What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


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Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I don't know if people are still really doing this, I don't see it in Virginia at all, but when I was in California I would see older teens and some times even just adults using little kids backpacks. Not just SMALL back packs, but plastic ones with characters like Sponge Bob and Dora the Explorer LOL It was like "the cool accessory" for a while.

OH! AND! Grown ass people, especially men, with those god damn air brushed shirts with Tweety Bird and Elmo and other such innocent children's favorites smoking a blunt or brandishing a weapon! STOP IT PEOPLE! WE'VE GOT TO DO BETTER!

That is a problem here too.

I always had a solid color, practical backpack in high school.

Seeing the 'tough kids' with Elmo, Dora, Spongebob, Care Bears & Spider-Man bags always made me giggle.

...those 'gangsta tweety/bugs bunny' shirts are absolutely horrid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
OMG! and she still has a job?

Yes! I have no idea how.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
I work in a gov't office, court to be exact, with judges & attorneys, we deal with the public all day. My co-worker wears not only leggings but, no bra, slippers, pajamas sometimes!! She's in her 50's!! I have no idea why she never gets written up but it's ridiculous. I overheard her once say that if she wakes up late she just comes to work in what she slept in!

absolutely disgusting.
I wish I worked with her so I could tell her how disgusting that is. haha


Well-known member
Hmm well I didn't mean to say that cheaper sunglasses are bad.
I meant that I'm sick of hearing my friend saying my glasses are knockoffs when hers are as well.
I have no problem with cheaper sunglasses.


Well-known member
Hahaha i love this. Although I must disagree with the Uggs. There so comfyy and so great for those early morning winter classes. Since I have to walk basically everywhere on campus they are great at keeping my feet warm on my way to class.


Well-known member
i agree with the uggs! they're SO comfortable and keep my toes warm in freezing -30 degrees celsius weather.

one trend that i absolutely hate is how ppl are now trying to look "original" with their "mainstream emo" or "mainstream badass 80's/90's bleached skinny jeans and balmain-esque heels (aka. really hideous, strappy, black leather metallic studded heels).


What else..... Ooh! I hate the bleached blond hair, orange tan look too. Actually no. I am fine with that, I just do not like the ANNOYING valley girl accent that usually accompanies such girls... You can hear them from miles away before you even see them!!!


Well-known member
I am also tired of seeing the checkered scarves worn Balenciaga style... (With the triangular point hanging down the front of your body) I literally see it 10 times a day on campus. ON DIFFERENT GIRLS. AND GUYS.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
I can't stand skinny jeans. They make almost EVERYBODY look fat.

I also can't stand tights worn with sweater dresses that stop at mid-thigh or above. Again, you look fat and skanky to boot.

Paris Hilton wannabe's get on my nerves as do dramatic weaves and beach blonde hair.

Porn star makeup is gross as well.

I did this in high school because I kept my pads/tampons in my purse so I wouldn't have to bring my backpack with me to the bathroom in the middle of class.

Even now I carry a laptop briefcase plus purse.

:p... I wear thigh-high socks with sweater dresses. I personally think they look sexy, I wear sweater dresses that don't show any cleavage and the thigh-highs just give the outfit more sex appeal when strangely, you're covering up more instead of just showing a bare leg. Where I work we decorated our mannequins like that and when I tried on that outfit I loved it. It's different here, I live in a conservative state and I just think it makes me look different in a good way. it's definitely not a trend where I come from. just my two cents...i didn't mean to write a novel lol. For some reason I did not take offense to that comment, however

I also love skinny jeans, but anyway, back to trends I wish would go away:

bright, neon colored denim jeans: I tried to like these, but i just couldn't for some reason.

tunics over skinny jeans: I love tunics and I love skinny jeans, but for some reason I just don't like them together. Since I'm short, I wear one thing with another - a tunic alone or skinny jeans with a funky top, tucked in.

meh, just my opinion :p


Well-known member
The "My look is more individual than your individual look even though our wardrobes could pass as twins" and the "i came up with it first" trend.

I'm with any crowd who wish the highschool girl-trend of orange tan and bleached blond hair would go away. Especially the kind sporting really bad regrowth. woo! ...and with matching stereotypical voices to boot.
Only because they block public transport exists with their saggy, overworn Country Road bags. That whole image is a trend I'd love to get rid of.


The head-to-toe abercrombie style doesn't appeal to me. Some of their pieces are cute, but definitely not the sweatshirts and t-shirts with different variations of "A&F" splashed across them..


Active member
Peasant blouses and empire-waisted dresses. There is a time and a place for looking pregnant, thank you very much.


Well-known member
I hate Uggs.

I understand that there is a need for them especially in cold, bitter weather. But I live in Vancouver. Our weather is rather temperate and we rarely go below -5 degrees Celsius. And it rains like a mofo here. Uggs + Vancouver do not mix, people! The toes of your light tan Uggs stained to a lovely dark poo brown colour by dirty rain water is not a good look!

If you're going to give me the weather excuse for Uggs in Vancouver, wear RAIN BOOTS PLS.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by zeitghost
Peasant blouses and empire-waisted dresses. There is a time and a place for looking pregnant, thank you very much.

I most def agree with this. I'm slim but I have lotsa boobs so I def don't like ppl with my body shape wearing empire-waisted stuff. The boobs hold the fabric to make you look pregnant. I guess for more flat-chested women this look can work, but not for the rest :/


Well-known member
i'm gonna have to go with dudes wearing t-shirts longer than my credit report.

If your "white tee" is grazing the sidewalk lookin like a damn night-gown, you need your ass kicked. Wear some shit that fits.


Well-known member
Ed Hardy.
I'm sure I've mentioned him before, but uh.
It's a t-shirt with a premade tattoo design, and rhinestones.
for 60 dollars.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Ed Hardy.
I'm sure I've mentioned him before, but uh.
It's a t-shirt with a premade tattoo design, and rhinestones.
for 60 dollars.

Oh god, i have these twats that come in to my work wearing head to bloody toe ed hardy, its WRONG!!! It hurts my eyes

Why oh why did they have to open up an Ed Hardy Store in Surfers, WHY!!!!