Originally Posted by cno64
I really agree, too, but there's an element of self-respect involved here, I think.
Of course, nobody is going to wear an evening gown and high heels to the convenience store to buy a bag of Fritos, but when I see a [non-homeless] person shuffling around in dirty/torn clothes that look like something that should be worn to paint the bathroom in, I think, "Has that person just given up, or what?"
When you look neat and pulled together, it seems to me to send the message, "I consider myself worth a little effort."
I'm all for comfort, but there are limits.
LOL now you've got me rolling.. . and then I was like "hey-aah" when your post sunk in!!
I guess I need to clarify... when I say "sloppy sweats dressing" I meant, well, like my matching Bebe workout outfit.
Which will probably get me flamed for wearing a matching Bebe workout outfit. With pink in it... and likely some sparkly bits or *gasp* a really small inconspicuous logo somewhere.
That and my Uggs--well, yes, they
were a "light" sand color when I bought them-- they aren't nasty, just darker in color and there's a small puncture hole in the top where my dog, as a puppy, bit them. But that's it. I swear. And I love them.
*now sulking in flame-resistant undies and my uggs in the corner* LOL