What's your real name? Get to know everyone!


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My name is Van. And no, it doesn't mean a vehicle to me. In Sino-Vietnamese (an accient Vietnamese language, but people use it for names a lot), it means cloud. Combined with my middle name, it means cloud in the ocean. I absolutely love my name. It suits me well because I love the ocean and I love blues. But I'm thinking about having people call me Vanessa after college graduation because it's really annoying when some inconsiderate people keep calling me VAN (the English pronunciation) no matter how many times I tell them the correct Vietnamese pronunciation (it kinda sounds like Von or the German pronunciation of Van)


Well-known member
My name is Raynelle (couldn't think of a better screen name) Sheila Maria Mascarenhas.
Raynelle is half my mum's name, Rochelle, and half my dad's name, Raymond. My second name was my grandmother's and Maria is for Mother Mary. My last name is Portuguese and is a name of a town in Portugal.


Well-known member
Mercedes Lucille-my mom named me after a girl in her high school but yes its just like the car which was named after the engineer's daughter (from what i was told) and its origin is Spanish (i had a Spanish teacher give me the history of my name everyday of my senior year) and its meaning is mercy (which my grandparents call me). lucille is for my aunt who passed a few months after my birth. it took me a long time to appreciate the name but now i do and get a little defensive when people question it or make fun of it.


Well-known member
I'm George, actually. But I'm most definitely a girl. (Just in case you were thinking George = Boy)
Long and old story involving a friend having issues remembering my birth name and so deciding my nickname would now be "George".
5 years later everyone from co-workers, to family, to my fiance, to my professors and friends calls me George.


Well-known member
My real name is Natasha or Tasha. I work with preschoolers and I received the name Ms.Matashi from one of my students.


Well-known member
my name is breanna.
no one can pronounce it correctly. it is BRE-ANNA. not BRE-AWNA-.
i think it means strong or something lame like that.


Well-known member
james. it means supplanter:

1: to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery
2 a (1)obsolete : uproot (2): to eradicate and supply a substitute for <efforts to supplant the vernacular> b: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anjelik_dreamin
My name is Jessica...it was one of the most popular names around the time I was born (1989) and means 'Wealthy'. Way to be inventive, parents. My middle name is Marie, which means 'Bitter', so I guess that makes me a a rich bitch? Too bad only the latter is true

LOL, OMG my name is also Jessica Marie...how funny so that means I am a rich bitch
..ahahaa...I know that my mom named me after one of her soap operas that she would watch. And I was born in 1979


Well-known member
Hi all! My real name is Kathryn but I go by Katie which I believe means "pure". Boy is that not true! Just kidding!


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My name is Jamie. It just seems to be the female form of James, or something to do with love. I've never liked my name for some reason, haha.


Well-known member
My name is Patricia but I like to be called Patty.

When I was younger I wanted to change my name to April, Victoria, or Valerie. hahaha...

Patricia means noble woman.


New member
I'm named after a flower. My mother is obsessed with plants so she named me Heather, a shrub with purplish flowers.

For the most part my friends and family call me Head.


Well-known member
My name is Samantha (yuck), and I go by Sammi. It's supposedly Hebrew for "listener" or, "she who listens." How appropriate. Middle name is Lee-Ann, which is my mother's middle name and her best friend's middle name put together. When they were six they decided that whoever had the first daughter would give her the middle name Lee-Ann, and that just so happened to be me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Karin - it means Pure.

Since everyone's adding middle names, I'll tack mine on, too: it's Elizabeth and it's of Hebrew origin meaning My God is a Vow.

My surname is of English origin and my married name is Sicilian.


Well-known member
My name is Lisa, origin is English and it means 'God is my oath'
My middle name is Jane, origin is English again and it means 'God is gracious'

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