What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


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-Guys who wear nuthugging jeans
-Socks with slippers (it should have never been a trend)
-Furry (ugly as hell), oversized moon boots


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I hate when people buy fake knockoffs. Save $$$ & buy the real thing.

I can't stand dragon lady long fingernails. ukkkkk it's so 80's

skin tight skinny low rise jeans that look like they were painted on. I don't care if you're a size 0, it just looks trashy.

guys wearing jeans 10 sizes too big with their underwear sticking out. ewww pull up your pants

I can't stand when a man that wears tighty white's ewwwww, I like boxer briefs on a man.

U juicy dress w/ ugg boots in the summer


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Originally Posted by KikiB
Back on topic:
Birkenstocks in general, which leads into sandals with socks...it's a bad Seattle trend.

While I agree that socks and sandals paired together are horrendous, I can't say the same about Birkenstocks in general. I know they're ugly, but damn are they comfortable! I love mine dearly.


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Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
Yes! Those are tacky especially when the person complains that someone is looking at their butt.

oh yes that too. i hate it when girls wear stuff that has low cleavage with their boobs popping out or something written on their shirt or their butt. and they get mad when a guy is looking straight at their pushed up ta tas instead of their eyes.



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Originally Posted by ratmist
Seriously, the 'size zero' trend, otherwise known as "If you want to be able to wear high labels, you need to be between size zero and four."

I mean, wtf! I honestly think it's bitchy old gay male designers who are convinced that grown women should have the bodies of 14 year old boys.

I understand what you mean about all the high labels for only size zero and whatever, but size zero isn't a trend, there are a lot of girls who are naturally that slim. Including me. I hate being a zero. I think i have chicken legs. So please don't right it off as a trend, because not every girl whose a zero spend hours puking in the toilet...


Well-known member
All those brightly coloured skinny jeans. I hate the 80s, and i hate that they're considered stylish. The 80's had awful awful fashion.

And the loose flowy pregnancy tops. They look cute one some people, but awful on me and they're everywhere. I makes it hard for me to shop for cute tops.

Fashion mullets. Please no. The mullet was the worst thing to ever happen to hair. It can never be fashionable. And its a product of the 80s. surprised?

i generally don't like that American apparel indie skinny jeans/shiny tights generic day glow t shirt, high top shoes look.


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Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho

Haha I just saw that old post today too... as in, "ma-mel toe, anyone??"

I also agree about the 80's fashion. I lived through the eighties, and man that was all baaaad. I hate these younguns bringing it all back to haunt me.
Especially seeing those new photos of Katie Holmes tightrolling (pegging, whatever) her jeans??! I hope that is just for a movie role and lemmings don't start that up again


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Originally Posted by faifai
Gawd, my boyfriend claims he felt physically ill when he saw a tracksuit pair of velvet pants that said "Juicy" on the ass. Hahaha. Ass juice is not hot.

It should say 'butt'. Rofl this one girl came to class had those kinda sweatpants with brown stuff on it. XO My friends and I were like whoa...

Originally Posted by glamdoll
Sadly I have seen the trend of boys w humoungos shirts! I call em night gowns, WITH the jeans tucked into their socks wrapped w rubberbands.. I guess its their "baller" look!

- parents that let their 10 yr old dress like sluts.
Ive seen it all too often here. My husband feels like going up to the
parent n slappin them for lettin their child dress like that.

LOL I call them boys with dresses XD
For this competition we had to wear tshirts for our team but it was too big on me...it went down to my knees (the smallest size) o.o

Gosh, I hate it when there are 4 year olds - yes, 4 year olds with boobtubes and strapless tops and all that jazz. It's either growing up to much or they're parents think they need to show that much skin when they haven't even hit puberty yet o_O

Originally Posted by ritchieramone
That really irks me too - Ramones stuff in particular has been all over the place being worn by kids who probably don't even know they were a *band*, never mind know their music!

Recently, I've even seen a few letters in magazines with girls asking where they could get "that cool T-shirt with an eagle thing and some writing I saw celeb xyz wearing" ...

Oh gosh I friken hate that! everything now a days is about a label, or some title to be "cool". WTF! -sticks a label from a banana on their heads- See you're sooo cool.

Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
and another thing!! so my friend pointed this out to me, which i never really thought about, but all these trash girls who are like, skanky and wear next to nothing and have their expensive whatevers (i admit, i buy some designer stuff too), but like, flaunting it and thinking they are high fashion and what have you. if you look on runways, a lot of it is crazy ridiculous stuff that covers most of your body. people dont walk down runways with miniskirts and leggings, or like, anything slutty. they wear big feather-y messes all over their body. idk if that makes sense, but it does get annoying. basically can the trashy trend go away? why put your hair up if you have terrible roots, i dont care if its easier, run a comb through it and leave it down (talking about the whole brown hair with the underlayer bleached).

LOL I know exactly what you mean. some runway stuff actually scares me to be honest...dark eyeshadow that blends in with your eyebrows, like actually looks like your eyebrows and your eyelids are one. o.o it just doesn't look attractive to me...

I think a lot of girls try to look "sexy" but over do it and become "slutty". Honestly, for one thing, runway isn't functional and is too...uh "too"...maybe for some strange occasion yes but everyday uh...no.

Sexy to me is like a present. You have a present all nice and pretty and wrapped up. You might see a bit but you don't see too much. Makes you want to just unwrap...that kind sexy ;D

Slutty is boo hoo someone opened the present and it's exposed T-T The only guys I can imagine liking slutty is lazy and doesn't like that sexy present all to himself. nope nope.

XD lol I sounded so weird o_O


Well-known member
Low rise pants. Really I just wish there were more options than just those. I'm barely 5'2 and I'm petite, but I have a small waist and a bigger butt so low rise jeans NEVER fit me right. There is always a gap in the back and I would love to have a pair that fit me correctly, but I can't find that b/c every freakin' pair of jeans are low rise, super low rise, or extreme low rise. My ass crack would be completely out if I bought those! Low rise was not meant for everyone. Whew. Rant over.
Oh, and fake tans with bleach blond hair. In no way does anyone believe that's natural. Save the orange for Halloween. Do they want skin cancer? They should at least do it the natural way... it would be free.


Well-known member
1. Girls that wear super short booty shorts that almost look like undies .( Especially the terry cloth ones)
2. Sandals with socks
. My step mom likes to wear this combo frequently i want to say something to her but that would be disrespectful
3. Girls that wear their boyfriend's oversized "gangster" jackets with shorts that are shorter than the jacket. It makes them look like they aren't wearing any pants.
4. Muffin tops. There is this one girl at my school that ALWAYS wears jeans that are 2 sizes too small for her. To make it worse, she wears a shirt that is also 2 sizes too small.

About the skinny thing ..
Please don't be too quick to judge us skinny girls
I hate it when people at school assume that i'm anorexic or that i don't eat enough but i do !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fondasaurusrex
1. Girls that wear super short booty shorts that almost look like undies .( Especially the terry cloth ones)
2. Sandals with socks
. My step mom likes to wear this combo frequently i want to say something to her but that would be disrespectful

3. Girls that wear their boyfriend's oversized "gangster" jackets with shorts that are shorter than the jacket. It makes them look like they aren't wearing any pants.
4. Muffin tops. There is this one girl at my school that ALWAYS wears jeans that are 2 sizes too small for her. To make it worse, she wears a shirt that is also 2 sizes too small.

About the skinny thing ..
Please don't be too quick to judge us skinny girls
I hate it when people at school assume that i'm anorexic or that i don't eat enough but i do !

I actually don't mind the sandals with socks thing if it's like one of those Japanese sandals with the white socks. XD Otherwise I think it's extremely uncomfortable o_O

Ditto on the the "skinny girls". =( I hate it when people are like you need more fat and stuff. The ironic thing is I eat twice as much as them!


Well-known member
This thread started out kind of fun, but seemed to take a turn for the....worse. someone's size isn't "trendy" and I know I love clothing just like I love art. It's a way of self expression...

It's sad to see that size 00-size4 women are hated by some on here. Dontcha know that small petite girlies that happen to be teeeeny need clothes too? I know I would be happy at any size or shape, I just happened to be born small. I love being small, I love my skinny jeans and I love my uggs when it's icy and below freezing. Yeah, when its effing cold uggs are useful.

I honestly don't care what people wear. If it makes them feel awesome. Let 'em wear it. I'm all for people feeling good on a daily basis and loving what they wear. Whether it would be a pair of uggs, skinny jeans, crocs, short skirts, sweat pants, etc.

I know I LOVE what I wear. I have my designer bags that some people were hating on. I don't care if people think my bags are fake. I know they aren't and therefore won't fall apart from being poorly manufactured. I love my HUGE sunglasses that cover 1/3 of my face. I wear wedges and white sandals. I love leggings and ballet flats. I also love wearing sweaters, logo hoodies, boho skirts that are layered, wide leg jeans, spangly dresses, sequined stuff, pearls, 6" pumps, long leather jackets, green pea coats, sports clothing and other things too. They are all in my wardrobe, for different things and different occasions.

Maybe I am a fashion disaster.

I'm really starting to not like people who are being snarky - not necessarily people here on Specktra but in general. I've had enough! Maybe you call me a bitch, sure. Ok. Maybe I am. And anyone who wants to judge what kind of person I am based on my clothing...I really dunno what to say to that....judge away, cause I can't stop you.

So my "trend" complaint is that people are hyper-sensitive yet mean-spirited and looking to get a rise out of you at the same time.

For example (this has really happened to me, about shoes and other things too):
I say "I love wearing Manolo Blahniks!"

They retort with "OMG!!!11! WEARING MANOLO BLAHNIK HEELS!!!! that is soooooooooooo/soooooo not (fill in the blank here with something they feel highly about and believe they have superior knowledge of)!!!!!! You must be a (fill in the blank with something nasty) and I'll even bet that you are (fill in the blank here with something demeaning)!!!!11 I'm offended that you would even think that about MEEEEEEE and my (the thing they felt highly about)!!!!!11"

When it had nothing to do with them, their cause (or whatever) and it just meant that I liked wearing heels that happened to be a bit pricey. I don't care that they cost more than a "regular" pair of shoes or might give me funny shaped little toes. So did being en pointe for four years in dance. You didn't bother to make a fuss about my feet when I was a dancer! You telling me I'm whatever for wearing them doesn't make it more about you or less enjoyable for me. It still just means that I love my shoes and I'm gonna wear them cause they make me feel good.
I feel like I've responded to people like this all the time over and over. On the internet and in real life.

Am I really alone in dealing with people who don't seem to be capable of being a teensy bit happy when someone else is happy? Why does everything I do seem to be a big fat problem for everyone around me? I'm happy about me and my decisions! Am I the only one? Some days I wanna retire on an uninhabited island with my shoes and wear them in the illogical sand and swim in heels simply because it would piss someone off.

Originally Posted by eulchen
so please, if you´re not going to ride a horse, dont stuff your trousers into your boots.

this didn't make me mad...just thought I would post some info on horse riding since I love the sport and wanted to clear it of its apparent bad fashion name...

I <333 riding. Western and English. You don't usually tuck your boots in while riding Western style. Unless you wanna mess your boots up and end up with massive blisters and mess your ankles up, etc. *ouch!*
English riding on the other hand you wear tall riding boots on top of leggings/breeches, usually with patches to keep you from getting nasty bruises/calluses (esp. for beginning riders) - so they aren't really everyday pants. Maybe this was what you were thinking:
or this for Western:
but notice how her boots are inside her pants.
So the trend you were talking about I don't think is really from horse riding. Unless it was riding breeches they were tucking their boots into.

oh...and I know their outfits probably look silly and disastrous. But trust me. It gets the job done and I'll bet they have loads of fun wearing those outfits on their horses.

*sigh* I bet I will get flamed for all of this...I give up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
I hate the 80s, and i hate that they're considered stylish. The 80's had awful awful fashion.

This is what frightens me about trends.
I was in my teens and 20s during the 80s, and we thought we looked great.
I now watch "What Not to Wear" faithfully, and Stacy and Clinton always just about go into convulsions whenever a subject trots out her tapered jeans.

But I can remember when the fashion magazines were burbling about jeans with "a flattering taper, for that lean leggy look."

I'm reassured, though, to be able to honestly state that I hated acid wash immediately and permanently.
I hated huge shoulder pads, too. I took them out and let my cats play with them. But I had rounded hips when curves weren't "cool," and I was told that shoulder pads would "balance" my hips.
Fashion can be so confusing ...


Well-known member
Skinny Jeans
Belts over dresses

Thats about it...I honestly don't much care what people wear, but when I see the above mentioned items, I just shake my head...

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