What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
UGGs and bright-neon colored skinny jeans.

OMG..UGGs are sooo ugly. I remember when I wanted one before it was so "in" and when people over wore it, I was like, "ugh, ew. never again.". i don't care if it's like 10 degrees outside, I bet I can keep my feet warm in so many other ways than spend $200+ for a pair of unattractive boots.


Active member

Im not really liking this trend, its really popular where I live and I just think you need to have a somewhat toned stomach to pull this off and ALOT of "heavy" girls wear this too which just draws more attention to their stomachs! Hope I didnt cause offence to anyone by saying that, but yeah, its a trend which I wish would go away!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I'd really wish the Ugg trend would go away. Those are some ugly a** boots. I'm all for wearing them in the snow n shit, but when you're buying every color and style.... I can't even finish. Just stop it bitches!

* I would like to know, all the Australians, are Uggs and EMUs that popular over there* Letta chick know

Hey, I'm from South Australia too, and everyone knows what uggs are but I don't see them too often. I had never even heard of Emus (well, the bird yes, the footwear, no) until they were mentioned on this forum.
Someone once offered to give me uggs that their daughter had worn once and then grown out of, and they had cost a lot, but even at age 12 I had the sense not to take them (I pretended they didn't fit & was polite though).


Well-known member
E....mus...? what are those?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
E....mus...? what are those?

They're giant, scary Australian birds.

Apparently, they're also some kind of ugg-boot like footwear (uggs are made from sheep, not birds....), but I'd never heard of them until now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Makeup Emporium
- Those stupid friggin' headbands that people wear that make their hair bulge out on top of them...they look ridiculous!!


I hear ya!!

They are the trend in my workplace, where they are incidentally sold. Flowers often come attached to such headbands. I'm kinda like the "odd one out" for not wearing them, along with high-waisted skirts. (The unofficial uniform) Which brings me to... high waisted skirts. They're not inherently bad. They can actually look amazing on some people and not-so-bad on others. I wish the TREND would stop though, because they are not flattering on that many people. They often emphasize the middle section instead of slimming it. Also, they look terrible on short-waisted people, such as myself- they just make me look like a pair of legs and a pair of boobs squashed together. Low-waisted pants and skirts look a lot better on me, in fact I think the lower the more flattering (to a point obviously...) but of course they don't look flattering on everyone. I don't think any particular rise or length of skirt should be a trend, rather there should be choice. I don't have much faith in the general public's ability to make the right choices though. Lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic
They're giant, scary Australian birds.

Apparently, they're also some kind of ugg-boot like footwear (uggs are made from sheep, not birds....), but I'd never heard of them until now.

Haha thanks for that. Hmm are they some sort of Ugg boot variant then?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
Haha thanks for that. Hmm are they some sort of Ugg boot variant then?

Haha, I like the term "ugg boot variant".
Yes, I believe so, but not affiliated with the Ugg company. I just looked at their website and there is an amusing slideshow of fashion shots. Apparently, they are quite suitable to wear with white undies in the outback.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic
Haha, I like the term "ugg boot variant".
Yes, I believe so, but not affiliated with the Ugg company. I just looked at their website and there is an amusing slideshow of fashion shots. Apparently, they are quite suitable to wear with white undies in the outback.

Lol...that slideshow made no sense to me. Why on earth would you wear sheepskin boots in a hot deserty area?!

Anyway, they're also fugly.


Well-known member
-LEGGINGS AS PANTS! Seriously people...you look dumb as hell. And depending how thin the leggings are you can see through them. If you wear a tunic or a dress fine...but if you fail to have either be prepared to look like a total douche.

-Sequined dresses, leggings, shorts...pretty much anything with excessive sequins If you're not in Vegas please do us all a favor and burn your disco ball clothing.

-Those headbands that people put on across their foreheads I don't know if people everywhere are doing this or just in the CA bay...but regardless, it looks stupid as hell.

-Leotards This is a trend that has been hyped up by the fashion world. And although many haven't taken to it...the only people who need to be in leotards are dancers and gymnasts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic
Hey, I'm from South Australia too, and everyone knows what uggs are but I don't see them too often. I had never even heard of Emus (well, the bird yes, the footwear, no) until they were mentioned on this forum.
Someone once offered to give me uggs that their daughter had worn once and then grown out of, and they had cost a lot, but even at age 12 I had the sense not to take them (I pretended they didn't fit & was polite though).

thanks! I know you Australians must think Americans are crazy for loving those damn boots so much! It's really out of hand smh!

Originally Posted by k.a.t
E....mus...? what are those?

Just like Uggs, I've heard tell Ugg makes them as well, but IDK, nor do I care hahahaha but they're Ugg styled


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cupid

-Leotards This is a trend that has been hyped up by the fashion world. And although many haven't taken to it...the only people who need to be in leotards are dancers and gymnasts.

What the...who... wait WHAT?
Who the f**k wears leotards ?? LMAO I hated it when I was in dance school I damn sure wouldn't wear them as a fashion statement


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shanible

What is our youth doing to me? Next thing I know, your hometown will be the next tattoo fad... Thank the maker (Star Wars, no religious affiliation, no offenses meant) that the tramp stamp is slowing down and the obligatory white boy upper arm tribal arm wrap is cooling off, too.

I like that LOL ( thanks the maker)

Oh and yea, about the hometown tattoo fad, that's BEEN around!! SMH!
Especially from the part of New York City I used to live in (the Bronx) feast ur eyes on this my lady


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
What the...who... wait WHAT?
Who the f**k wears leotards ?? LMAO I hated it when I was in dance school I damn sure wouldn't wear them as a fashion statement

Haha they were EVERYWHERE a few months back, even with long sleeves (so confusing, no legs and long sleeves!?), and with press studs at the crotch for easy toileting (or whatever...). Soon after, they were on sale racks everywhere for $5.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I like that LOL ( thanks the maker)

Oh and yea, about the hometown tattoo fad, that's BEEN around!! SMH!
Especially from the part of New York City I used to live in (the Bronx) feast ur eyes on this my lady

Wow- a gorgeous tattoo, all thanks to Sharpie pens and Microsoft Word. I didn't understand "My Right to Manhood" anyway, but the "..." just makes it all the more mysterious... it makes me imagine that the phrase is concluded elsewhere on the body (perhaps the groin region?). This piece of art will look even better when the arm/leg hair grows back over it. I wonder if more pieces of hacked-up fabric adorn other parts of the body.

Honey xOo

Well-known member
i don't mind ugg style boots or thick black leggings as pants sometimes- theres girls who can pull it off and look good, some can't. i hate sloppy dressers, messy hair, bad makeup, and not wearing the right size. i really cant stand when girls wear jeans that do not fit good at all. it just looks so bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Honey xOo
i don't mind ugg style boots or thick black leggings as pants sometimes- theres girls who can pull it off and look good, some can't. i hate sloppy dressers, messy hair, bad makeup, and not wearing the right size. i really cant stand when girls wear jeans that do not fit good at all. it just looks so bad.

I can't stand girls who wear clothes that don't fit/unflattering either. Like WHY WHY WHY?? WHY do that?
A couple of my friends on Facebook keep posting party pictures/beach pictures in the most unflattering outfit you'll ever see. Cellulite showing through the stretch pants/leggings, wearing bikinis when you're 300lbs, low cut shirt/bustiers when you're a 38DDD is NOT CUTE

So I decided one day to casually mention it to one of them (the only one who looked normal hehe) why did they let the girls walk out the house looking like that, she goes " They're confidant in their bodies"

I'm all for self esteem, but please, don't look like trash!!!


Well-known member
This thread is hilarious!!
Let's see...trends I wish would just go away: Phrases written on your butt like "cheer" or "cutie", Miley Cyrus plaid shirts, Uggs, low-riders (I don't want to see the top of your thong OR your butt crack, thank you very much), pajama bottoms worn ANYWHERE besides your house, puffy skirts (unless you're a ballerina, then just wear it on stage Puh-leez), tights under long shirts, and my number one is shorts/mini skirts worn in the winter, without a coat or sweater, because you're just so hot that you can't bear to cover your body, even when it's freezing outside. That's just plain idiotic.