Ugh, some of mine might still be the same from the last time I posted in here... oh well. They bear repeating.
Leggings as pants. Because nothing says "attractive!" like visible panty lines and crotch outlines. Also they look juvenile as I-don't-know-what, especially the patterned ones! Maybe it's because I grew up in the early '90s and wore leggings as pants up until the age of seven.
This high-waist trend needs to die a sudden death, a la disco. It's just about all I see nowadays, especially in pants. I'm not fat by any stretch, but skinny pants (assuming I can get them over my bootylicious butt in the first place) make me look about three or four sizes bigger than what I really am. Ditto with high-waisted pencil skirts. Yes, because I'd like the bottom to rip out when I bend over. Because I, too, want to look like I'm in junior high orchestra all over again. Yeech.
Overdoing the '80s thing. When you look like a five-foot-ish highlighter, something's wrong.
Also, some of the clothes out for young people (the ruffled-collar + floral shirts are the biggest offender of this) nowadays look like the same clothes my grandma would buy at Blair or BonWorth or some other old lady clothing store.
Return of the shoulder pads. Go back to the grave from which you came from, fashion zombie. I remember cutting these SOB's out of my clothes as a young kid in the early '90s because they made me look like a linebacker dressed for the wrong occasions.