What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
probably a pigment sample....no idea what, probably a blue...

i remember buying canary yellow and electric eel in the milan pro store at the start too.


Well-known member
Studio Fix. The shade that the MA chose was 2 shades too dark. Not a good look. I never finished it.


Well-known member
e/s: Pompus blue
mascara: Mascara X
liner: Technakohl liner
pigment: n/a
foundation: studio fix fluid
powder: sheer select
blush: n/a
lipliner: n/a
lipglass: Viva glam VI
lipstick: Brick o la


New member
very first MAC product? the blot in dark, during the previous summer
(still owned)

P.S: sorry if I have a strange english, i'm french and I try to do my best


Well-known member
MAC Full Coverage Foundation in C40 eight years ago in 1999!!! I used to breakout horrendously and finally gave in to quality makeup to cover up my zits and scarring. D/S brands just didn't cut it! I was shocked to have to pay $26 for it at the time, but it was well worth it. It covered well and lasted a really long time. From then on, my love affair with MAC began.


My VERY first attempt to make a purchase was a trip to the MAC store to buy a violet, pink pearl and frost pigments (since I saw someone wearing kitschmas, and I wanted to re-create it, as I ADORE purples). I was 6 months pregnant at the time.

THe SA was SO rude, and told me that Pink Pearl was for professionals only, and I was very obviously NOT a professional, and perhaps I should go hit up a makeup counter down at Foley's (now Macy's). So I decided to run up to a Nordstroms where I usually bought cosmetics, and ran into ANOTHER rude SA!!! (since Nordies didn't have pigments at the time...I didn't know that though. heh)

So I called MAC up and complained, and they sent me those 3 pigments for FREE. So, those were my very first MAC products. I was completly shocked that they did that, I about passed out on the phone when the CS lady was like "give me your address hun, and I'll send those right out to you!" I was like, oh, let me go get my credit card! She then explained it was going to be gratis, since the service recieved was horrid. I went into MAC a week later and specifically asked for the OTHER lady there, and spent about $150 on whatever.

Yeah, so it was pigments, and I've been hooked ever since!!


Well-known member
Wow, back in 1991:

Taupe eye pencil, lipstick and blush/shadow in the large container.
I still use Taupe pencil for eyes and lips, it's the best!

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