I was in a makeover here in Finland. I was so, so disappointed!
I went there almost bareface, I had only my mineral foundation and concealer under my eyes, because I don't want any makeup foundation to my face! I curled my lashes as well.
MA started asking what colours I usually wear in my makeup, and what colours are hard to use for me. I said that I usually have brown, peach and plum / lilac, and that greens and blues are a bit harded ones to me. She asked if I would like to learn use greens, and I said yes. Then she grabbed two (only!) eyeshadows, Juxt and Humid. Under eyemakeup she put some concealer, and I wondered why didn't she put so much better Paint pots. So she did my makeup with only two colours, without any highlighting shade! Nothing to brow bone! IMO not so professional..
Then she put Fluidline Sweet sage, and line wasn't straight, I can do it myself much better. There was really too much space between eyeliner and lashline! Horrible, right? Then she put so little mascara, that it really hasn't no matter was it there or wasn't. (When I got home, I put more mascara..)
Edit. Makeup here in Finland doesn't cost anything, but you must buy at least three products. It isn't a problem for me..
She also put so little higlight to my cheekbones and blush to my cheeks, that I think brush just touched my face a bit.
But..! She put so much lipgloss, that it couldn't stay just on my lips, it run to my mouth and face. I immediately took it off my lips when I got out of there.
Edit. Makeup is free here in Finland, but you need to buy at least three products. But that isn't a problem, am I right?