What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
I got my first MAC item last week. Select sheer pressed powder, coverup and a blush (pinch o peach) from swap.


Well-known member
the stuff from perverted pearl

the quad and the um eyeliner and later Ionic l/s from ebay.

I still have them all and that was several years ago


Well-known member
Frou in like 6th grade lol...and O was big then too. We had no sense of color back then we just like it and wore it regardless of our skin tone.


Well-known member
Humid shadow
Bark shadow (I think that was the name)
Jungle Juice lipstick

That was years ago - I remember seeing the products advertised in InStyle and we hadn't even gotten a MAC counter yet!
I bought my first products a think 5 years ago, i was on vacations (at that time in my city i can't got MAC products)... and when i saw the collections i fell in love with everythig... lol...

i bought 3 e/s: corduroy, shale & fiction...

3 years ago i moved to a bigger city and since then i started in form my mac collection...

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