Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I have taken Plan B about 5 times, all in about 6 months. It worked every time for me. I did feel a little weird, maybe a little sick, emotional, etc. But it worked. However it effed up my period for a very long time. I took Plan B like 5 times from August to February, and my period is JUST now starting to get back on the right track. (last time I took it was like 9 months ago)
Anyways, I really think u are okay. Plan B always worked for me. Im sorry that u are going thru this but Im here if u ever need to talk or have any questions. What a sucky situation.
But you are strong girl, you will get through this
Aw thanks so much girl!!!!!
That means a lot to me! Jeeze I love all you girls so damn much!
I hope you're right about it working... it seems from the research that Ive done that its a pretty good back up plan. The lady @ PP told me to take both pills @ the same time though, even though the pamplet said to take one then, ando ne 12 hours later. She told me it was best to take them both @ the same time....
I do feel EXTREAMLY emotional today. Earlier I wanted to shoot my mom in the face because she suggested I feed my son applesauce for dinner.. I was like "HE HAD THAT FOR LUNCH IM NOT GIVING IT TO HIM! HES HAVING CHICKEN AND STARS AND BANANA YOGURT AND SOME CHICKEN!!! ENOUGH!!!!!
" I was sucha bitch. I feel like when I feel right before I start my period where Im about to slit someone's wrists.