What was your very first MAC product?


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I hadn't even heard of Mac until my Bellydance teacher said that's where she got her glitter eyeliner (mercuric). So I went to the local counter looking for the glitter eyeliner and of course they didn't have any because it was late November and they had sold out fast.

I let the MA play with my face anyway. She use Expensive Pink and a few other shadows on me to bring out my blue eyes. Then I asked her for "Fun Lips" and she said "I know just the thing! You'll think I'm crazy but I sell this combo every time I try it on someone." She came back and marked my lips all up with Bugundy l/l and topped it off with Pink Lemonade l/g and then smoothed clear lipglass all over that. It looks AMAZING!

So I walked away with my first haul: Expensive Pink, Naked Lunch, Pink Lemonade, Clear, and Burgundy l/l.

I was hooked. I went back a week later... I was hooked!


Well-known member
I was in lubbock with my best friend and her husband. Her G'parents had never met her husband and she wanted them to meet him. I went with them because I started a long distance relationship with her best guy friend that lives there. One day we got bored and went to the mall. I had heard of MAC before, but had not purchased any products. We went into dillards and right there inside the entrance was the MAC counter. At the time I was really into purple makeup and found a LE lipstick that was silvery purple
, Lust, and walked out with my first MAC purchase ever! I got so many compliments on it that I had to have more MAC makeup! Next was e/s's and the addiction was ON!!!:woohoo:
I know that lipstick was LE, but does anyone remember what line it was from?


Well-known member
Knight Devine E/S + 217 blending brush = I wanted to die at the cost of the brush as my most expensive brush to that date was around AUS$10 spending double was just ludacris! Alas 3 months later I was buying a AUS$80 #182 brush...sigh.....I love specktra


Well-known member
My first MAC products were era e/s, honesty e/s and 217 blending brush..its been love ever since


Well-known member
My very first MAC product was a lipglass in spite...oh so very very long ago, when I was still a bratty tween lol


Well-known member
first MAC purchase: at a counter in Belfast - Beauty Marked eyeshadow and "Irridescently" shadebender.... maybe about 2003?

I loved the shadow but it broke on me within a couple of weeks, and the shadebender was totally mis-sold to me as an eye gloss by the consultant at the store (it's really a lip product) - I'd intended wearing the two together to do a smoky eye with gloss/sheen, but it just didn't work out that way - I just got a smeary burgundy mess. I didn't really persevere with the brand after that, only returned to it a couple of years later after three seperate things conspired to convince me that MAC was better than my initial impressions had suggested:-

1. A MA friend gave me a gift of a mini pot of one of the MAC glitters (don't know what the name was, but it was kinda dark pinky red and is all used up now) - she may have decanted it from a bigger pot or something - and a co-ordinating lipglass (vividtone violet) and I really liked both products

2. I heard that MAC did a gel eyeliner which was WAY cheaper than the one I'd been using (Bobbi Brown) and came in lots more colours

3. I saw a picture of an Electric Eel FOTD on a LJ makeup community and thought, WOAH, I *NEED* that turquoise!!!

So I toddled up to my local counter and this time, got instantly and properly hooked, lol!


Well-known member
Wow this was back in 1993 but I so remember this day clearly....

I bought a studio fix powder and a concealer pot. I was hooked on Clinque superdouble face powder at the time until I found MAC.


Well-known member
My first purchase was
Fluidline in blacktrack
Viva Glam V Lipglass

I thought I had died and gone to heaven because the fluidline worked so well. My goal is to own every color now!


Well-known member
my first mac products were eyeshadow!!

swimming & humid... quite a pair if i do say so myself! =D


Well-known member
I think it was Trax and Vex eye shadow (I saw them on a classmate and wanted them) followed by Oh Baby lip glass and Chestnut lip pencil.


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My first MAC purchases were all in one big go as I'd heard so many good things about the brand:
- Eyebrow Shader (blonde)
- Eyebrow Brush (208 )
- Eyebrow Gel (Clear)
- Paint (Bare Canvas)
- Eyeshadow (All That Glitters, Sweet Lust and Sable)


New member
My first purchase was a lipstick, a kind of pinkish nude in color (I can't recall it now, as I was thirteen at the time, haha) and studio fix powder.


Well-known member
Girlie and Star Violet e/s.

My sister had become obsessed with MAC and all her stuff looked so awesome, I just had to try it out.


Well-known member
Paramount lipstick and Mahogany lip liner in college! It was the mid-nineties, and I wore this every day. I'd get it all over my biology books when I fell asleep on them in the library, ha ha ha!

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