What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Suzyn
Wow, just wow, thats all i can say right now. I think Ive learned that stuff I knew was grody is grody, and that there are some very opinionated people here. Im not offended by any of it, but I think some people worry too much about what other's wear.

Totally agree! if YOU like it then Wear it bump everyone else! LMAO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rosasola1
okay.... so this is something that I guess no one has seen because you don't live in south Florida but trust... it's majorly rediculous!

The young middle/high school urban children... um keep the price tags on their clothing and make sure they can be seen!

So there are tons of teenagers walking around with hats on that have white price tags dangling off the bill. They wear shirts way too long for them with the price tag sticking out of the back... I guess this is to flaunt your economic strata but sadly, those price tags usually only say "$20.50"

Um... I saw this just last night when I went out to see a movie. I could only smile at the thought that hopefully these kids will someday outgrow this fad and laugh at it later.... Hopefully! :\

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about... the kids that loiter in front of the movie theater in Pinellas Park on Saturdays do this, mostly with baseball hats. C'mon, kid, you look kinda silly with the price tag all hanging out on the top of the hat.


New member
well, its not really a trend but i cannot stand it when girls wear clothes that are too short or too revealing and low cut and then stand there pulling their shirt up to cover their Toobies (when they're too big to be boobies!) or pulling down their micro mini skirt!

OHHH!!! and when it is freezing and everyone is wearing coats or jackets and there is someone half naked walking around trying to keep themselves warm!!!



Well-known member
High-waisted pants, and Good God....this month's Lucky had harem pants. They really don't flatter.

Two places for harem pants:

1. A harem
2. MC Hammer concert

That's it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
i have to agree! the whole "oh look how little effort im putting in" look bothers me, because it always seems so well thought out!

ITA!! I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to people's fashion choice. I.e. Crocs, flip flops, Uggs/Emus (I own a pair, very comfy), tights etc etc, hey whatever makes you happy.

There's one thing that kinda makes me roll my eyes and that's rich-kid-wanna-be-hipsters. Nothing about their look comes "naturally", it's all a big concerted expensive effort to look like they're not trying.

They pay a lot for a top salon to thoroughly give them a crappy/shaggy haircut. They buy expensive jeans that look purposely used and worn out, they buy expensive t-shirts with a "vintage" vibe (or they pay top dollars at a wannabe hipster store that buys vintage cheap and sells outrageously expensive to wannabes like them). Everything they wear and do has been excruciatingly thought out. Nothing about them is authentic and what irks me is they have this stuck up attitude like oh I'm sooooo underground and hip and too cool to associate with the masses. The rest of you are all sheep man, sheep! Mindless sheep who consume mass produced goods. Give me a break I rather be a mass produce consumer who’s real than a pretender any day! Okay rant over


Well-known member
Flip flops in winter (really anytime, but especially winter). I literally see girls wearing them in the slush around here.
Back in my day the only time we wore flip flops was in the dorm showers. These young girls who where them everyday are going to have some major arch problems as they get older.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac.addiction77
well, its not really a trend but i cannot stand it when girls wear clothes that are too short or too revealing and low cut and then stand there pulling their shirt up to cover their Toobies (when they're too big to be boobies!) or pulling down their micro mini skirt!

I absolutely hate seeing this.

If you have to adjust your clothes everytime you move, they don't fit.
If they don't fit, you shouldn't wear them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I have a pair of Emus that I wear to work with just about anything...yoga pants, running tights, whatever.
Fugget. My workplace doesn't break 60 when it's cold outside...I want warm feet.

COLD outside??
COLD outside??? Jamie, you live in TEXAS!!!!! I'll bet you think 65 degrees is cold

You should come up here, to NW Connecticut (we just had over a ft. of snow the other day; more coming tomorrow)...THEN you would know cold!!!!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
COLD outside??
COLD outside??? Jamie, you live in TEXAS!!!!! I'll bet you think 65 degrees is cold

You should come up here, to NW Connecticut (we just had over a ft. of snow the other day; more coming tomorrow)...THEN you would know cold!!!!!

When it's 40s outside, my gym doesn't break 62.
That's cold. >.<

In fact it's 38 now and I've a bit of a shiver.

Snow? Uh.
Can I just take your word for it?


Well-known member
Anything that's a designer knock-off, particularly with the fake LOGO all over it. Mainly handbags. Ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iluvtinkerbell23
wedge boots. wtf???? seriously, people. get some cute boots with a kitten heel or something.

omg i completely agree with this... i hate wedges in general...

the bright crazy colors/mix matching of the neon colors like bright ass pink jeans with a green top and colorful bangles..... STOP!

sagging pants on guys... SIT THE HELL DOWN!

Rihanna/Kelis haircut... need i say more?


Well-known member
Four things really bug me lately:

--Flip-flops worn anywhere other than a gym shower or the beach.

--Sweatsuit pants with logos or "cute" sayings across the seat so that everyone stares at the girl's rear end.

--Skinny, tapered jeans on anyone who isn't teen-aged and super-thin.

--Women with about 5 different shades of blonde highlights and lowlights in their hair (who, in my experience, are also very likely to tell anyone who will listen just how much they paid for their hair color). It just looks so unnatural and weird to have all those streaks through your hair.


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liquid/ wet look leggings



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paris hilton wannabes
bright plastic looking accesories
wearing sneakers with skinny jeans and a 80's inspired tee (hs girls seem to love that)
and i agree with the price tag thing! who the f started that?it looks so stupid.


Well-known member
Sagging pants.

Really. Why the f*** did you even bother to wear a belt, when the belt is around your kneecaps?

I told my son, the FIRST time I ever saw him wearing his pants like that, I would yank everything down around his ankles...in public.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
There's one thing that kinda makes me roll my eyes and that's rich-kid-wanna-be-hipsters. Nothing about their look comes "naturally", it's all a big concerted expensive effort to look like they're not trying.

They pay a lot for a top salon to thoroughly give them a crappy/shaggy haircut. They buy expensive jeans that look purposely used and worn out, they buy expensive t-shirts with a "vintage" vibe (or they pay top dollars at a wannabe hipster store that buys vintage cheap and sells outrageously expensive to wannabes like them). Everything they wear and do has been excruciatingly thought out. Nothing about them is authentic and what irks me is they have this stuck up attitude like oh I'm sooooo underground and hip and too cool to associate with the masses. The rest of you are all sheep man, sheep! Mindless sheep who consume mass produced goods. Give me a break I rather be a mass produce consumer who’s real than a pretender any day! Okay rant over

You're soooo right!!!

Another thing that I hate (and it is particularly in style among medium-rich girls in Italy) it's that "I'm looking like an old rich madam drinking tea with her old rich friends" style...I mean: pearl choker and earrings (at 17 years old??? what??), perfect hair, flat old looking shoes and a luis vuitton (maybe fake) bag at their arm...it really pisses me off.

Then I hate emo style...even for 15 year old guys/girls...it' so fake!

I hate the fact that if you want to be considered elegant you MUST wear heels at all costs...I'm already 5.5 ft high and I do suffer a lot with many of high heels shoes and I think that some flat shoes are elegant as weel... I don't find that elegant if I have to walk as a chicken because my feet hurt...I love flexible rules in fashion, and that's what makes fashion so fun...

The last thing (for today LOL) is that big-shoulder-dresses...I don't know what their exact name is, but they were so in style in the 80's and it seems that they're going to be a must this summer and next winter...
I remember that when my mom was wearing dresses like that I couldn't almost look at her (and I was only 4 or 5 years old LOL) and thinking that i'll have to see them often in the next months it's so scary!!XDD
Just to let you know what I'm talking about, it's this thing here:
And it's balmain OMG!!! And Armani did this too!! Wonder what we could expect from low end brands....


Well-known member
Ok, wanted to add another one.

Gold Teef. Seriously. I hate them. The only grill I wanna see is the one cooking your steak, or the one on your car.

A grill does not scream to me "OMG! MAN WITH MONEY!!!", it screams "OMG MAN THAT DOESN'T BRUSH!!"

Makes you look like ya got the yuck mouth.

Another one: Big face watches. I don't know why I don't like them, but I don't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Girls with a backpack AND a purse...


OMG this would kill me in high school!!!!

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