What's your real name? Get to know everyone!


New member
Originally Posted by Tinkee-Belle
Mines Natasha but everyone calls me Tasha. In Russian it means Christmas Child because I was born in December. But no im not Russian lol.

my real name is Natasha and everyone calls me Tasha too lol.
I'm not Russian and I wasn't born in December.. My mom randomly picked my name, haha


Well-known member
nice to meet all of you! my names are:

- Princess in Hebrew
Nelly (hence my screen name) - which is a form of Nell, which is from the medieval phrase mine el, also a form of Helen meaning torch or moon. Also from Greek Mythology
Jeannie - form of the French Jeanne, after Joan of Arc, which in French is Jeanne d'Arc. Also the feminine of John which means God is Gracious.

yes...I have three "first" names along with a last name, and after I get married, I will have five names unless I drop one...or two...:p


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My name is Monique. A lot of people just call me Mo, Momo, Nique, or whatever else they can come up with, lol. I've used the same sn for everything since I was in sixth grade. I don't really know what it's about, lol.

I love my name though x] I'm not sure what it means, but it's fun and I like having it. My mother originally wanted to name me Emily but when I was born, my father said that I would be different and special and needed a more unique name. Monique was what he chose.


Well-known member
My name is Dagmara. It is Latvian and means anything "wonderful soul". I'm Polish and in my language it has no meaning

I always hated my name when I was a kid but now I like it
Many people have a hard time pronouncing it but oh well!

Cool thread btw!


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My name's Casey. It's Irish/Gaelic, not sure on the meaning though. It was my grandma's maiden name.


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My full name is
Bianca is of Italian origin and it means white, pure, fair
Arlene of Irish descent and it means pledge, promise
My last name is Gajón which is french. Hence the bgajon
Everyone who knows me calls me Bianca (I hate nicknames) but here in my country they always confuse it with Blanca which is the Spanidh form of it, I HATE IT!! I've had to change almost every single official document because of people making this mistake.
I'm not italian, nor Irish. I'm from Spaniard-French-Mexican descent.


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I'm Heidi (a very typical name for finnish women of my age). It come's from the old German name Adelheid wich means "noble, noble sort".
My second name is Emilia (the english form of that is Emily), it comes from latin surname Aemilius wich means "Rival".

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
My name is Skylar .... I'm so original and creative with my screen name .... It doesn't mean anything cool... My mom got it from a guy on a soap opera...

It actually has a meaning
The namy Skylar means learned one or scholar.


Well-known member
My name is Jessica...it was one of the most popular names around the time I was born (1989) and means 'Wealthy'. Way to be inventive, parents. My middle name is Marie, which means 'Bitter', so I guess that makes me a a rich bitch? Too bad only the latter is true


Well-known member
Well with my username being NatalieMT I would hope it's slightly obviously my name actual name is Natalie. The MT stands for something completely random, my initials are actually NALC (Natalie Anna Louise then my last name).

I believe my parents chose Natalie because it's the English variant of Nathalie which is a French name and my parents very much like France. Apparently it means 'born on Christmas Day'. But I was born in August so they didn't choose it for the meaning! My middle names Anna and Louise apparently mean grace and fame/war.

I quite like my name anyway - it's not particularly unique or unusual but I think it suits me.


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my name is jbid (i'm very creative with my screenname lol!) and it means smile (noun) in armenian.


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my name is Torrie...i don't know what the meaning is...i just hated it growing up because it's typically a boy's name. so i told people my full name was Victoria (it's all Tori Spelling's fault) but then i turn around and name my daughter Tristen (which i got from Brad Pitt's character in Legends of the Fall), guess misery loves company, lol


Active member
My name is Nicole but my Mommy calls me Nikki and my friends calls me niknacnikki because I am always picking up strays. I have no idea what Nicole mean though.


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My name is Sarah, but on my blog and to most people, I'm known as sarahPUFFY...my friends either call me Puff, Puffy, Sarahpuff...only person that calls me Sarah is my Beau and family, haha.

EDIT: I forgot a name that only Beau calls me...Pookie. =D !!!


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My name is Patricia but everyone calls me Patti. The name Patricia is derived from a term used in ancient times meaning "nobleman" or a member of the upper class. My parents lacked creativity and did not give me a middle name. My last name is Rojo which, if you have ever taken elementary Spanish, you know means "red". I cannot tell you how often, when a stranger learns my last name, I hear "do you know that your last name means the color "red" in Spanish?" I have learned to reply by giving a really surprised look and saying "OMG, thank you so much, I always wondered what it meant!"
Also, if anyone is a fan of any of the "novelas" aka overly-dramatic Spanish soap operas on Univision, you will know that there is a very famous Mexican actress with the same exact name as me, Patricia Rojo. Random, huh.


Active member
hi m name is olga.... yikes! everyone calls me dizzy or diz... cuz i was in an auto accident and was hit in the head really hard....
hehehehe.... ouch! and i have a tbi or traumatic brain injury.... i forget most things now... dont remember much of my life before the crash and am happy almost all the time... i am like a happy giggly teenager only i am 50 wow ... intense... huh?? but i have a good time and good life... i love makeup and thats what i do now!

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