Let me just say I love big gold doorknocker earrings and 80's hip hop style. Its fab to me but maybe since I wasnt alive in the 80's i cant really get sick of it or anything. I also LOVE name jewelry, call it tacky I dont care
.. I have a pair of name earrings, a necklace I wear everday, and a ring haha
Anyway the trend annoys me is girl pants on boys.. Why would they wanna be so uncomfortable?? and then how they cant fit into them so they droop.. Sorry drooping looks like crap with tight pants, but I guess they dont care..the "scene" kid thing is lame to me..Not too many ppl where i live into that but theres enough...
also if youve ever seen a chav, there from europe -- i hate that style. y the hell do they stick their pants into their socks? how is that cute at all??? & whats up with the tracksuits (the hoopty ass nike ones that swoosh when they walk) ..you dont look gangsta at all you look like a fool!