What would you do if you saw something like this?


Well-known member
RUN? or Kill it?
Well this boy who is I think 13 years old shot it this giant boar. Pretty scary. If I saw something like this in the woods I would run like there is no tomorrow!


Well-known member
i was about to post this too! the news clipping said he chased it for like 3 hours before he finally killed it, and they're making sausage out of it, which a local butcher says will end up being about 800lbs of edible meat.
the full story http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/25/mon...rss_topstories

RIDICULOUS! LOL i'd probably do this (In this order)
Blink...blink again...rub my eyes...scream...shit myself...turn...run away...look back....scream again....run and piss...have a heart attack....

how in the hell does a pig get that big?! They used to sell baby potbellies at this agricultural fair, and they swore that none of them had ever grown any bigger than 80lbs, and a woman got one and it ended up weighing over 400lbs and was about the size of a donkey. it's nuts!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
i was about to post this too! the news clipping said he chased it for like 3 hours before he finally killed it, and they're making sausage out of it, which a local butcher says will end up being about 800lbs of edible meat.
the full story http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/25/mon...rss_topstories

RIDICULOUS! LOL i'd probably do this (In this order)
Blink...blink again...rub my eyes...scream...shit myself...turn...run away...look back....scream again....run and piss...have a heart attack....

how in the hell does a pig get that big?! They used to sell baby potbellies at this agricultural fair, and they swore that none of them had ever grown any bigger than 80lbs, and a woman got one and it ended up weighing over 400lbs and was about the size of a donkey. it's nuts!!



Well-known member
That is pretty sad he should of just left him alone, I mean if he is not bothering you then why chase him down to kill him...the poor mammoth beast.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
That is pretty sad he should of just left him alone, I mean if he is not bothering you then why chase him down to kill him...the poor mammoth beast.

I'll just say its a southern thing. I don't kill animals, but I was raised around guns, taught gun safety, and have been to a few shooting ranges myself. My father and brother go to a deer lease every year and bring back what they shot. How does that old saying go? "A good hunter always eats what he shoots." Im not really an advocate of killing animals, but I do eat the deer meat when they bring it back home, and its not like they are letting the meat go to waste. The article said that they are sending it to a butcher to be processed. That would be wrong if they didn't, altho I can tell you that older meet tastes more gamey and wild, the reason they don't kill old cows for meat. The kid, being raised in a hunting family prolly just thought of it as a trophy kill, same reason deer hunters go after larger racks.

And if your going to say something about its wrong to kill animals, well I was a vegetarian for a few years, it was hard to deal with my mainly meat eatin family, but other animals eat animals, hence the food chain, and it also has its health benefits( unless you eat the really fatty parts, YUCK!!!).
Besides, some young kid could go into the woods and get attacked by it, not that any good parent would let their kid go unwatched. Wild boar are very mean. Ive known a few guys get chased up trees, and walking around in the woods when I was younger, I was always told to watch out for wild hogs.
Kinda long, but there was a point!


Well-known member
Well I wouldn't chase it down to kill it... I consider the young fellows actions pretty savage... Yay for guns..

"Look pa! Its a big ol pig! Can I kill it?" :spy:


Well-known member
He's 11 years old...he hasn't been taught any differently, so I don't think it's fair to call him a savage. They were in an area of the woods that was a hunting reserve, the animals were there to be hunted. Hunting is a very popular southern tradition, so while it's okay to disagree with the killing of animals, you still have to be a little "sensitive"--for lack of a better word--to a tradition that this boy was raised on. What do you think people did before grocery stores, waited for food to fall onto their plates? If you're against what he did, you must be against farms too, because without them, your food wouldn't get to market, and those animals are specifically raised to be killed and eaten.

And I don't mean to sound cruel, but if that big motherfucker was running around in the woods in my neighborhood, I'd want it dead. Wild boar kill dozens every year, they're very very dangerous animals, and one that big could do some serious damage to someone just walking around.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
That is pretty sad he should of just left him alone, I mean if he is not bothering you then why chase him down to kill him...the poor mammoth beast.

because they DO 'bother' you.
They get crops, they run across the road at night (ever seen what a wild boar does to a car?), they are actually quite the nuisance.
The adage "it's more afraid of you than you are of it" is NOT true. Those things have no qualms with approaching a home, camp, or field training exercise and making their presence known. They'll also defend what they consider their new 'territory' quite aggressively.

Kill it and eat it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
Well I wouldn't chase it down to kill it... I consider the young fellows actions pretty savage... Yay for guns..

"Look pa! Its a big ol pig! Can I kill it?" :spy:

Savage? How? He got rid of a potentially dangerous animal in the area. A boar that size can be quite a threat.


Well-known member
After reading yalls posts, now I am torn. The wheels are spinning in my head with thoughts lol.
I am glad they are going to use the boar for meat...BUT after seeing that monster, I will be avoiding pork for some time :p


Well-known member
Wild boars are mean as shit. They will very quickly hurt or kill you if they feel threatened. One of that size is especially dangerous. That kid is pretty damn stupid. He's lucky the boar didn't win.

For the record, if that thing was coming at me, I would kill it and not feel bad. If that beastie started to run away, I wouldn't chase it. I would probably just sign the cross and go put on some dry knickers.


Well-known member
That thing is IMPRESSIVE! I am so amazed. I think it's a shame that it was killed. Sounds to me like the beast was obviously living in the wilderness not harming anyone. Especially if it lived long enough to get that big and I'm pretty sure if it had been spoted other times there would have been a big hunt for it and it would have been killed long ago. I think it's kind of a shame.
I loved how the little boy said "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big." That cracked me up.
Very intersting story, thanks so much for sharing!


Well-known member
That thing would kill you given half the chance. Wild boars are very aggressive. If you came across that thing and it felt threatened, your only hope would be that the sheer size of it made it slower than you.

800 lbs of sausage. I am willing to bet that a large part of that is donated to a local shelter or food bank. Many food related charities in hunting areas depend on local hunters to help stock their shelves.


Well-known member
Thanks Max Pixie for that article I couldnt find it! I had my bf save me the picture but the article wasnt with it anyways, but its interesting to see such a huge animal and we would have never thought something like that would get that big. Just image what other giants are out there that we havent even seen yet. Especially in the deep deep blue waters eeeekk! scary...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Savage? How? He got rid of a potentially dangerous animal in the area. A boar that size can be quite a threat.

Hmm fair enough.. I just don't like the idea of people shooting any animal for trophys, fun or thrills and I am not a fan of guns especially in the hands of children... They have a right to live and it's not up to a gun enthusiast to take that away. If it was threatening them in some way then sure, they have a right to defend themselves. If they had to chase it down to kill it though, that does not seem very likely... Why not exhaust other options before turning to guns like calling an animal capture service and having it tranquilized and removed from the area?