What's your Biggest MAC Regret?


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the entire Marilyn collection. I honestly cannot understand why I kept sayng "nah, I don't need anything from that collection"


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Gosh the my most recent Mac regret would be not buying a backup or two of Dodgy girl. I called every mac store and counter the day it released and found one counter with a few left and I only got one. I didn't think I would like it but damn I love it!


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Not buying a backup of Daddy's Little Girl from the Archie's Girls collection. It's my absolute favourite.

Also, the Fafi eyeshadow quad.


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Love Goddess from the MM collection & RiRi Heaux. Missed them both !
Those are my big reqrets at least that I remember. That RiRi stuff was hard to get


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I wish I was into makeup when the Marilyn collection came out, although the colours were blah I would of liked to have it for decoration


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My regret is not getting into MAC sooner. I missed out on great collections like Barbie, Heatherette, and Fafi. Those collections are pretty rare now. I also regret not buying Band of Roses. Such a pretty blush that i could have added to my collection. I'm such a blush whore lol


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Not having anything from the Diana Ross collection. Would trade any future collection items to go back in time. Always too late whenever something from DR does pop up. Mountain High Blush as a bday present to myself wud just be awesome!!!!


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I wish I bought something from the Diana Ross collection years ago and the Blooming Lovely lipstick a few summers ago.


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Not getting my hands on anything from the Heatherette collection still bothers me. Why do the best collections always come out when you are super broke?


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Ow, and sometimes I regret not spending on the Gareth Pugh collection. But at the time I was having more make-up then I could ever use so instead of buying the whole MAC collection I dit buy a gorgous Gareth Pugh ring. But every once in a while I keep on thinking about how awsome it would be to have Pugh make-up.