What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
^ omg!!!!!!!!!.. thats me with my ex. Except for it was kinda different. With him the sex was horrible. So I'd fake a bladder infection for a week out of the month.. have my period for a week out of the month-- then he was on a road trip off and on for the other 2 weeks. so we'd have maybe 4 nights a month where it was "green light" for sex... and I tried to fall asleep before he attempted anything 2/4 of the time..... HAHAHA


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^^^ Well sex is excellent with my husband...But too much of anything is not a good thing....Hummm...even MAC which I am slowing growing tired of...Can't beieve I just said that!!


Well-known member
^^Hells yes, I'm with you guys on that one as well....its nice to get a week of "extra sleep" haha


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I have taken Plan B about 5 times, all in about 6 months. It worked every time for me. I did feel a little weird, maybe a little sick, emotional, etc. But it worked. However it effed up my period for a very long time. I took Plan B like 5 times from August to February, and my period is JUST now starting to get back on the right track. (last time I took it was like 9 months ago)

Anyways, I really think u are okay. Plan B always worked for me. Im sorry that u are going thru this but Im here if u ever need to talk or have any questions. What a sucky situation.
But you are strong girl, you will get through this


Active member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yeah but my Love Hate is for different reasons I'm sure

Most people ...
Love it...Because wheww Not pregnant
Hate it...Because it's just a inconvenient nuisance


Hate for the same reason above

Love it...Because it is the ONLY time of the month I can get in bed next to my dh and he knows NO means NO, so stop
me...YES I'm SLEEP!!!!!!!
I think even after it goes away I am gonna still pretend

That is so me!!! I have issues with orgasm as well, but I think that is my own insecurities with my body making it difficult for me to relax during sex. As much as I despise my monthly visit from Aunt Flo, I love the week's vacation. It doesn't help that my man is 22 years old and seven years younger than me. He is like the damn energizer bunny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I have taken Plan B about 5 times, all in about 6 months. It worked every time for me. I did feel a little weird, maybe a little sick, emotional, etc. But it worked. However it effed up my period for a very long time. I took Plan B like 5 times from August to February, and my period is JUST now starting to get back on the right track. (last time I took it was like 9 months ago)

Anyways, I really think u are okay. Plan B always worked for me. Im sorry that u are going thru this but Im here if u ever need to talk or have any questions. What a sucky situation.
But you are strong girl, you will get through this

Aw thanks so much girl!!!!!
That means a lot to me! Jeeze I love all you girls so damn much!

I hope you're right about it working... it seems from the research that Ive done that its a pretty good back up plan. The lady @ PP told me to take both pills @ the same time though, even though the pamplet said to take one then, ando ne 12 hours later. She told me it was best to take them both @ the same time....

I do feel EXTREAMLY emotional today. Earlier I wanted to shoot my mom in the face because she suggested I feed my son applesauce for dinner.. I was like "HE HAD THAT FOR LUNCH IM NOT GIVING IT TO HIM! HES HAVING CHICKEN AND STARS AND BANANA YOGURT AND SOME CHICKEN!!! ENOUGH!!!!!
" I was sucha bitch. I feel like when I feel right before I start my period where Im about to slit someone's wrists.


Well-known member
Lol...hmm..they are both good!! Made of honor if your looking for a funny yet romantic chick flick and what happens in vegas for funny revenging movie..lol, if that makes sense!


Well-known member
Im thinking... what happens in vegas? I dont want something super romantic because that paired with the wine is going to make me want to text brent and be like "baby your so hot. i want you.. smooch smooch.. lets get married."

jk. Not that bad.. but you get my drift. lol


Well-known member
^^Welll...thats pretty much what happens on "what happens in vegas" Drunken hook up to some random..lol..ITS SOO FUNNY..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

Love it...Because it is the ONLY time of the month I can get in bed next to my dh and he knows NO means NO, so stop
me...YES I'm SLEEP!!!!!!!

Hehe, that made me laugh. The smileys really made it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
^^ I know, right? And then after I got pregnant I was at the pharmacy for other reasons, and they asked me if I wanted my b.c. refilled..and I was like, umm...no, I won't need it CAUSE IM PREGNANT! I told them how it was because of the antibiotic that cancelled out my b.c. and that nobody told me that it would do that...she was shocked cause she said that normally they put warning stickers on the pill bottle letting you know that...I went home and looked at my pill bottle...NO STICKER..lol..oh well, blessing in disguise...haha..I wonder how many kids have been conceived this way?? Lol...we should start a poll!!

I was at Shopper's last night getting... wait for it... antibiotics! I totally thought of you, lol.

Anyways, I straight up asked the pharmacist about it mixing with birth control and he said it would not entirely cancel it, but it CAN make it less effective and to be extremely cautious. Keep in mind, this was only mentioned because I asked! The drug paperwork that they gave me mentions it, but says that according to some scientist guys, it DOES NOT effect birth control.

Mixed messages are confusing and I'm using back up regardless, especially considering previous experience, lol.


Well-known member
lol..I think its a Government conspiracy to increase our population...so they are handing out antibiotics without warning stickers so that we take it without using backup protection..haha..and all get pregnant..JK


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Didnt hear anything at all form him last night but its cool... i didnt check my phone til this morning at all

Good job on having the willpower and not checking your phone!! Stuff like that drives me crazy, but its good that you didnt check..cause at the beginning of the night you basically knew that he wasn't going to call cause of the shopping that he was going to be doing, etc....So how are you feeling today?? Still yucky from the pill??


Well-known member
Girl, I am no Samantha Jones (SATC) during sex either...
This woman can cum by only watching a nude men

And girls, you are scaring me about getting pregnant while on pill... It is soooo not the time for me to get preggo!!
It's a big no no no!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lindsaycoe
Good for you, girl. Don't stress. It will all be fine. How was the movie?

The movies was awesome.... Maybe I should just go to vegas and make some bad decisions

Originally Posted by jdechant
Good job on having the willpower and not checking your phone!! Stuff like that drives me crazy, but its good that you didnt check..cause at the beginning of the night you basically knew that he wasn't going to call cause of the shopping that he was going to be doing, etc....So how are you feeling today?? Still yucky from the pill??

Naw I'm feeling decent today.... not bad @ all... Just havent heard at all from Brent and I dont think I will. My aunt is coming to stay the night w/ us tonight so that's exciting.. I have dinner @ my grents here in about 4 hours so hopefully I can go over there and my mind hte hell off of everything. Im not feeling as bad about it.

Though I wish all these people would stop fucking sending me happy thanksgiving texts. Everytime my phone goes off I get excited. LOL
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