What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
I also hate this trend I've noticed around campus where girls look like they're wearing clothes they would wear to the gym. Half of the time they're paired with Crocs, those awful abomination of shoes that look like clown shoes with bullet holes riddled in them.

Ladies, it isn't cute. It looks awful. Please knock it off.

Also, wearing scrubs when you aren't in a medical profession. I've noticed that a lot, too.


Well-known member
Bill Maher on Crocs.
New rule: Stop wearing plastic shoes. It was only a year ago that only pre-schoolers and mental patients wore these but now grownups all over America have gone "Croc crazy". The latest step in our quest to dress as casual as humanly possible.

You know I used to wear flip flops, but they're a little dressy. I want clothing I can hose down.

Admit it, we're a nation of slobs who won't be happy until we can go to the mall in a diaper.


Well-known member
Yes Crocs aren't asthetically pleasing, but when you're five months pregnant like me and your feet are starting to look like bread dough rising in the oven, Crocs are a Godsend!


Well-known member
Speaking of pregnancy, there seems to be the trend here in Philly, where pregnant women don't wear maternity clothes! I don't want to see your barely buttoned jeans and you trying to squeeze in to a T-shirt that was already too small for you when you weren't pregnant. Go to Old navy, Walmart and buy some maternity clothes or the men's section and buy a shirt that covers up your tummy! Just nasty!


Well-known member
This thread is so much fun!

Here's my yuck list:

  1. Crocs seriously need to die. I hate those things. They're ugly.
  2. Low rider jeans. Butt cracks are not sexy. Please stop showing them off.
  3. Leggings. OMFG! I hate them!!!
  4. Ankle boots. Even Kate Moss looks fug in them, and I throw away magazines that say they're sexy.
  5. High-waisted jeans. Does this even need elaboration? It was attempting a comeback last season when Geri Halliwell was seen wearing them.
  6. Winter/Fall coats on people living in countries where the climate and weather are only two things: hot and hotter. It is NEVER going to snow in Singapore, people. Live with it.
  7. School letterman jackets from people who did not go to that school. It's just lame and it annoys me that people in Manila who did not go to Ateneo are snapping up the Ateneo jackets produced by Adidas, leaving nothing for us alumni to buy.


Well-known member
Oh my god. I went into the local mall (Its just a small one, so I dont go to it often) and I guess they opened a new store. And all it sells is CROCS (Well the knockoff ones) so the store is like FLUORESCENT cuz of all the colors they have for the shoes. I almost died! I thought that fad was almost out, they're so ugly! Blearaghh.


Well-known member
The whole gold/silver lame' giant purse thing was awful in the 80's the first time around, and its awful now.


Active member
0-Sizes... Who wants to wear it? 12-year old Girls...maybe.
I feel fat, when I see it in a shop...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sahne
0-Sizes... Who wants to wear it? 12-year old Girls...maybe.


Me. And I'm 21. I'm 5'1", with a small bone structure, and naturally thin. I like clothes that fit.

Today's 0 is like the size 4 of several years ago. I wore a size 4 in 1999-2000, and this is when I weighed ten pounds lighter. I have to wear anything between a size 00 (hello Limited!) and a size 3/4 nowadays. Keep in mind that these sizes are harder to find than your standard 8, 10, 12 and come in a lot less styles and variety than more widely available sizes.

My sister, who is thirteen (and taller and thinner than I), needs these sizes also. I won't discredit her just because she's young. She is too old to be shopping in the kids' section for one, she doesn't need to be wearing bratz tshirts and jeans with glitter all over them. She's also too tall.

I think people of all sizes need clothes that fit and look good, from the thin to the big, from size 00 to size 26. It'd be a real mean thing to say that plus size women shouldn't have clothes that look good and fit because they're too fat, so I think that the thin and petite need to be treated with the same amount of dignity as everyone else.

Having clothes that fit many body types should never be considered "trendy" or be considered as something that will be outdated. Just my two cents.


Well-known member
Okay, now. I realize that California has no "true winter", at least not down here near the coast. But for god's sake, STOP WITH THE DAMN SHORT SHORTS AND HORRIFIC SPRAY TANS, PEOPLE!
It's october, for chrissake! Not july! END IT NOW.


Well-known member
I live on the beach in alabama, and when all the tourist girls come down here to gulf shores, they go in the souviner shops and IMMEDIATELY buy cowboy hats. UGH. No one really wears those heres. No one. It drives me insane.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sahne
0-Sizes... Who wants to wear it? 12-year old Girls...maybe.
I feel fat, when I see it in a shop...

not all 12 year old girls wear a size 0 i have seen a lot that looks like they wear a 3, 8, 12 womans and thats ok depending on there frame.
i wear a size 0 00 or even a 1 depending on the cut, i LOVE being petite, sorry if thats a crime or makes u feel fat.


Well-known member
50's and 70's floral print long tops.
Leggings and footless tights
Those jeans shorts thingies.
Any baggy Tshirts with printed neon slogans that say things like "Save the rave"
Metallic anything. It's just wrong.
Flat brightly coloured slip on shoes.
Those tunic tops. They just look bad on most people.
The coats with large faux fur trimmed hoods and sleeves.
Those large brightly coloured beads that everyone wears. Oh an those enormo hearts on long chains.
Fake tans. In fact tans in general unless that is your natural skin colour. It's not cool to be orange and streaky.
Ugg Boots just need to be burned.
Emo mullets. Just no.
The back comb and hair spraying your hair to death trend. It makes your hair look like a rats nest.
Huge hoop earings. They're an accident waiting to happen
Timberland boots especially the ones with the folded over tops.
Cattapiller boot style high heels or trainer high heels.
Huge 60's style sungalsses.
Velvet track suit thingies.
Waistcoeats like this -http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/go_fug_yourself/2007/09/fugville.html

I'm sure there's more but I just can't think of it right now.


Well-known member
You guys who don't like Crocs...they're effing comfortable. I'll take comfort over any trend any day of the week. They're easy to get off and on, they're SANITIZABLE, and they come in a myriad of styles. I'm not saying you're all wrong, I'm saying you don't know what kind of heavenly blissful comfort you're living.

I wish the trend of snark would go away. The trend that says that we've all got to act like those Laguna Beach brats to be cool, and that we can't be up unless we're tearing someone down.


Well-known member
Not really a "trend" trend, but I really wish the whole "Tell me your Katrina story..." thing would go away. I went thru a really rough time after the storm and people ask for recollections like it's nothing.


Well-known member
Those giant baggy "gangsta" pants eighth graders wear to hangout at the mall in . Literally, hang out. I don't want to see your okole puka,k'den?

Those jeans with the 2 inch zippah crotch. Ultra low ridahs.....Its not punnani inspection time. Covah up or get ukus,sistah.

Visible eyelid tape. Every body's using the lid glue kits ,don't let the woman at Rong's tell you any different.

Crocs. If you're a local wearing these...you're wrong.

Muumuus.....if you don't work in a hotel or are not a tourist at a luau,these are KAPU.

The tuna can tita. (This is a local Hawaiian look. Some woman buy these thick gold cuff bracelets called "tuna cans" They like to collect them up their arm. These women also don't live in the best neighborhoods,generally speaking.....hey there is more crime here than people think)

The kawaii look pat a certain age. ......

Designer everything and a minuture dog in a Gucci carrier with a Prada collar on. (It still looks like the Taco Bell dog,no mattah how you dress him up)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Triskele
Okay, now. I realize that California has no "true winter", at least not down here near the coast. But for god's sake, STOP WITH THE DAMN SHORT SHORTS AND HORRIFIC SPRAY TANS, PEOPLE!
It's october, for chrissake! Not july! END IT NOW.

Haha... Thats the best part of Cali lol... Open toed shoes and short skirts and strappy tops 365.