What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Active member
Originally Posted by user4
i hate uggs... always did... expecially when u pair them with miniskirts... what is the point of keeping ur feet warm when ur legs r gonna be freezing!!! ahhh

those sweatpants with shit written on the ass!!! ahhh, it pisses me off!!!

i cant think of anything else, but im sure i will!!!

UUUUGGGHHH!!!! i totally agree with the miniskirt and uggs comment!! i HATE seeing this!! ive seen it a lot in the central valley where im from and a few times out here in the central coast..i just want to go up to them, slap them and tell them its nOT CUTE! lol

i also hate horizontal stripes..just one of my pep pieves(sp?)


Well-known member
bump for great justice!

Hippie headbands

please die


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
bump for great justice!

Hippie headbands

please die

My friend has a weird tan line on her forehead from that... no amount of foundation in the world is going to make it go away!


Well-known member
I love it how people will wear headbands and dress like hippies without even acknowledging the reasons behind that movement and what it stood for. Hippie fashion had a significance! It meant something back then. A couple of years ago, dressing like a hippie was considered weird and unfashionable and all of a sudden it became cool again? Ugh, I hate trends.
Another example is black nailpolish. People were scared of that color, and then all of a sudden the fashion gods decided it was "chic" so now everyone is wearing it.
It's sad to know that people don't trust themselves in making their own choices style-wise. They need to be pushed in certain directions. Deep down, they always wanted to wear dark polish but didn't because it was considered inappropriate. Now, that it's in fashion, they're all over it.


Well-known member
The playboy look! Its not cool to dress like a hooker! This bugs me so badly, dress like you have a bit of class please!

And Primark...It falls apart and the shop is like walking in to a junk store! Eugh! And its made by underage kids in India.


Well-known member
I dress the way I want, and I make most of my clothes. I dress like a FREAK, to be honest. And it seems like once I'm done wearing something, or when I'm just bored with a look, it's in style. It's kinda freakish, actually.

I've never understood why people follow trends and dress like robots. Why can't we just wear what we like?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SoupyGeorge
And it seems like once I'm done wearing something, or when I'm just bored with a look, it's in style. It's kinda freakish, actually.


I think I feel your pain!
For the past few years I've avoided the smoky eyes/pale lips look, because on me it looks like anemic nocturnal varmint.
Instead, I went for red or berry lips and browns on the eyes, because that look suits my style, coloring and features.
This fall, it seems like everyone is raving, "Brown eyeshadow, deep red lips! What a fabulously original concept!"
I just smirk, and say to myself, "What took you people so long, already?"


Well-known member
Sloppy looking guys!!!

Guys wearing stained jeans, tattered flip flops, scruffy facial hair, unkempt hair, looking like they haven't showered in days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SoupyGeorge
I dress the way I want, and I make most of my clothes. I dress like a FREAK, to be honest. And it seems like once I'm done wearing something, or when I'm just bored with a look, it's in style. It's kinda freakish, actually.

I know what you mean!!! I wore dark red/wine lipstick and winged liner all throughout high school, and people kept telling me I needed to lighten it up. Now so many more people do dark lips and winged liner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
The playboy look! Its not cool to dress like a hooker! This bugs me so badly, dress like you have a bit of class please!

Please don't be confused: being a hooker has nothing to do with "class".

So, I'm so over these Hipster douches who troll Wicker Park in their Back to the Future 2 visors they jocked from Kanye. It's like everyone has a pair in at least 3 colors, it's really bad. Make it go away, send it back to Marty McFly or something.

I don't get empire busts either, I think only 5% of the female populate can pull it off without looking pregnant.

Also, why is there still such a hatred for skinny jeans? Do I detect a hint of envy? So many people spend on this time trying to perpetuate self love, whatever size it comes in, so why can't us skinny folk love our boney legs in some skinny jeans?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Also, why is there still such a hatred for skinny jeans? Do I detect a hint of envy? So many people spend on this time trying to perpetuate self love, whatever size it comes in, so why can't us skinny folk love our boney legs in some skinny jeans?

I don't like them because one, if I CAN somehow manage to squeeze my big ol' butt into a pair, they make me look a fat-ass dwarf. Two, about that... yeah, they don't fit me. It's about finding clothes that look great on your body type, and if you can feel confident in 'em and rock 'em, more power to you

Also I HATE THOSE VISORS too. Can anybody even see out of those damn things?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
So, I'm so over these Hipster douches who troll Wicker Park in their Back to the Future 2 visors they jocked from Kanye. It's like everyone has a pair in at least 3 colors, it's really bad. Make it go away, send it back to Marty McFly or something.

Do not even get me started on Wicker Park hipsters....I hate living so close to so much stupidity, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
bump for great justice!

Hippie headbands

please die

I don't know if I am more disgusted by the head band or the high waisted "mom shorts" she is wearing. I cannot stand the new style of shorts and pants with the waist almost at your chest. I do not think they flatter ANYONE. They make everyone's butt look extra long!


Well-known member
i hate alot of things people wear
but to be honest i think its good that people are different

i think the world would be a boring place if we all dressed the same

my style is basically just girly, i like shopping at high street stores and also get a few designer things here and there, so mix and match really!


Well-known member
i'm all for variety and some people rock shit out that i would never wear.
i just can't understand it. do you want tight pants....or do you want to wear tights as pants...what is it?
that said, i love cute little leggings on babies. where they belong.

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