gone after that!! lol...


Well-known member
Ya I just got mine yesterday. You can havveee it. Seriously.
So true, its such a love hate thing.
You get it and youre like "scorreeee!
.............. wait wth, go away, ouchie, owie, this hurts


Well-known member
Lol girls you crack me up.

Jenna I hope you're right about him and I having great chemistry together.

I broke and facebook messaged him...... I know he wont get it until friday because hes off work already, has tomorrow off, and his internet is down @ his apt until friday. So if I dont hear from him all day today or all day tomorrow then he'll hopefully get my message on facebook on friday.......

Then that gives us 2 days to not talk and then... he'll be wanting to talk to me, log onto facebook, and bam- theres a message from me
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