What's your real name? Get to know everyone!


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My name is Rachel which means "little lamb" or "ewe" in Hebrew, but I think little lamb sounds much prettier. :p My middle name is Nicole which is the french, feminine form of Nicholas, a Greek name (Nicholas meaning "victory of the people.")


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My name is Jennifer, but almost everyone calls me Jenny, or close friends call me Jen.

My middle name is Rose. I think my last name is kinda obvious by my screen name


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I was registered Mariana, which is the portuguese (and many other languages) version of Marianne or Marian. It's just Mary + Anne! Mariana can also be related to Mary, mother of Jesus - and all this religious thing.

It's soooo popular here in Brazil. I don't like it, 'cos there's nothing to do with my unique personality.

Anyway, every person seems to call me in crazy different ways they create, such as: Who (my bro), Flor (Flower in portuguese - my mom), Ani (my dad and a few friends), Marie, Mary, Maricota, Marizinha, Maribeau, Mary Poppins, Marijuana (no, I don't smoke pot!), Nana, Mary Crazy (no comments!), M. or the most common nickname for my name Mari. There are more, I can't even remember them all.

I wish my mom would have chosen Flor. It's pretty and can be easily pronouced in other languages.

At least, she dropped Camilla (her first choice) when I've apeeared to her for the first time.

Anyway, I prefer Mari, Ani or Marie.

I don't have a middle name. They'r not really common here in Brazil. Instead, we have our mother's maiden name as second last name.


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My name is Carly..I have no idea where it comes from although google tells me several origins..latin, american, german.


My name is Daniela ... the female version of "Daniel" and it means "God is my judge"

My family is not really religious though...


Well-known member
JoRaye - one word, one name. Pronounced just the way it looks -JOE RAY. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've heard - Jaa Ray, JewRay, JahRay, it boggles my mind. Since this seems to confuse anyone it comes in contact with, I commonly go by Jo, and people call me JoJo.

My birth certificate makes it look like I've had any actual name change, since I was born Jo Raye (Raye as my middle name) and it had to be changed.

Since there's like 8 of us in the world, you can't find name meanings, and I don't like the ones for Joe and Ray.

Where it came from?
Granpap on mom's side: Joe
Granpap on dad's side: Ray
Dad's middle name: Ray

There ya go.

When I get married and change my name, my friends want me to adopt of a middle name of Raye, so they can call me "JoRaye-RAYE!"


Well-known member
love this thread

my name is Zehava. people who pronounce it correctly the first time get secret brownie points in my mind. Z'-haw-vah. not Zehayvah. nor Zahara or Zehayvia. please don't call me Zee unless i invite you to. and don't call me Zed because that's the proper Canadian pronunciation of the letter. hate that!

it's hebrew. it means golden.

i love my first name
it suits me very well.


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First Name- Shika ( Japanese= deer)
Middle Name- Shamette ( no clue, named after my mom's best friend)

If anyone has another meaning for my name based on their culture or language please share!


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my name is Jacqueline, meaning guardian of light. my mom named me after jacqueline onassis/kennedy. no one really calls me jacqueline, in real life everyone calls me jackie, but my online identity is Jaclyn Rose (Rose is not even my middle name)


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My real name is Elita - it means Choosen or Exlated One - my father liked the way it sounded , it fits really well with my middle names


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My name is Nora (sometimes people spell/pronounce it as Noora). I am not sure what it means in English but in Arabic it's a type of flower

English meaning:
The girl's name Nora \n(o)-ra\ is pronounced NOR-ah. It is of English origin. Short form Eleanora (Greek) "light", Honora (Latin) "woman of honor", and Leonora. Also used as an independent name. In Scotland, Nora is often used as a feminine form of Norman. Nora is the heroine of Ibsen's "A Doll's House". Writer Nora Ephron; pop singer Norah Jones.
Nora has 8 variant forms: Lanora, Nonie, Noora, Norah, Norella, Norelle, Norissa and Norry.


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My name is Tahti... (TAHH-tee) It's Finnish. The pronunciation of it is continually butchered ;/ (Tottee, tatty, et cetera)


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I'm Jenny...and apparently i'm a female donkey


[*]The female of certain animals, especially the donkey and the wren.


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My name is Hannah, meaning 'favored grace'. It is of Hebrew origin.
I love my palindrome name!

Hannah in the Bible was the mother of Samuel.

All of my siblings also have Bible names!

My middle name - which I won't mention for privacy reasons - is my maternal grandma's first name. I love her. RIP.

BTW... you can figure out my username now... some friends call me "Hanner"...
backwards, it's Rennah!


Well-known member
ooh la la! I love your guys' names.

On paper, I'm Sarah Elizabeth. Buuut:

-To the Russky side of my family it's Cerafima (Serafima...Easier to spell in cyrillic...) which is basically a firey angel. Purty!
-To the Italian side of my family it's more like Sera, as in, evening.
-To my teacher and anyone in ballet it's Sarinka, which is the diminutive of Sarah.

My middle name is my mom's first name, which is actually Elisabetta, but we anglicized it since everyone anglicized hers anyway.

Annnd my last name is a really standard name amongst Russian Jews.


Well-known member
LOL has anyone else looked up their name of urbandictionary? xD
Some of the results are hilarious!


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My name is Mical, which was David's wife in the bible. I'm jewish and it's a pretty common name here in IL. She was kind of a bitch thought LOL
My family name means dawn :)

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