What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


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Originally Posted by vica

sweatpants over jeans

baggy jeans with a rubberband at the ankle

These are new to me. Pictures please! Ha ha


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I very much dislike this "tuck your shirt in, just the front, and let the rest hang out" thing. I see people aged 5-65 doing this, and I just wish it'd go.


Well-known member
we do that at school - we have to keep uniform shirts tucked in, but its really uncomfortable, and my shirt actually slips out in the back! ^.^

Im sorry for unwillingly contributing to that trend, I really am!

I hate girls that wear pastel coloured shadow with heavy liner and TONNES of mascara.

and the thing with white shadow, then black to contour it, then more white to highlight, with the eyeliner and mascara combo. HELLO!!!?? not cute, you idiots!

and of course, theyre tan as fuck and have the sideswept bangs like "Oh iM s3oW cUt33 don+ y3w luV m33?" like wtf!? WHO TALKS LIKE THAT?

and I hate leggings and flats now, I really do. why not stockings and a nice lil wedge? please? >.<


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The idiotic celebrity craze that has been going on. I don't understand. I mean, their sh*t stinks just like everyone else. It's gone beyond ridiculous. I wish people would get over celebs.


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I really dislike those boot shoes with heels. Whatever they are calling them, booties, bootines or whatever. They just look like something the Jetsons would wear. Ohhh no, wait...even better, Buck Rodgers! Or Battlestar Galactica (old school version).

Like these


Originally Posted by MAChostage
I very much dislike this "tuck your shirt in, just the front, and let the rest hang out" thing. I see people aged 5-65 doing this, and I just wish it'd go.

aaah I agree its busted lookin. But i wont lie i used to wear big tees and tucked them in the front or put it behind my belt (part that hangs out) and still do sometimes when I have too but it looks so bad..On some hillbilly stuff or somethin. Dunno what i was thinkin at times


Well-known member
I don't like guys in girl jeans, but I do like guys in straight tight jeans, I think that's hot.

Crocs are gross.

Horrible matted scene hair on girls because they don't know how to WASH thier hair.

Horrible fake tans.

Fake boobs are a gross fashion accessory.

Huge Beads that are layered to the point where you can't see your neck.

Muffin Tops, GROSS.

Boring flats. Cute flats that are polka dotted and leopard yes, but plain? No.

Wearing your ten year old daughter's shirt.


Well-known member
Crocs are just wrong
Fake tans are gross
Chavs... I just hate them.
White trainers
Skinny jeans... Only a few can wear them
Baggy jeans... Why oh why
Ugg boots are horrible
White socks are WRONG

Just a few that I can think of right now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Horrible matted scene hair on girls because they don't know how to WASH thier hair.

I've never understood the stereotype that scene kids don't wash their hair... if it didn't get washed enough, it seems like it would be flat and stringy. I think you're talking about the girls who backcomb their hair and then don't comb it out enough, which is disgusting.


Well-known member
Everything hang out for women - short shirts- skinny pants - low cut shirts and low cut pants.

On the other hand, the guys are wearing too much clothing and everything is falling off. Why must they be all covered up? What gives?

Well fitted clothing is so much more classy and commands much more respect on both genders.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iamlelilien
I've never understood the stereotype that scene kids don't wash their hair... if it didn't get washed enough, it seems like it would be flat and stringy. I think you're talking about the girls who backcomb their hair and then don't comb it out enough, which is disgusting.

Oh no! Not the stereotype of the girls not washing their hair. I have seen really nice hair on some scene girls and what not but I mean like this one group of girls I used to see walking around the mall (I work in the mall, and I used to see them everyday) and one day their hair was nice like it was washed and gorgeous. But the next day they came in with the SAME hair, they just added more hairspray. Next day, the same thing, matted disgusting hair with the extensions looking horrible and under moisturized.

That's what I mean. The trend of "My hair is such a burden! I'm only gonna wash it once a week!" I mean... I wash my hair every other day, but I don't put up my hair and back comb it until the day I'm going to wash it, cus that's just nasty.


Well-known member
Leggings under skirts. It isn't cute. Not now, not when it started, not ever. In fact, just kill leggings in general. Seriously.


Well-known member
and mini mini skirts....

i like the way I dress, but with all the girls in my school showing off how small they are and wearing almost nothing, plus getting all the BF'S, I feel like i'm dressing like a 20 year old, yet, I'm not :S


Well-known member
I absolutely abhor super high-waisted jeans! It's totally not flattering to the female figure...I believe in accentuating the curves of your body and not covering them by god-awful denim...

And what makes it even more ridiculous looking? Frickin' suspenders!!


Well-known member
Super tan skin and white/blonde hair. I don't know wtf is with this trend but I've seen in all over Oslo on girls 10-25 now. Their skin looks really ruddy from all of the fake (and real) tanning, and the hair just looks dead. It's pretty bad.


Well-known member
Knockoffs!!! Please go away and never return again....(I mean how can you knockoff make-up that is sick!)
Chinese store shoes or any kind...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dark_Phoenix
Super tan skin and white/blonde hair.

I think overbleached hair always looks awful.
Now, subtle highlights are one thing, but a head covered in what looks like white straw is just tacky.
Of course, I'm a brunette.

Whatever your hair style or color, I think there's nothing prettier than healthy, clean, well-cared-for hair.


Well-known member
skinny jeans, flat shoes and those horrible maternity shirts that everyone seems to be wearing in england atm


Well-known member
Ya'll need to stop hatin' on the skinny jean!

What needs to be hated upon however is the return of...


Send. It. Back. To. Hell.

I swear, chicks are rocking these like Peg Bundy was the new Jackie O. It's nasty.

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