What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
Pompadours on women/girls, or the similar trend of pulling one's bangs back and securing it to their ponytail(s) with a claw clip so the bangs create a sort of pouf on top of the head. I see it all the time and it makes me want to take each one of them aside and "help" them out of that mess.
And the "smokey eye-nude lip" also bothers me; it makes so many people look like they're about the crumble into ashes like something out of a sci-fi story...even the sheerest hint of colour on the lips and cheeks does a world of good!


Well-known member
^ are you talkin about quiffs? i love quiffs..

I am also planning to wear denim shorts with grey tights and black uggs on monday
hehe i know so many people hate on the short skirts/shorts and uggs thing but i love it...plus the tights are thick and keep me warm so what's the problem?

Also the day before yesterday i wore bright green skinny jeans, god i love me bright colours, try and make me hate them


Well-known member
mmmmphf, to each his own.

I hate dresses and skirts over pants. That is stupid. That is the way the retarded girl on the bus used to dress. I don't care if Trinny and Susannah (the stupid cows) say it is all the thing. Don't do it. You will look dumb.
No more.


Well-known member
Ok, I HATE flip-flops. Like any casual wear they have a time and place, but I was at a professional conference the other day and a girl was wearing them, and getting up to walk out the door to check her phone, come back in...etc. *flap, flap, flap* with the shoes, it was infuritating. Not to mention desperately unprofessional.

And I think skinny jeans should be worn *only* by skinny people. I am not a skinny person. I have a really big butt, skinny jeans just make my butt and hips look even bigger... ewww.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nibjet
lately girls have been coming in my work with all their hair piled up on the very top of their head, like right behind where your bangs would start, in one of those top knot things. That is not attractive, it looks wonky!

oh! found a pic.


YES! I hate this so much! The stupid knot makes me so mad I could rip it off a teenagers head, lol. My boyfriend cannot understand why it bothers me so much, haha.


Well-known member
Crocs, denim 'Bermuda shorts', overprocessed dried and fried blonde hair in superhigh ponytails, socks with slip on sandals worn with shorts (if you are not going to/from the gym), and fake designer bags: Goach, Fooey Vuitton, Frauda, and Hoochie to name a few.


Well-known member
Basically anything that is too over the top trendy, if you look like you stepped off of a rap shoot or emo video and it looks like it took you 8 hours to look the part, then I think it's bound to look ridiculous. Costumes are best left at home. BUT I would have no one to laugh at if everyone dressed 'normal' so it really doesn't bother me at all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Briar
Ok, I HATE flip-flops. Like any casual wear they have a time and place, but I was at a professional conference the other day and a girl was wearing them, and getting up to walk out the door to check her phone, come back in...etc. *flap, flap, flap* with the shoes, it was infuritating. Not to mention desperately unprofessional.

And I think skinny jeans should be worn *only* by skinny people. I am not a skinny person. I have a really big butt, skinny jeans just make my butt and hips look even bigger... ewww.

I wouldnt reccommend a trip to Australia then. My friends go crazy for thongs- multiple pairs for outfits. Even 'dressy thongs' for nightclubbing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nibjet
lately girls have been coming in my work with all their hair piled up on the very top of their head, like right behind where your bangs would start, in one of those top knot things. That is not attractive, it looks wonky!

oh! found a pic.


i have to agree! the whole "oh look how little effort im putting in" look bothers me, because it always seems so well thought out!


Active member
knockoff anything,
how everyone in my area has to have coach purse because they opened a coach store in west ed mall
platform flip flops
super low rise jeans(especially on guys)
wearing lululemon as dressy pants


Girls in nice designer clothes with $5 flip-flops. To my disgust, this is especially popular here in Texas since it's warm/hot eight months out of the year.


Well-known member
nail art. I find it trashy 100% of the time.
ankle boots. they remind me of witches.
Foam platform flipflops
80's everything (Excluding some tights) 80's fashion is disgusting and i do not understand how it is making a comeback.
fashion mullets. not cool. ever.
fashion rat tails. see above.
those disgusting furry jackets for men (And women for that matter) they're bomber jacket style, but with long hair... it makes you look like a cheap teddy bear.
not wearing a bra with see through shirts. Thank you American apparel. i hate you.
hot pink/yellow/kelly green/purple/aqua skinny jeans.
boxy over sized tops.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Girls in coach shoes, juicy track suits, chanel purses, with dior sunglasses

it's always nice to see someone wearing an outfit that costs more than my car.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
While we're on the subject of hair, what the hell is up with you broads who think coming outside your house with hair that looks wet but feels like straw is any type of cute?

Ever since living in my neighborhood, predominately Puerto Rican, my sister has grown this fondness for this atrocious looking/feeling Chola hair. It'd be one thing if she didn't have good hair or didn't know how to do hair, but she's gifted with both qualities.


Coming from a Puerto Rican who wears mousse in her curly hair.

btw....Puerto Rican and Chola aren't the same.


Well-known member
using little dogs as accessories rather than pets, fake LV bags, ankle boots, crocs, smoking.

there's plenty more though =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PRiNCiPESSAx4
Never understood this one. I keep the MLB holographic logo on, but it's under the bill, and I bend my hats. I just don't get this, I think it looks hysterical. People who wear them this way around my neighborhood often look at me in my worn-in hats like I have 5 heads.

Its because they dont realize that when you wear a sports hat normally you wear it because you're a fan of the team.

Around here? Nope.

I can look around me right now and see about 52 Cubs hats with flat bills and the sticker on them. I could bet you $1,000 that 90% of them cant name the starting lineup let alone who manages the damn team and I friggin hate the Cubs.

It seems like a lot of people wear Sox hats too around here just as a fashion statement. I think because the colors are black and white and go with more things than blue and red... theres a kid in my stats class who wears one religiously.. one day I said "how about that game last night?" and he said "what game?"

Im sorry- I assumed that since you've worn a Sox hat religiously for the last 3 months that Ive sat behind you in Stats that you would realize that the 163rd tiebreaker for the divistion championship against the minnesota twins in which jim thome bombed for the win was on last night. My fucking bad.

Im sorry but i cant stand people who wear sports jackets/jerseys/hats/shirts and have no damn clue anything about the team they are representing.

Welcome to Illinois- home of the Chicago Cubs bandwagon.