What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitics

Return of the shoulder pads.

I heard THAT!
I've run across maybe two jackets or dresses over the course of the last 20 years that fit better with the addition of a THIN shoulder pad, but the rest of the time, I take out the shoulder pads, marinate them in catnip, throw them on the floor, and let my kitties play them to death.


Well-known member
This mustache trend... Especially those irritating mustache tattoos on the finger and these necklaces:



Well-known member
i think i just found my new favorite thread!

i cant stand when girls wear headbands ACROSS THEIR FOREHEAD. why? why why why?
especially when it scrunches up their hair a little bit so it sticks up at the top..

i used to live in northern japan, and it got freaking cold there. i loved wearing the ugg-type boots with some jeans, but here in SOUTHERN GEORGIA!? where it doesnt even snow?? it was like 70 degrees out all last week and these kids were wearing uggs and scarves! are you kidding me? at least wait til it gets below 50 degrees! which by the way is actually really cold to us in the south.. lol.



Well-known member
I'm kind of happy that asymetrical bob cut is dying out. Occasionaly, I'll see a girl still wearing it and I'll be like "Honey, 2007 is over."

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I have a new don't. I hate when ppl wear styles that don't suite their body shape. Don't wear it just coz it's in! Do you see me wearing a empire waisted dress? No, coz it would make me look gigantic on top and kinda pregnant :/

I don't care much about weird trends as long as the person wearing it knows what they're doing


Well-known member
Oh, I hate flip-flops. To the beach, or to the park on a nice day? Okay. But they're not appropriate for your high school/college graduation, they're not appropriate for weddings (unless you're the bride and you found some cute ones for your "I'm getting out of these mother-effin shoes NOW" shoes), they're not appropriate for a lunch/dinner date, they're not appropriate for a job interview.

I also hate skinny jeans. I don't care how bony and gangly you are, they're actually flattering on very few people.


Active member
God damn freaking Ugg boots. Or worse, fake Ugg boots!
Messy ponytails
Thick foundation a bazillion shades too dark
Those gypsy headband things which are worn on the forehead
Leggings and jeggings
Cheap crappy quilted bags
The whole generation of disposable fashion eurgh!

[/rant] xD


Well-known member
ugg boots!!! i second that, and those awful ones that are knitted with buttons on, as slippers, they r cute, to be worn out in the rain!?!?! hell no!

those plaited headbands that are meant to look like hair, but they ALWAYS look like a plaited headband and is totally wrong for their hair colour, and you can see the elastic bit at the back!! not cool


Well-known member
I'm sure someone already said this but UGG BOOTS! I know everyone loves them and they're so warm and comfy but god i'm SO sick of hearing about them and the worst is when people don't know how to wear them. Do they not know that wearing them with a skirt or shorts just looks fuckin STUPID!??!? I vowed that i would never get ugg boots. lol. k rant is over.


Well-known member
I have to agree with the ugg boots. I really hate the leggings tho. It seems like the people who dont look good in them are wearing them the most. Skinny jeans too. They dont make me look skinny lol


Well-known member
I think UGGS are okay but only the regular ones the ones with the fur outside are UGLY! and Fake purses people should just stop...


Well-known member
skinny jeans and sneaks or vans. Im all for a nice pair of skinny jeans tucked into some killer boots but Im so sick of little teeny boppers hanging out at the mall in dirty looking skinny jeans , huge flannel shirts, and those ridiculous headbands around the circumference of thier heads. Oh yeah and the same long side bang haircut especially if the long sidebang is being worn by a male. I believe in high and tights for males 100%.